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  • Thread Starter ronny84


    Thank you very much for the fast reply / help! ??

    Than I will check other options for me.

    Kind Regards


    Thread Starter ronny84


    For your Information: First I deactivated all Minification or Merging (HTML as well) and now I deactivated WP Optimize completely for additional troubleshooting. Without the active Plugin I had the same problems with SpeedIndex stayed at 4.5s.

    Google mentioned rendering blocking css and js, but indeed it was the third party code of VGWort (1×1 pixel image which is used for tracking purpose). After deactivating WP Optimize and deleting all caches I tried again, with the same problem. Without the picture of VGWort I had good results. (1.6s) Directly and 30 Minutes later too. Thank you for your help, I will contact VGWort and look what I can do now.

    Thread Starter ronny84


    @vupdraft , @wpmansour yes all my servers can handle http/2.

    I tested further now and couldnt solve the results shown. On my way finding the issue I tried to change some layout options (only a few menue links, no images in the header, no fancy fonts – instead systemfonts, local hosted, and I deleted the few third party request I used before). For this I used my notebook because its better to see on it. And I tested after that with my notebook in pagespeed insights. Same results in firefox, chrome, opera as well: After clearing the cache for some time I get best results! Some minutes later the performance is bad and stays so.

    Now I upgraded one server to the best possible option. Same here, nothing changed. My provider told me the performance of this Server is great. The only option to get more performance would be an server which would cost 200 Euro/month. Sorry that is no option for me for testing it ??

    I have no Idea what to do next. The support for neve theme said that its nothing on the theme code. There on all test instances best results in speed. And Neve Pro is super light. Indeed: As Google shows me, the complete website has only 100kb on the homesite. Little bit more on /blog/ because of some images (not above the fold), but with 200kb a very good result. Singe posts have around 120-150kb. Nothing which should cause an problem, even not for older mobile devices, isnt it? By the way google tells me server response within 30-50ms.

    Any ideas what to do now?

    Thread Starter ronny84


    @arkt1234 / @wpmansour I tested the issue on another blog project of mine. Different (premium) Server and different premium theme (astra). Some additional plugins, but all in all nearly the same instance. The project also uses over years WP Optimize with no complications.

    After updating WP Optimize (because of this threat I wanted to wait some time for it) same problems as mentioned here. But on this website Large contentful paint is a little bit better. But speedindex stays at 4s upwards, doesnt matter on the options I use.

    And also here: after deleting the cache results are best, after some time its slowed down. As the project lies on an high performance server and has a different well known theme, I still think the issue is on WP Optimize. Please have a look what changed since last update, that could impact it. Thank you.

    Thread Starter ronny84


    @wpmansour I tested loading AdRotate JS in the footer. Same result. I also tested to load Javascript later by Javascript instead of defer it. (As in the options panel its written that this could troubleshoot with older browsers.) That also had ne effect.

    I only can image at the last update something change for WP Optimize Cache. Because in the former version I had no problems. And its still as @arkt1234 also told, clearing the cache and testing directly has good results. But at some point of generating the cache something slow down and then the results are bad.

    But I mentioned now uncached is also no option. I have good results on gsc with that, but yesterday my rankings broke radical. Because I didnt changed anything else, I beliefe it is of the not cached data.

    Thread Starter ronny84



    Isnt that, moving scripts to the footer, something WP Optimize is doing by merging and defer javascripts? For my understanding what the theme does, should be irrelevant?

    And wouldnt dynamic content make problems as well, if cache is disabled?

    I would also like to come back to my (unanswered) question about the CSS cached files. Is it possible the load them all asyncron?

    I have not found a way yet, because on every automatic preload of the cache by WP Optimize the filenames change (new hashs at the end, new folder for assets) and when I set it up on CSS Option to load asyncron, it would take no effect. It would be nice to set it up by placeholders / folders. But with * I did not made it running.

    Now I will further test to load dynamic ads on adrotate in the footer section. The Plugin has an option for this. That is the only dynamic content I generate. But the main question for me, wouldnt that also be render-blocking? Because the html construction is loaded first and JS will insert the ads there later, so the browser is waiting for the ads?

    Kind Regards


    Thread Starter ronny84


    Thank you @arkt1234 for your experience. I thought I am the only one. Yesterday I tried several other settings. But its the same as result: At the Beginning I have good results.

    But after testing 2-3 pages the performance for large contentful paint and speedindex is bad. LCP has 3s upwards and speedindex 4s upwards. It doesnt matter if I load javascript async, defer, exluding jquery.min.js or not. It also doesnt matter if I merge JS and/or CSS. And it doesnt matter if I merge inline CSS and JS.

