Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Gradient overlay and tweaking start and end %Hi @cwarrent!
We don’t have an option for that, but you could use a custom CSS like this:
#n2-ss-70 .n2-ss-slide-background-color { background: linear-gradient(to bottom, RGBA(255,0,0,1) 0%, RGBA(53,124,189,1) 20%) !important; }
Where 70 should be replaced by the ID of you slider:
and adjust the colors and percentages as needed.Also, please note that we cannot provide support for custom coding, so if you need further modifications, that needs to be written by you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nextend Social Login and Register] account chooserHi @the1first!
Yes, here is what you should do:
First, go to the Provider Settings and enable “Select account on each login” option. Then, the user can just go to the profile page, and click “Unlink account from Google” button, then they can again click on this button which now should say “Link account with Google”. The Google Account select prompt should be displayed a this point, and they could log in with a different Google account, which when is done will be linked to the WordPress account.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nextend Social Login and Register] BuddyBoss integration?Hi @chrishechler!
We don’t have an integration for BuddyBoss, only for BuddyPress (which is the base of BuddyBoss), but only in the Pro Addon.
If you are interested about that, then please contact us through our support form instead:
As per the forum guidelines:
we can only provide support for the Free plugin.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] countdown timer, option to repeat?Hi @shev72!
I am sorry but there is no option for that. Also, please note that the Countdown Layer is only available in the Pro version, so if you have further questions about it, or any other Pro related topics or feature requests, then please rather contact us through our form: per the forum guidelines:
we can only provide support for the Free plugin.You can get everything working in the Free version just fine, as the providers you want to use are all available in the Free plugin, it just takes a bit more effort to make them show up in custom forms. We can only provide more information about our commercial product through our form:
as the forum prohibits promotion of such:
So if you are interested in that, please get in touch with us there.Hi @inorena!
I checked your site, and the problem appears to be that the buttons you have on your front page are from your theme, and not from Nextend Social Login. The login on the wp-login page works perfectly fine, as that is indeed from Nextend Social Login, and you set it up correctly, so that’s why you got a “Works Fine – Enabled” message in the backend, and that’s why it does work on the wp-login page.
By default we are only displaying the buttons in places where the wp_login_form action was used to create the login form. When the login form is customized, the hooks which are used to call in other codes aren’t existing, so in that case you could use the shortcode of the buttons: the Pro Addon we have an option to display our buttons automatically in forms that we have integration for. If you are interested in this, then please contact us through our ticket system:
as due to the forum guidelines we can only provide support for the Free version.As for the buttons from your theme, you should probably disable those, perhaps contact the theme developers if you can’t seem to find the option.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Multiple YouTube Videos, Single TextHi @toad78!
YouTube videos aren’t particularly fit for background videos, as when the video starts the YouTube branding overlays are there, and there is no option to remove these. If you want to use a video as a background video, then you will need the Pro version and .mp4 videos, but note that on this forum we can only provide support for the free version, so if you have the Pro or you have questions regarding Pro features, then please contact us through our form: you insist on using YouTube videos, then:
A.) Why not upload a video to YouTube where all 3 videos are present already? Then if you select this for the YouTube layer, enable the “Loop” option as well, so the video can replay when it’s done. Like this you would avoid many problems, and the overlays between the videos when they would change.B.) If you don’t want to upload a video of your own, then you could collect the needed videos into a public playlist, then set the first index of that playlist to be the source in the YouTube layer, this way once the first video is over, the next would play, but this has the above mentioned problems, and probably wouldn’t be able to loop either.
C.) All of this could work with your current setup as well (so the 3 slides which contain the YouTube videos + 1 Static overlay which has the text). In your case the problem is that it you have Autoplay enabled. You do not need this as “When Ended – Go to next slide” will automatically switch to the next slide when the video is over, so you should disable the Autoplay at the Slider Settings > Autoplay tab:
Additionally, the Main animation is probably too long, so possibly that is the cause for the 3 second delay. You could try setting the Main animation to “No animation”:
Like this the other slide would appear instantly (but of course it still takes time for YouTube to start the video, which is something you cannot do anything about)But again, if you want to achieve the effect of 1 video, then the easiest would be to make 1 video, so solution A.) would be the best and easiest in my opinion.
