Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Responsive Ads In PostsI saw that you solved
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] No add in bbpressok, I’ll try to settle
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] No add in bbpressCurrently, the plugin does not work with bbpress
If is a page,
you can try to check “Do not show Ads on static pages.”You can also try to edit page,
and insert into text tab:
<!–noads–>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Remove ads from front page.1) Go into WordPress dashboard
2) Click on Settings -> AdSense Explosion
3) Check “Experienced User”
4) you will find the checkbox “Home page”Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Remove ads from front page.For the Home Page you must use:
Don’t show Ads on these pages:
Home pageForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] single post ad not showingPlease check your ad-slot 6852339208 configuration into AdSense DashBoard
You must use a responsive adsense slotForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Excluding adsense in some specific postsYou must edit specific post
Click on text tab
and insert <!–noads–> tagI did not understand your second question.
Could you explain better?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] single post ad not showingCan you give me the exact url where I can see the problem?
At the moment, there isn’t a way to put an ad IN the post instead of above or below the title
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Text showing on Woocommerce Page where Ads are DisabledYou can thank me by rating plugin with 5 stars here: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Text showing on Woocommerce Page where Ads are DisabledTry to download last release 1.11
Please let me know if this fixes the problemCertainly.
You must select:
“Don’t Show” into
1) Single Posts & Static Pages
2) Multiple PostsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Adsense showing in Slider of Twenty Fourteen themeyou can work on css style
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Cannot get ads to work from pluginI don’t see plugin installed.
Try to search into html explosion
usually says if there are problems
in this case, I do not find the word. It seems you have disabled the pluginForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Any Plans For Responsive VersionLast AdSense Explosion version support responsive.
You must:
1) create a responsive ad into AdSense Dashboard
2) copy id number into memory
3) check “asynchronous ad (Beta)” into AdSense Explosion Setting
4) paste adsense id number into Data Ad Slot
5) customize your wordpress css templatesee (Optional) Modify your ad code for advanced mode into Plugins
In reply to: [Adsense Explosion] Sidebar ad cut offi have checked your site:
you have entered too many adsI have noticed that you’re using AdSense Explosion together with something else.
For this reason, the ads disappear.
There is a maximum number of ads that you can not overcome