    When I turn of caching, I have very good results for all. LCP is at 1-1.5s, Speedindex at 1s. The only problem I have than: Because there are no cached pages the first reaction of the server gets up from 50ms to 950 ms and Google mention that my TTFB is not optimized (should be under 0.8s).

    Actually its the best way for me doing it without cache, cause TTFB is not as important aus Core Web Vitals. But its not a thing I would like in future. Because I have more server requests. And my site is growing, more traffic means more work for the server. No option on longterm for me.


    Now we have a second website doing so, any idea what we could check to get this solved?

    Thread Starter ronny84


    Hey @wpmansour, sorry for second response here. I tested now also having CSS in one file without catch. Here also its fine and I have results from 1.5s up to 3s.

    When I activate the caching, its slowed down. ??

    Because I read another threat here about jquery, I wonder if this could be an jquery problem? I tried to turn on cache and exclude following files from minifying:


    After that I tested again (1 case with only minifying CSS, 1 case with minifying and adding all to 1 file). Both didnt solved the problem. And google told me jquery.min.js is render-blocking. So I also excluded:


    It also didnt helped. Of cause I renewed minified cache data and website cache.

    Perhaps jquery is the real problem? Could you have a look in the plugin code?

    Kind Regards



    for months, okay. No I have no CSS issue. I have problems with the cache. When I disable caching all is fine. If its activated my speed index goes above 4s. Just had a thought after reading your issue, that my problem could be something about jquery as well, because I minify javascrept and defer it too.


    How long did you have this problem? I have also problems with Pagespeed Insights since last update of WP optimize and jQuery was mentioned sometimes in the report of google.

    Perhaps its the solution for me too. Because my blog is not an large website I turned off caching and just minified CSS in several files. (Not one file for all CSS) But that is only an solution on time until I have found the problem.

    Thread Starter ronny84



    I know what you are writing. The images like I wrote before are compressed, sized mainly on the right size and of cause in webP format. I would completly say that is not the problem.

    Now I got an setting which has very good results. I disabled caching, defered JS and minified CSS (but dont put them together in one file). Now I have speed index results of 1.5-2.5s.

    But sorry saying it so hard. I think that has something to do with WP Optimize. I unsterstand your thoughts that WordPress is hard to speed up because of different themes and lots of plugins. But I have only installed a few plugins and an premium theme that is super light and fast. My provider is an good one and I have no 0815 server.

    When my website has without caching better results, for me it seems to have an problem loading the right things on the catched pages. Isnt it?

    Thread Starter ronny84



    I now turned of the caching. I had much better results for first contentful paint and large contentful paint (50% saved time), but the speed index is further about 4s and not so good.

    In the second part I rised the caching lifetime to 7 days and tried to load the from google mentioned css file async. But I couldnt do that, because when I saved the settings an new filename was generated.

    Only in 1 of 40 tests I had good results. I think that was, in case google had the old cache and I was fast enough. Its tough to say why and it would be nice to know what happens if I could load those header css files async.

    Perhaps you can help me manage it in some way?

    Kind Regards


    Thread Starter ronny84


    Sorry I forgot to say: I mentioned yesterday in some tests, the results are really good in pagespeed insights directly after merge of the minified files. Without going to the options and told wp optimize to cache alle pages now.

    But later when the cache is done, the results go bad.

    Thread Starter ronny84



    thank you for your response.

    Until now I tried a lot:

    • deactivate the ads from adrotate for the above the fold (1 textlink ad, no banner)
    • delete vgwort image from pages. (Dont know if you know what that is? Vgwort paiys german bloggers if articles are visited enough per year. Its an 1×1 px image which connects with an external server to count the visits.) But with or without it css is blocking.
    • load javascript async instead of loading it late by “defer”.
    • exclude the wp-content/cache/wpo-minify/ folder
    • because of your response I added to load css async for: /wp-content/cache/wpo-minify/*header*css, but I dont know if that makes things different. And adding an css file here should not solve it, because that minified files name change everytime I clear the cache?

    Kind Regards


    Thread Starter ronny84


    @shayleehansen30 thank you. I think I got the problem. My provider checked the error logs and found an different from e-mail than I setup in the options. Than I noticed that this the admin e-mail I set up the blog years ago, and it is nowhere else saved in any plugin or form. Since I changed the admin e-mail I have no further errors. But I will have a deeper look the next week on it.

    Kind Regards

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