Forum Replies Created
Is there any way to automatically prefix the CSS classes of MDB? Usually, you can use CSS-imports in your React components.
Thanks for the bug request, I will look into the error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ReactPress - Create React App for Wordpress] My App works only up to 3.0.1Unfortunately not. Could you be more specific where and when the error happens?
It seems the function
is deactivated by your hosting provider. ReactPress needs this function to properly escape the URL to the React app folder.
To resolve your problem, ask your hosting provider to activateescapeshellcmd
or change your hosting provider to one where it is not blocked.I don’t think it is conflict between plugins.
How is your React app set up? Did you use create-react-app or a custom webpack configuration?
The thing is, ReactPress expects a Vite or cra environment and behaves accordingly.
Otherwise, chances are that ReactPress won’t load your files correctly. If you can tell me more about your React setup, I can try to guide you through how we can trick ReactPress into thinking your React app is build with one of the mentioned environments.
Important to know is where the release build is located and how the app is loaded into the HTML page.
Did you develop your React app with ReactPress? Otherwise you will need to do some adjustments in your
to have make your app work with ReactPress.I would be best, if you would create an app with the quickstart tutorial and look how the configuration changes and appy that to your app.
Hi, sorry that are having problemes. It seeems the app doesn’t load. This is why you don’t get any console errors.
Can you tell me more about your dev environment where the problem is happening? Which OS do you use? Do you use a dev environment like LocalWP? Can you activate WordPress debugging there and post any error messages:
Are both apps the same? Or is the app on SiteGround different?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ReactPress - Create React App for Wordpress] Couldn’t download page contentI can’t tell you why the current version doesn’t work. I am not using Windows and can’t debug it there. You can ignore the “Couldn’t add page” message.
I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish? Having the same routes in your React app and your WordPress sound like trouble to me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ReactPress - Create React App for Wordpress] Problems with fresh Vite-appThe
folder must exist with vite. The directory structure should be like this (for a very simple app).[APPNAME] └── dist ├── assets │?? ├── index-DiwrgTda.css │?? ├── index-fDP9iUA0.js │?? └── react-CHdo91hT.svg ├── index.html └── vite.svg
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ReactPress - Create React App for Wordpress] Couldn’t download page contentI am sorry, that this happens, but can you give more context?
What dev-environment do you use, which OS, etc.
You can try the advanced setting for your app. It sometimes helps if you re-safe the permalink struktur in your admin: wp-admin/options-permalink.php
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ReactPress - Create React App for Wordpress] My app doesn’t load cssHi, which template is activated on the page where the app is embedded?
Yes there were an update last week, version 3.2.2. Which one are you using?
@xmak What happens when you reload the page. Is the new/selected page there and if yes, is the React page displayed?
I can confirm an error message which shouldn’t be there, but the page gets always created, and the app is displayed on the page.
This seems very odd to me. Could it be something with your React app? Can debug the developer console? Do you have access to a Mac to use an iOS-Emulator?