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  • In addition to Stats plugin, you can install, Google Analytics, or subscribe to web services viz. Sitemeter.

    If you want more interesting way to track your visitors, read about Woopra. Give it a try.

    Did you removed stats “options” from wp-options table, before installing new files?

    Because, stats plugin stores cache in wp-options table, and it seems, you’ve not removed its entries. That’s why, you’re facing this problem.

    All you’ve to do is, just login into your phpMyAdmin account, select your WordPress db, click on wp-option table.

    Now start browsing to look for the following two entries:


    Once you find above quoted entires, select the two and click delete.

    Note: 1. Before executing above noted steps, please take a complete backup of your database.
    2. Note down your API key, you’ll need this, when you re-install Stats plugin.

    Here’s the new release.

    Update: strange plugin was last update on April 4 2008, and is compatible with 2.3, but still referring to 2.x tables names.

    Do as writen in above post.

    What plugin you’re installing wp-stats or Stats? Note the difference:
    a. wp-stats is a plugin by GamerZ.
    b. and Stats is different plugin for WordPress stats based on stats plugin.

    The pic above is related to Stats, so if you’re installing wp-stats, it’s not going to make any difference, because hacked Stats plugin is still there in your plugins folder.

    Thread Starter Rok


    I’m currently on DreamHost VPS. I had talk on webhostingtalk forum, initially, when the site problems started about a month+ ago.

    DreamHost suggested me to go with either Slicehost or Media Temple. I liked the concept of Slicehost, but it needs a lot of time for installing/upgrading/managing/maintainence of your own server. I would certainly go with Slicehost in future.

    I’m considering Media Temple Grid Services to go with, but I’m not sure, if that would support my current and future growth.

    In addition to the plugin GamerZ suggested, you can also try HTACCESS rules to take off your site at certain time or maintainence mode.

    Thread Starter Rok


    Hi GamerZ, can you advise the Best hosting service based on following stats:

    MySQL DB: 46+Mb
    Posts: 22000+
    Traffic: 3-6K per day

    DreamHost suggested me to look for other place, but I was trying my level best to reduce server load.

    Sometimes back, I had posted about a plugin on my blog, that adds the pagination (Digg like) on posts / pages. Right now, I’m not able to recall that plugins name.

    Thread Starter Rok


    Whoo, I’ll ask them about the “slow query log”. Meanwhile I’ve tried above noted “queries code” and have been able to find the queries running on “index.php” & “single.php”.

    I’ve uploaded queries on pastebin of follwoing URIs, may I request to advise me “how do I optimize these queires?”

    Index.php query URI:
    Single.php query URI:

    Other than above mentioned queries, I’m using following WordPress functions to generate “random post” “recent post” & “previous posts”. If under noted funtions are causing slow queries, may I request for optimized code to achieve same result.

    1. Recent Post: get_archives('postbypost')
    2. Previous Post: <?php $posts = get_posts('numberposts=5&offset=8'); foreach($posts as $post) : setup_postdata($post); ?>
    3. Random Post: <?php global $wp_query; $posts = get_posts($query); foreach($posts as $post) : setup_postdata($post); ?>

    An early response will be highly appreciated.


    Thread Starter Rok


    Thanks for your reply. In addition to trackback/pingback spaming, I’m also facing problems with my database, as it generates long queries. The datbase is quite big.

    Can you advise me:

    1. How do I optimize databse for & see what queries are generated & causing server load?
    I’ve tried Otto’s following code, but it simply print the function as is in the theme footer.php

    define('SAVEQUERIES', true);
    Put this in your theme's footer.php:
    <?php if ( current_user_can('manage_options') ) {
    echo "<!--\n";
    echo "\n-->";
    } ?>

    2. What’re the possible ways to find db malfunctioning?

    To reduce databse size /optimize, I’ve removed all tags, removed category display under posts.

    Still wp_postmeta & termtaxonomy are fatier in addition to wp_posts.

    Thread Starter Rok


    Thanks for your reply, it’s the CPU/Memory issue. After monitoring VPS graph, I’ve found that it was one or twice a day, the huge spike comes and shoot up CPU/Memory consumption.

    Now, for the last ten plus days, I’m receiving huge trackback/pingback spams, which has worsened the situtaion a lot.

    I’m truly not aware, what’s causing spikes in CPU/Memory. I’ve tried everything to bring down the load.

    whooami, thanks for the info.

    Being on DreamHost at the moment, I probably may have mod_security installed.

    At the plugin front I’m using Akismet & WP-SpamFree.

    whooami, so what do you advice to block spammers? Need your advice.

    Hi Otto, did as you adviced. Just wondering, I’ve tried HTACCESS rules available on many well known blogs, claiming good % of success. But those rules are not working when I add into my HTACCESS (public folder).

    500 spams a minutes, it seems DOS HTTP attack.

    Here’ is an example rule that’s failing to work:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} POST
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .wp-comments-post\.php*
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .no-spammers.php*
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.** [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$
    RewriteRule .* - [F])
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .*/trackback/?.*
    RewriteRule .* - [F]
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