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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Archive Help, What is & isn’t on front page.D’OH! Wow I knew I was overlooking something! Thanks!
– Ross
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Drafts and User Level 1, I’m confused!Finally figured out my own bone-head problem. In the Options -> Writing menu under “Newly registered members” I had checked “May Publish Articles” instead of “May submit drafts for review”. Doing that apparently overrides the user level and lets user level 1 folks publish articles.
I would suggest that maybe a better policy to follow is to scrap that “Newly Registered Members” option entirely and instead there should be a way to set the user level of newly registered members. So let the built-in functionality of user levels take care of the ‘who can post what’ issue rather than providing the afore-mentioned option. Is there a formal way to suggest this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Drafts and User Level 1, I’m confused!Youch! So inotherwords there’s something bizarro about my setup that’s letting user level 1 people publish?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_list_pages incomplete?Just to follow up, my problem here is the $cache_pages problem mentioned elsewhere. I commented it out as suggested elsewhere and now the parameters sent to wp_list_pages work as expected.
Search for $cache_pages for more info.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Formatting Links/Pages/Archives/etc?I don’t know about the archives link. Will probably have to rassle with that some day.
To back-pedal a little, turns out the wp code works fine and I don’t have to edit it to suppress the ‘Page’ title. There’s a codex description that describes just what I wanted to do and it works:
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>
</ul>Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Formatting Links/Pages/Archives/etc?I’ve been looking at this myself. wp_list_pages calls _page_level_out which sure as shootin’ looks like it will insert
‘s despite any parameters you set. That’s OK for me… I just wanted to suppress the title and let the page items display as an unordered list. To do that I had to tweak wp_list_pages just a tad, adding an ‘else’ statement to the ‘if there’s a title’ bit…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP possible in actual blog post?What’s a ‘doddle’?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP no theme when I surf in?Try going to wp-admin -> Options and change any reference to ‘localhost’ on that page to be your real live URI instead.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Set up wp on localhost, other computers can’t fully accessI had the same problem… it seems to be fixed now after I went to the wp-admin -> Options page and set the URIs shown there to not reference ‘localhost’ but my actual URI instead.