Robert Carter
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: several AJAX features on post edit screen not workingSOLVED: Autofocus plus theme was the source of the problem. Fix here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: several AJAX features on post edit screen not workinghave similar problems. Did a manual upgrade from 3.0.4 to 3.1 and lots of AJAX stuff is not working.
*The hide/show arrow on the left side panel for Post, Media, Links etc in the admin area does not work any more.
*The ajax panels on the dashboard no longer load
*Other ajax features such as Create Link icon in the editor fail to load (screen is greyed, but panel never appears)Have tested from Firefox 3.6.3 and Chrone 9.0.597.102 beta. Mac OS 10.5.8.
I’m getting an error from load-scripts.js, which is minified so it’s hard to say what it’s doing:
a.attributes is null,utils,editor&ver=151e6df801b09d30f43e1a8f2114dea7
Line 5555b.specified?b.value:Va.test(a.nodeName)||Wa.test(a.nodeName)&&a.href?0:B;return a[b]}if(!"style"){if(f)""+d;return}f&&a.setAttribute(b,""+d);if(!a.attributes[b]&&a.hasAttribute&&!a.hasAttribute(b))return B;a=!,2):a.getAttribute(b);return a===null?B:a}});var X=/\.(.*)$/,ia=/^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,La=/\./g,Ma=/ /g,Xa=/[^\w\s.|
]/g,Ya=function(a){return a.replace(Xa,”\\$&”)},ua={focusin:0,focusout:0};`Rob
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite with domain mapper and SSLHey Nathan, your plugin works great! A much more generic solution than matching links in the content. I will contact Donncha O Caoimh – the author of domain mapper and point him to this thread. Perhaps he can add this function into domain mapper.
The only remaining issue is the one I mentioned before. When you click the link
<- Back to All about fish
On a page like this:
You go to – so you still get a cert error in this case.
Anyone know a filter hook to take care of that one?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite with domain mapper and SSLThanks Mark, will test and report back.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite with domain mapper and SSLJust created a Trac ticket.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite with domain mapper and SSLThanks for your confirmation of this issue Nathan. In the meantime I made a small plugin that modifies the admin links to point to the correct domain.
<?php /* Plugin Name: Better Admin Links Description: Makes admin links go to the WP multisite domain when using domain mapping and HTTPS Author: Robert Carter Version: 0.1 */ function fix_domain( $link ) { $opt = get_alloptions(); $siteurl = $opt['siteurl']; preg_match('|(http[s]?://.+?/)|', $link, $m); $mappedurl = $m[1]; $html = str_replace($mappedurl, $siteurl, $link); return $html; } add_filter('edit_post_link', 'fix_domain'); add_filter('get_edit_post_link', 'fix_domain'); add_filter('edit_comment_link', 'fix_domain'); add_filter('edit_bookmark_link', 'fix_domain'); add_filter('edit_tag_link', 'fix_domain'); //add_filter('loginout', 'fix_domain'); //add_filter('register', 'fix_domain'); ?>
If anyone can tell me how to modify the top-left link on the wordpress login page (_back to MySite_), that would help.