Hi @prodigee!
I believe the problem comes from the fact that we can make calculations in two cases to determine what should be where. The first is when the slider is first displayed, or when the browser is resized. In your case, since the slider is animated in, it is already displayed before the container can reach its full width. So here is what you can do:
1. You could use this JavaScript code:
at the JavaScript callbacks:
And as you will see in the documentation, make sure to replace 10 in n2-ss-10 with the ID of your slider: will recalculate the slider size/positioning after a 300ms delay.
2. You could try using the iframe shortcode:
This publishes the slider differently, and could work better in popups.If neither of these helped, please contact us through our form: @d88pak!
On mobiles and tablets in WebView we have to hide Google and Facebook login buttons, because these providers are not allowing possibly not-secure browsers to use their applications. You can read about this here if you would like to:
WebView means, that you are using an application to open up a page, for example if you enter Gmail to check your emails and click on a link, Gmail’s application will open up that link and not for example Chrome. Are you checking your website through a normal browser, like Chrome, Firefox or Safari?If that is the case, then please contact us through our ticket system:
in which please include a link to your website.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Slider on all pagesHi @lfrsergey!
Where you can put any content (slider or anything else) on your site depends on your theme. What you can check first is the Widget publish:
Usually widgets are displayed on many, or all pages. If you wouldn’t have a widget position that is good for you, then first you should check the child theme list in our documentation:
whether you can find your theme. If you found it, follow that documentation, which will usually put the slider underneath the theme’s menu.If you can’t find it there, I can recommend 2 options:
1.) Get in touch with the developers of the theme. They know their code better, and they should be able to tell you what options they give in their theme, and could let you know the best option.
2.) Use PHP code:
to put a slider shortcode into a file (or child theme) of your theme.But please note we do not provide support for custom coding, so for child themes or modifying PHP code of your theme will require some developer knowledge.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Images are not displayed in the sliderHi @prakasharbadev!
The problem on your site is that the images do not load from your domain, but from an IP address like this: is a common issue what you see here:
that in the wp-config.php of the website, this value is used:$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
to specify the value of a constant containing a URL. $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] does not always contain the URL of your website, so make sure it is not used in your wp-config.php file. Also, if there is another $_SERVER variable in the wp-config.php file, replace it with a real value.
In case you don’t have such variables in the wp-config.php file, then from our side, the code never changes, so problems that appear after some time are caused by some sort of cache, cache plugin or server cache. In your case it is probably a server cache issue, so in this case I would recommend getting in touch with your server host, and ask them to help you out with this.
Hi @ilgrizly!
You can find all of Smart Slider’s CSS and JS files in this folder:
- \wp-content\plugins\smart-slider-3\
so you would need to exclude those. Depending on the settings, different files are called in, so everything from that folder should be excluded
If you need to exclude inline JavaScript code, then include this keyword:
because all of our inline js code contains this.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Slider displaying multiple images at once?Hi @michalrama!
Yes it is possible, you could make slider like that with the Carousel slider type:
as you can see here for example:
but this slider type is only available in the Pro version.If you are interested in that, then please contact us through our ticket system:
as on this forum we cannot provide support for commercial products.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Lazy Loading not availableHi @wooassist!
That is correct, it is only available in the Pro version.
Please note that we can’t provide support for commercial products on this forum, so if you interested in the Lazy Loading feature, please rather contact us through our support form: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] How to set height based on width to maintain aspect ratio?Hi @michalrama!
The slider becomes smaller when its edge reaches the edge of the browser. So, on a large monitor, the slider is 1290*600px, but if you look at it in a 645px wide browser, it will be 300px high, this is how we keep the aspect ratio.
If you position the slider arrows in the area outside the slider, then on the slider settings -> General tab:
you can use the Padding value to make an area for it.However, this will make the slider smaller than where you place it, since the padding will also be inside the container. You don’t really need the JavaScript code either, just use Boxed layout instead:
with Upscale – off. Like so, the width of the slider will be a maximum of Slider size – width:, again in the General settings:
use the “Align” option to center the slider.This way, you can specify the width of the slider as you want and you can also include padding.
And the “Hide on” setting for the Arrow:
hides it on mobile by default, so turn it off. - \wp-content\plugins\smart-slider-3\