Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Responsive Sliders Not WorkingHi @karuna1!
If I see correctly, you are using the Editorskit page builder to hide/show the sliders in different views. Is this the feature that does not work after updating?
In the code, it seems that Editorskit adds classes to the Gutenberg elements so that this device-specific hiding happens, and I read that Gutenberg is the basis of this plugin. In one of the previous versions of WordPress, there was a Gutenberg bug, due to which we had to rewrite our code to display our sliders in all themes. As a result, we no longer render the sliders using the code provided by Gutenberg, but directly with our own code. Because of this, I think that the element that Gutenberg would make has disappeared, and because of this, Editorskit device-specific hiding does not work either. You should use the code recommended by our documentation instead:
then like this the hide/show behavior of the sliders will work.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Triggering to a particular sliderHi @sidhharth1202!
To achieve that, you could add an alias to your slider, then use this alias to switch to the needed slider/slide.
You can find our guide on this here: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Conflict with WP Grid BuilderHi @cosm44!
We have replied to you twice, once from our ticket system in 1 hour (Jun 2, 18:05), and again from my own email address on Jun 6 15:21 after you contacted us again that you have not received our reply.
So I suspect that you did not get our emails because of some filtering, or they ended up in your spam or promotions folder, and you forgot to check those.
Either way, I need you to whitelist our support email:
[email protected]
otherwise you will not get our replies.However please note that, on this forum we are not allowed to discuss topics connected to Smart Slider 3 Pro as per the official Forum guidelines:
But anyway, we don’t do the filtering by WP Grid Builder, so you have to debug it in the WP Grid Builder codes, so please contact them with this problem.
But I suspect an output buffering conflict, since:
- if I disabled Smart Slider 3 Pro, and I try the filtering on the linked page like that, then the AJAX response returns an object with the facets data – see image:
- however if I enable Smart Slider 3 Pro in your plugins list, and I try the filtering like that, then the response will contain rather the HTML of the page: – see image:
If they are interested, they can find our output buffer specific codes in these files (note these are the folders in the Free version, since as I mentioned above we can not provide support for the Pro version on this forum because of the forum guidelines ):
- wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/Nextend/WordPress/OutputBuffer.php
- wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/Nextend/Framework/WordPress/AssetInjector.php
If you have further questions, either write from another email where there is no such blocking, or whitelist our support email address as suggested.
Hi @sophiating2!
Are using WPML? If so, try adding the dynamic slide to your Spanish slider like this:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Background images on new slides not loadingHi @tonimerc!
Upon further inspection it seems like the issue might be related to Jetpack Site Accelerator:
which generates URLs like that.You should disable our “JetPack Photon Image Optimizer” option on the Optimize tab:
and then the images would no longer come from the 400 error Jetpack URL, but from your page instead.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Background images on new slides not loadingHi @tonimerc!
I am still seeing the same problem as before. I can also see you are using WP Rocket that caches your site. Have you cleared all cache on your site? If not then the old HTML of it will be shown still. Make sure to clear all cache on your site, including server cache if you have it, and that should solve the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Background images on new slides not loadingHi @tonimerc!
The problem is caused by Jetpack. It tries to load your images from your own domain, e.g.:
but they don’t exist there, because something is broken with them with the image upload. These images exist on your own server:
so we advise you to turn off Jetpack image optimizations:
and then your pictures will be fine afterwards.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Error on the administratorHi @codigovisual!
If I see correctly the error points to the “double quotation mark” character.
This error happens when you try to use the ” character in environments enclosed in double quotation marks without escaping that character.However, I can’t reproduce this problem, so I assume that something modifies the contents of the file when writing it out, probably the single quotation mark characters ( ‘ ) are being replaced by double quotation mark characters (“) in some cases, or vice versa.
So what you should try is:
Click on the “smartslider-backend.min.js” link, it will show the contents of the file in the browser and the part where the error points to, then compare that code part with the code part in the original file. You can find that file on your FTP here:- wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/Public/SmartSlider3/Application/Admin/Assets/dist/smartslider-backend.min.js
If you can’t seem to be able to do that, contact us directly via the ticket system:
and we will look at this problem on your site ourselves.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nextend Social Login and Register] Facebook avatar not show in buddybossIf we were to load images directly like that, the given provider would set tracking cookies on your page to the user, which is a GDPR problem already. To avoid this, Nextend Social Login does not load any content from external sites.
