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  • Thread Starter Robert


    Do as the error tells you to do, add the line

    //SharDB Settings

    To your wp-config.php

    Thread Starter Robert


    I see Instagram is saying that it’s not possible to get apps that only showcase content in a widget approved, and that they should work in sandbox mode. If they are not working, then the author needs to make changes. Any chance to take a look?



    I have the same issue I tried re-saving and it worked for one post-type, but for the other I get a warning saying “It is not recommended to have same plural and singular name for a Post Type. Please use a different name for the singular and plural names.” after ignoring the warning it does not seem to save the post-type, and any changes I make remain unsaved.

    I did some further digging, this error seems to hide any other error messages, so it seems to save the page, but due to other errors it does not save the page and does not display an error message.

    I got it to work by adding the category to the wpcf-custom-types and wpcf-custom-taxonomies options serialized data directly in the wp_options table in the database



    The plugin seems to lag on all pages that it is used because your server is down. Why does the plugin need to contact your server to work?

    Please don’t use the excuse that dot.png is needed for loading .js or keeping the .js up to date without updating the plugin.



    I have the exact same issue on my install, all blogs had been set to archived.

    I had to run

    on my database, seems to be working now, but I am a bit afraid to run the
    wp-admin/network/upgrade.php script…



    I also have this bug, a fix would be great ??



    Yeah, I just got this email too. Will there be an update?



    I have the exact same problem, no matter what I do, posts won’t expire.



    I have the same problem.



    I want to do this to, any luck to get it working?



    Thanks a lot! Been puling out my hair for a couple of hours now…



    I made it work

    Although it requires a lot of file editing. I will add my changes below, it works for me.

    Make the script load post from correct category:



    var isFirstFrontPage = <?php echo $page_options['is_first_front_page'] ?>;
    var isFrontPage = <?php echo $page_options['is_front_page'] ?>;

    Replace with

    var isFirstFrontPage = <?php echo 1 //$page_options['is_first_front_page'] ?>;
    var isFrontPage = <?php echo 1 //$page_options['is_front_page'] ?>;
    var thecategoryid = <?php 
    		$category11 = get_the_category();
    		echo $category11[0]->cat_ID;
    		echo "false";

    Correct js category query, around line 107

    var queryString = ajaxUrl +'&action=get_latest_posts&load_time=' + pageLoadTime + '&frontpage=' + isFirstFrontPage+ '&thecategoryid=' + thecategoryid;

    Correct database query
    Replace function get_latest_posts()

    function get_latest_posts() {
    		$load_time = $_GET['load_time'];
    		$frontpage = $_GET['frontpage'];
    		$thecategoryidunsafe = $_GET['thecategoryid'];
    		$thecategoryid = filter_var($thecategoryidunsafe, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
    		if (is_numeric ($thecategoryid )){
    		$catquer = "&cat=$thecategoryid";
    		$num_posts = 10; // max amount of posts to load
    		$number_of_new_posts = 0;
    		query_posts('showposts=' . $num_posts . '&post_status=publish'.$catquer);
    		while (have_posts()) : the_post();
    		    $current_user_id = get_the_author_meta( 'ID' );
    			if ( get_gmt_from_date( get_the_time( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ) <=  $load_time ) continue;
    			$post_request_ajax = true;
    			require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../entry.php';
    	   	$posts_html = ob_get_clean();
    	    if ( $number_of_new_posts != 0 ) {
    	    	echo json_encode( array(
    				'numberofnewposts' => $number_of_new_posts,
    				'html' => $posts_html,
    				'lastposttime' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')
    			) );
    		} else {
    			header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");

    I also need multiple categories per post, the p2-theme does not do this out of the box.

    Make the postform post “post_cat” in this format: “cat1,cat2,cat3” That’s easy so I wont write that here.

    Then you need to make the p2-theme support multiple categories per post.


    My solution:

    	/*	$accepted_post_cats = apply_filters( 'p2_accepted_post_cats', array( 'post', 'quote', 'status', 'link' ) );
    		$post_cat = ( in_array( $_POST['post_cat'], $accepted_post_cats ) ) ? $_POST['post_cat'] : 'post'; */
    		$post_cat = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'post_cat' , FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
    		$post_cat = explode(",",$post_cat);
    		$catids = array();
    		foreach($post_cat as $singlecat){
      		if ( !category_exists( $singlecat ) )
    			wp_insert_category( array( 'cat_name' => $singlecat ) );
          $singlecat = get_category_by_slug( $singlecat );
    		/* Add the quote citation to the content if it exists */
    		if ( !empty( $_POST['post_citation'] ) && 'quote' == $post_cat->slug ) {
    			$post_content = '<p>' . $post_content . '</p><cite>' . $_POST['post_citation'] . '</cite>';
    		$post_id = wp_insert_post( array(
    			'post_author'	=> $user_id,
    			'post_title'	=> $post_title,
    			'post_content'	=> $post_content,
    			'post_type'	=> $post_type,
    			'post_category' => $catids,

    I think that’s all, good luck!



    Wow, just what I was looking for! Thanks for sharing ??

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