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  • Thread Starter bobby


    Working now – I made a new one with a new shortcode and seems to be OK

    Hi – I also have the same problem and I’m using the BBpress forum plugin. Any updates with this? thanks

    Thread Starter bobby


    The way you exude your pereceived superiority is unprofessional and your narcistic belief that if somebody has less coding or WP knowledge than yourself then their opinion doesn’t count which is nonnsense and dictoral,you treat every ounce of critic in the same way in an attempt to hide the truth and you can see this by your response to other lower ratings given by ex customers. You can’t claim that a bug is resolved when it keeps reocurring and it’s exactly the reason I decided to drop you along with a contemptuous attitude towards finding a long term solution to this and other issues. Several months ago you actually said to me you were doing a “search overhaul in a few weeks” when I told you that the way events are displayed is stupid and totaty user unfriendly, I’m guessing that was a ploy to keep me quiet and you disregarded it.

    Thread Starter bobby


    Deary me, I think both of you need to deflate your egos and stop being so unprofessional. You’ve resorted to publicly displaying private messages between your clients and yourself (possible breach of privacy law). What firm in this world would do that to their clients? Totally unprofessional. Just because it’s a WordPress plugin doesn’t mean that your customers don’t have the right to voice their complaints and if you don’t like their opinion or the way it’s written then that’s tough shit mate. Welcome to the world of capitalism and customer service. I can see why you might have banned me as it allows you to hide all the dialogue between us which I can no longer access. I never actually insulted any of you that’s the thing. Even if someone does say something to you that you don’t like, who cares? I think you need to develop a tougher outer shell and learn to roll with it. Being sensitive and crying when somebody “insults” you won’t help at all.

    There were several occassions where the plugin stopped working and someone said it was permalinks but that only temporarily fixed the problem. You’re not gonna like this but I don’t care because people deserve to know the truth so that there time and money is not wastedL I’m just gonna put this here to show all the bugs that come e.g. epic 404 error going all the way back until 2014 and continuing up until the present:

    52 results – under epic 404 error search

    587 results under “search not working”

    and this is merely a snap shot of all the other bugs that come up. It’s quite evident the same bugs come up time and time again and yet you have done nothing to solve them from happening again , despite having 3 years to do it. You’re selling a half complete plugin and it’s disgusting that you take people’s money, waste their time and act like some sort of dictator on your own fourms about what is allowed to be said and not said when it comes to voicing complaints. You can’t tell your customers they’re not allowed to get angry when the plugin doesn’t work and they’ve paid money for it.

    Thread Starter bobby


    If there are 10K + website using it and you only have 169 5 star reviews that’s less than 2% of your site users who give it that rating.. good job mate.

    Thread Starter bobby


    More nonsense from you again. Would you like me to list every incident of the search function not working along with the error codes? That’s called proof of your plugin’s shortcomings and proof of the bugs which you of course deny and dismiss, is was quite a poor show from “Stiofan” when he tried to deny and cover the fact that the events listed will show one single event for as long as it is set to reccur for before showing the next event. What use is that to a site user?

    Yes, when I got your plugin I didn’t have the skill set and your plugin misleads customers by giving them the impression that once purchased everything will be great and you just proved that yourself by saying you need a developer.

    Keep your nonsense replies coming it’s a great display of your unprofessional attitude towards your customers.

    Thread Starter bobby


    Hi, “We”, I’m assuming that doesn’t include you? Just about every single one of your replies to my requests for help would be something along the lines of “Hi, that’s a custom request, so no”. Other members of your team were a little more polite and helpful but you were actually the worst and it started with your nice and tightly held grip on me which I’m sure you smugly enjoyed having after issuing me with an unjustified warning to some criticism but that’s not event relevant as to why I give this plugin such a low score. Perhaps you wouldn’t receive so many “custom” requests if you gave your themes better functionality and a much needed face lift.

    I think you confuse insults with criticism. Please outline how anything I said on facebook was an insult. After using your plugin for almost a year, I just became fed up with it stopping working and if you search your forums there are many topics that are the same going back years, so you haven’t even addressed it. But anyway, I don’t even care, if you want to carry being a contemptuous bigot and keep selling a plugin that doesn’t even work and claim that it’s “The world’s most advanced and scalable WordPress directory plugin” then you can do that and I bet my bottom dollar that I won’t be the last bad review you get. Thanks.

    Thread Starter bobby


    This exactly the kind of response that I expected, especially from you, Paolo. One which insults their own customers, you cowboys are just about the most unprofessional service providers I have ever come across. I expected you to bring up your previous “warning” to me which is totally irrelevant as to the main reason I gave this plugin 1 star. Do you honestly believe that I care about being banned? I made the decision to drop you guys not that long ago but I just had to get round to doing it and today I felt that I could voice my opinion more freely whilst I was making the transition ??


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