Forum Replies Created

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  • I contacted Bluehost and they sent me the following:
    “It looks like you needed to update your site location inside your database. I’ve done that for you, and now you need to update you permalinks inside of WordPress, so that WordPress can re-learn where your information is stored on the server. You can read about Permalinks here:

    All you need to do is go to the Permalinks section in your WordPress dahsboard under Settings. You just need to resave the existing settings; no change is needed, and everything will update.”

    What I don’t know is will I experience the same problem again tomorrow. Or, will I have to contact Bluehost to fix the problem. Perhaps Bluehost and WordPress might work together to fix this issue.

    Part of my problem was this: I was receiving a request for moderation for all comments, then I added Mollom. Mollom allows some/many comments to go through without moderation, thus, I’m not receiving an email if there is no moderation.
    Just to test this, I checked Settings/Discussion/Email me whenever: Anyone posts a comment. That way I will know there is a comment. Maybe problem solved.

    I’m having the same problem. I did have a problem with WooCommerce Dynamic Gallery not allowing me to see comments. I deactivated it and the comments came back.
    Still not getting emails when someone comments.

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