Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Product Description] Hover doesn’t display on category pagesIt will take time as I have been working on other projects. I will intimate you whenever beta version is ready of that plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Product Description] Hover doesn’t display on category pagesHi sunhawk,
Currently “product-category” is not supported. But it will be in future version release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Product Description] Tooltip is not working on siteHi ssailer,
Can you give little bit more description about issue and site name so that I can visit it find out what is actually happening.
NOTE: It will only work on Shop page of WooCommerce.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Product Description] How to use?Hi
You need to just install plugin and when you go to shop page of your woocommerce store and when you hover on any of the product image, it will display description over there if it is added from the backend.
Let me know if you have more doubt.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Product Description] Does not work on our siteHi,
You can give me your site URL and I can check over there and get back to you for the same.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Product Description] Show on other pagesHi localbruce,
I would suggest you to add one condition that will check both
as well.As currently there are no plans to update, you can go in that way. In future update, I will provide option for shop and product archive page as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Product Description] Does not work on our siteHi,
Extremely sorry for late response.
Have you tried with default wordpress theme ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Product Description] Add more information?Hi Kettercat,
Sorry for late response.
Currently It is not in my TO DO list. But yes it is possible to show Price and Image.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce Delivery Date Premium] Show calendar open on page loadFind
in woocommerce-delivery-date.php around 185.And replace below line of it from :
jQuery("#delivery_date").datepicker({dateFormat: "'.$js_date_format.'", minDate:'.$dates_to_deliver.',changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: "'.date('Y').':'.(date('Y')+4).'"});
jQuery("#dd__checkout_field").datepicker({dateFormat: "'.$js_date_format.'", minDate:'.$dates_to_deliver.',changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: "'.date('Y').':'.(date('Y')+4).'", onSelect: function(selected,evnt) { updateDeliveryDate(selected); } }); function updateDeliveryDate(delivery_date){ jQuery("#delivery_date").val(delivery_date); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Location markers didn't show upThere is console error which is saying that there is Google MAP API multiple times. so can you please remove it and then try it again ?
You can notice this URL :
<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
and then again
<script type='text/javascript' src='//®ion=tw&ver=4.1.1'></script>
So remove the code which is added by you and let plugin to handle it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7 - Success Page Redirects] Copy function not workingHey Ryan ..
I am not able to add pull request on Github. Is there any branch in github ?
I just tried and found it. If you can create branch over github then I can add pull request.
Thanks .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Single-Store Template to show single storeHere you have mentioned on way to do it.Can you please explain little bit more ??
Sorry If I am disturbing you but is there anyway to do it ? Because I want to stick with this great plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Single-Store Template to show single storeOkay I will mail you but can you atleast tell me am I doing it in correct way ?Or else I should choose other way ? Because I can not wait for three days ?? Its really important for me to finish it today otherwise I will loose my job ??
Please guide me to the right way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Single-Store Template to show single storeWhat I have did so far is added following code to the class-front.php at top :
function themeslug_query_vars( $qvars ) {
$qvars[] = 'wpsl_id';
return $qvars;
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'themeslug_query_vars' , 10, 1 );add_filter('template_include', 'my_template', 1, 1);
function my_template($template){
global $wp_query;
global $wp;
//$paged = ( get_query_var( 'wpsl_id' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'wpsl_id' ) : 1;
if ($wp->query_vars["wpsl_id"] == '3'){
$template = WPSL_URL.'page-wpsl_id.php';
$template = WPSL_URL.'frontend/templates/store-listings-aroma.php';
return $template;
}But it is giving me the error. Is there any other way to do it ? Or how can I improve this ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] Single-Store Template to show single storeSorry If you did not get me.But At the start of the page it should show all the store list.But after loading, when I click on the More Details, It should take me to the new page where that clicked store should be shown.
I have modified wpsl-gmap.js little bit and added more details with anchor tag in
. So by doing this myhref
of my anchor tag becomes like?wpsl-id=1
Thats what I did.But when I click on that More Details, it is redirecting me to index page with url like this
.So How can I do it to achieve desired result ?
Please give any suggestion.I am trying to achieve it for past two days without any success.