Forum Replies Created
thank you, problem solved!
My workaround was to install courspress in another wordpress 4.2 then write all, then look for the specifict wp_post table row with my course data and was enough for me, because im not using units.
That are only options, where are courses saved? Even if I delete and reinstall old curses still exist, so they are stored somewhere….
Is there a workaround? something like make a course in a wordpress 4.2 then copy the info to the wordpress 4.3? Where are stored that info?
They have a stimated time to fix it? I think it should be a easy bug to fix because same rich text editor in step 1 is working.
Not just not clickeable, if you watch closely it never load the iframe like in step 1 xD… I shouldnt upgreate to 4.3 ahah
where is course-content-overview.php?? dont see it, was removed on new versions??
I want to have an specifict sort type and not by letters
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Educator] courses blank pageI getting similar problem, but instead of blank page I got a search bar and an awful spam of a list of my pages, archives and categories of all my site.
Should I try same solution? or do you patch that problem in actual version? I’m not sure if I understand the solution process.
Please Help