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  • Thread Starter robertpolson


    Thank you samateo,

    It was Yoast plugin. I had to change:

    %%title%% %%page%% %%sep%%


    %%title%% %%page%%

    Thread Starter robertpolson


    Can you please be more specific? I can’t figure out which part of the header do I need to change to remove the “-” after the title of the post.

     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Fast_Blog_Theme
     * @since Fast Blog 1.0
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            'templateDirectory' => get_bloginfo( 'template_directory' ),
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                <p id="tagline"><?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?></p>
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              <?php wp_nav_menu( array
                'theme_location' => 'nav-menu-main',
                'container' => '',
                'menu_class' => '',
                'fallback_cb' => create_function( '', 'fastblog_nav_menu("'.fastblog_get_option( 'menu/content/main' ).'");' )
              ) ); ?>
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            <div class="line full"></div>
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            <div id="main" class="container">
    Thread Starter robertpolson


    From the title. If you open that page and look at the title, you will see ” – ” at the end of it. The same will be visible in Google search results.

    Thread Starter robertpolson


    Thank you Christine.

    Thread Starter robertpolson


    Thank you Christine.

    Thread Starter robertpolson


    Thanks, but the correct solution was to change

    /* other */

    margin: .6em 0 .3em;
    line-height: 150%;

    Changing line-height worked.

    Thread Starter robertpolson


    Pastebin code for the above –

    @spiritualight Thank you! That worked. Better read the instructions next time.

    Thread Starter robertpolson


    Fixed my own problem.

    I went into index.php and copied the author code from there into single post php

    This is what I added and it worked:

    <div class="post-header">
               <p class="post-date">
                <span class="month"><?php the_time(__('M','arclite')); ?></span>
                <span class="day"><?php the_time(__('j','arclite')); ?></span>
               <p class="post-author">
                <span class="info"><?php printf(__('Posted by %s in %s','arclite'),'<a href="'. get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_ID()) .'" title="'. sprintf(__("Posts by %s","arclite"), attribute_escape(get_the_author())).' ">'. get_the_author() .'</a>',get_the_category_list(', '));?>
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