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  • Hello, Sancho. I’m having the same problem as madelynn, but I have the wp_footer function on my footer.
    What happens is that the menu dropdown is showing correctly, but if we click on any link, goes to a “page not found”.
    Just for the record, I’m using it with the following code:

    <?php if (function_exists( 'dropdown_menu' ) ) : ?>
        <?php dropdown_menu( array('dropdown_title' => '-- Menu Sardinha17 --', 'indent_string' => '- ', 'indent_after' => '','container' => 'div', 'container_class' => 'menu-responsivo', 'theme_location'=>'menu_superior') ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    with “menu-superior” declared in my functions.php as the code bellow:

    	register_nav_menus(array('menu_superior' =>'Menu Superior'));

    Any ideas on what could be happening?
    Thanks in advance,
    Rogério Mello.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Fixed post height

    I came here by mistake… and I see your post is from 10 months ago. Anyway, you can define where the “Read More” will appear by placing a tag “more” (available on the visual editor, when you are editing a post).
    Another way, is to write what you want to be the excerpt below the post.

    Ok, I’m too late to help you, but at least if someone comes here by mistake and have your doubt, here are the tips sent… 8^)

    efree_unix, thanks for the tip of timeout. It solved not just this problem, as also another one I was having with attachments.
    (don’t ask me how, but it was magically solved after I changed the http.php)

    Have you tried using “position: absolute” instead of fixed on the footer?
    It might work… ;^)

    Good luck… 8^)

    I’m having the same problem. I hope someone can give a solution for this.

    But for now, the only thing I can think is to change the 404.php to a message with a link to register, as you said. But… in this case, if a true 404 error occure, the person will se the message of private post and blablablah…

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