Besides this, storing external avatar links is not an optimal solution, as it could cause 404 errors, for example it is enough that:
- the user changes their avatar / deletes their old picture
- it is possible that for a given provider, the avatar is a dynamically generated URL which does not point to the original URL, so after some time this link would not work
We will not request the avatar URL every time, because we only have a connection with the provider’s API during registration/login.
This is why we store the images locally. Of course, if you prefer you could store the URLs in a user meta field with custom coding. For example, with a function which you hook to “nsl_register_new_user” or “nsl_login” depending on where you want it to run, then from the provider you could get the avatarURL with the getAuthUserData() method and “picture” key. You can find more information about this in our developer docs:
and then you could overwrite the avatars with this user meta.
However, keep in mind that we cannot provide support for neither custom coding, nor for GDPR problems.Gravatar on the other hand is a little different. It is a WordPress default feature and it is part of the Privacy Policy that is automatically generated by WordPress. If you disable the avatar storing (Nextend Social Login > Global Settings > Privacy > Store – Avatar ) then your site will no longer store the social media avatars, and instead would use Gravatar instead (Of course this could be overwritten by other plugins)
Hi @nicmare!
I was unable to reproduce this problem on my local test site with full error reporting.
We set the “expires_in” key in the $access_token_data array with the default value of “-1”, and later the access token extracted from the response received from Facebook should also contain this in the case of both the normal:
and long-lived access token too: this “expires_in” key should be set in any case, yet your error message says that there is no such key in the array for some reason.
I believe some third party Facebook integration plugin/theme may cause the problem. Do you still see those warnings if: you turn off all plugins (including Must-use and Drop-In plugins) and use a WordPress default theme, e.g.: Twenty Twenty-One?
If not, start turning them on one by one, then look at the login each time, and when the PHP warning comes up again, you’ve found the plugin that has something to do with the problem.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nextend Social Login and Register] Facebook avatar not show in buddybossHi @jaylee08!
Our policy is that for whatever we have support for, is always for the latest version of that plugin. Our integration is for BuddyPress, and BudyBoss uses an outdated BuddyPress version and we have no interest in making integration for outdated plugins.
Note: Please keep in mind that we can not provide support for custom coding, but as a temporary solution what I can give you is a custom plugin that we created some time ago. But please note that we have no support for this custom plugin whatsoever. What this plugin does is that it will use the old xprofile_avatar_upload_dir() function to store the user’s avatar on registration.
If this solution is fine for you, then you can find the plugin installer here:To install it, you need to download this .zip file, then go to your Plugins list > Add new > Upload plugin and select this .zip file.
The custom plugin won’t make any difference for the existing users. The avatars will be stored only for the new registrations. Once BuddyBoss updates their integration with the new BuddyPress codes, you will no longer need this custom plugin to store the avatars, so you can remove it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Re : FirefoxHi @sourds29!
I checked your page in Firefox, and the slider loads fine for me, so it is possible that it is probably related to your Firefox. I can also see cache on your page, which often causes issues too, so I suggest following these steps:
1. Disable all Cache/Optimization plugins. I can see WP Rocket, and BS Booster in the code too.
2. Make sure to update and have the latest version of Firefox
3. Check your page in incognito mode (by default extensions don’t work in incognito mode, so you can find out if one is causing the issue or not)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nextend Social Login and Register] It Didn’t Display on the Login PageHi @chuwen!
I am glad to hear that it is working now!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Unable to remove default text on smart slidsHi @sanumolu5!
What you see there is called the “Text Bar” control:
which is able to show the slide title. In your case the problem is that you have not given an unique Slide Title:
and that is way this “Slide” text is shown there instead.If you want to disable it then you can go to the Slider settings > Controls > Text Bar and turn the switch off there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nextend Social Login and Register] It Didn’t Display on the Login PageHi @chuwen!
Both forms are custom forms, which are probably made by your theme, and we do not have integration for them. By default, the Free version of the plugin only displays the buttons in the WordPress default login and register forms, so by default the buttons should not appear in any of the forms.
Our button only appears in the register form because that form probably uses one of the actions used by the WordPress default login or register form, but it seems that the login form does not.
If you want to show the button in your login form as well then you have 2 options:
A.) If you are able to edit the contents of the form, you could try using our shortcode:
B.) Check the source code of the form if it has a login form specific action. If that’s the case, then you could hook a function there where you render the buttons with PHP code: