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  • Thread Starter Robert


    Ticket resolved….see above.

    Thread Starter Robert


    Hey CS – now THAT looks like something I’ll need a developer for! lol

    The vendor, on their website, claims to have a widget…couldn’t find it so I wrote them…hopefully that will be the simplest.


    Thread Starter Robert


    I wasn’t aware that everything had to be a WordPress issue – I thought you could ask questions regarding how to do things within, or using, WordPress…?

    Anyhow there wasn’t any documentation at the source just the examples that I posted.

    As it turns out though, this is something that seems to concern WordPress as there’s quite a few plugins that actually retrieve, format, and post data from url’s exactly like I posted under “Resource URL”.

    So all anyone has to do to implement this “get method” – who’s not a Linux box or unfamiliar with setting up a command line/cron arrangement – is get a plugin!

    I tried a few and “JSON API” works perfectly and is simple – no developer needed, not even an unexperienced one ??

    Thread Starter Robert


    Started from scratch and everything worked!

    And then I decided to go with a sub-directory rather than sub-domain…lol

    Thread Starter Robert


    FINALLY! ??

    Here is a great plugin that does just what I needed…and works great with Multi Importer!

    Thank you!

    I also found a great plugin for images that works great with RSS Multi Importer:

    Hello Sirsaleabd!

    Can you tell me which plugin you found that pulls the images?


    Thread Starter Robert


    I tried the theme forums but as this isn’t a theme issue, or something that can be done through the theme but rather customization, it was suggested I use Firebug and just edit the code.

    All I’m looking for here is where is the code?

    I guess I could try a Firebug forum…thanks.

    Thread Starter Robert


    Hey Alchymyth!
    I’m using The7.

    As for structure, I can usually muddle my way through most issues, that is once I find
    where the code is.

    Thanks for the quick reply!

    Thread Starter Robert


    Forgot to close… ??

    Thread Starter Robert


    Thanks Rasto!

    Thread Starter Robert


    Worked perfectly!!!

    That’s great…thank you so much!

    Yes, now that I see it all I may be able to understand it better when I read about it ??

    Appreciate all your help!

    Thread Starter Robert


    That’s what I always thought…lol

    There is mention of a “post-id #” but when I go into posts and search for it – nothing comes up. And, like I said, I want the menu removed from all the ticket details page – so even removing from one post, if I could find it!, I’m not sure that would do it.

    Here’s the snippet:
    <body class=”single single-tickets postid-22510 logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support image-blur boxed-layout btn-ios wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-4.3.4 vc_responsive”>’

    And, if you’d like to login as the user and see the page – and the entire page source –

    Login with:

    Then click on the “title” of the ticket….then you’ll be in the “details” page – the page I want to remove the menu from.

    Thanks again for all your time!

    Thread Starter Robert


    Thanks for all your information and help!

    I think this is going to beyond me ??

    Part of the problem is it is not a “single page” – it’s not a page at all. If it were a page
    I could just edit that page.

    When a customer visits the site and opens a help desk ticket and then click on the ticket details it brings them to a url “” –
    and I think this is fed/created directly from the db as I can’t find any posts/pages that correspond to a particular ticket.

    But whatever is going on – each time a user clicks on “ticket details” to view their ticket, it has a unique url ending with the whatever the user put in the subject line of their ticket.

    I appreciate your help but I think I’ll just leave the menu there for now…lol…it seems a little beyond me at this point – I’m just an infrastructure guy ??

    Thread Starter Robert


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I’m not sure of the semantics – but looking at it in Firebug it’s the main-nav menu.

    So changing it with CSS wouldn’t impact the menu’s availability on other pages?

    Here’s the header:

     * The Header for our theme.
     * Displays all of the <head> section and everything up till <div class="wf-container wf-clearfix">
     * @package presscore
     * @since presscore 0.1
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