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  • Thread Starter roseba


    That’s sounds like a good way to do it. In all honesty, I have never worked with Genesis before. The code is structured very differently than any other WordPress template I have every used. I could not find the traditional loop, head etc within the template, the child which I had my client purchase. (She wanted me to help her with her website and my emphatic answer was NO, a few times because I know how much work it is to build and maintain a site. So I said, at least, I don’t want to theme the thing. There is still plenty of tweaking to do without the theming.) I will have to just deal with it as is. I will also experiment with getting rid of some of the extra crops, backing them up offline just in case I see problems.

    Thread Starter roseba


    I’m not sure what was going on yesterday, but I made significant changes this morning, before you revisited the site.

    1) I discovered that by disabling Photon, I would lose the responsiveness in other galleries. This is less than ideal. So I had reactivate it.

    2) I downloaded all the images from the server. Every photo uploaded creates:
    – original
    – 45×45*
    – 80×80* [This is set in the Zen theme but I’m not clear where it is used.]
    – 150×150* [I know this is set in the media settings screen and I do use it]
    – 300×170 (this is the one used for featured photos on the artist page and is set in the Zen Theme)*
    – 300×250
    – 300×300 [I know this is set in the media settings screen]

    As a work around, I went back in and reuploaded the 300×170 images (hence making them appear in the WordPress GUI twice.)

    This is an extremely inelegant solution because now those photos, also have the same number of iterations. (the one’s I starred.)

    If you FTP in, you can see this behavior clearly. You won’t see it in the WordPress front end.

    I’m still thinking about which of these file sizes I can eliminate. Some are need for the backend thumbnails etc. And then I have to put something in the functions to do that.

    Thread Starter roseba


    mmm… so it seems when I deactivated Photon, I lost the responsive part of a slideshow gallery making images squish with unattractive aspect ratios. Wow, this is so complicated. I’m not sure why this is not better integrated. I’m pretty frustrated with this.

    Thread Starter roseba


    Hi. I have decided to deactivate Photon. It appears it doesn’t work using photo galleries and the bulk of the images hosted there, will be in the form of photo galleries. (Jetpack to be exact.)

    Thanks for your assistance. I wish this would have worked because it would have been great to have the extra boost from Photon. But if the bulk of the images aren’t being served, AND it is messing up the appearance on an important page, it simply isn’t worth it.

    Thread Starter roseba


    Broken? I don’t see broken images. Do you mean Adam’s code is working somewhere else on the site? I haven’t deactivated that plugin.

    The artist page is a work in progress. This site was built in two weeks. There will be many more artists added to it over time.

    When I upload an image, WordPress automatically creates different versions cropped at different sizes. This is pretty standard out of the box behavior. One of the sizes is the featured size on this page. So while in the gui, it registers as one image, there are actually four other versions with the pixel size dimensions appended to the file name.

    I considered taking the correctly cropped photos and uploading them separately. WordPress will create another four versions when I upload it, making a total of 10 images for one photo.

    I’d rather disable it in the one page.

    Thread Starter roseba


    Unfortunately, that had no effect. WordPress doesn’t show all the various crops in the GUI. You only know of them when you go into it via FTP. So it is still registering the original image.

    It seems like a lot of overhead to create new images, and new postID just for the featured photo rather than just being able to take from the WordPress cropped photos.

    Thread Starter roseba


    I am sorry I wasn’t clear. I will be more specific.

    The website uses a theme called Zen built in the Genesis framework.

    In order to make very minor changes, such as added a branded logo, and change some colors in the navigation, I needed to create a child theme of Zen.

    WordPress does not support a grandchild theme. I did some research and discovered some code that would function as a plugin, but allow me to make these minor customizations to the appearance. Only instead of installing it in the theme directory, it is installed in the plugin directory and activates as a plugin.

    It had its own functions file where I have been successful in making other modifications such as setting the max-width on pages that use Jetpack tiled gsllery. It also allowed my to place a branded logo in a directory and make any css changes I want. For all intents and purposes, it functions like a theme and I have had no issues using it this way.

    I placed your code in the functions file and it did not work. I placed your code in a standalone php file and activated it as a plugin, it did not work. I also deactivated the grandchild theme using only Zen. It did not work.

    The artist page functions like an farchive where there is no content on the actual page. Instead, it is a single page that uses the category to add content. Each artist page, in its own post id used this category hence making the display possible.

    Thread Starter roseba


    Right now, I am being faced with having to completely disable the Photon plugin. This is unfortunate because the whole site could use the benefit of using it. However, the artist page is an important page and having it crop and then resize in this way doesn’t work where aesthetics are very important.

    The image for instance, should display this url, customized specifically for this page.

    Gloria McLean head cut off

    Gloria McLean, what should appear.×170.jpg

    Clearly, you can see why having featured images where the crop cuts people’s heads off is less than ideal.

    I’d be happy to just turn photon off with Adam’s changes, but it seemed to have no effect when I applied it.

    The theme in use, is a Genesis Child called Zen with customizations in a grandfather. In order to work around WP limitations, the grandfather theme changes are applied as a plugin and the functions file resides within the plugin.

    Is this why Adams code doesn’t work?

    My functions file is pretty simple and it works for my jetpack change.

    Plugin Name: *Elena Ab Theme Customization*
    Description: This plugin serves as a grandchild theme that enables one to customize Zen, a theme built on the Genesis Framework. One can customize css, javascripts, templates and functions in this directory. DO NOT TOUCH THE CORE CODE IN GENESIS OR ZEN THEMES. If you deactivate this, you will lose some of the customizations made to the theme.
    Author: Robin Sentell
    Author URI:
    Version: 1.0
    // Adds our new file with styles
    function grandchild_add_styles() {
    	wp_register_style( 'grandchild-style', plugins_url( 'grandchild-styles.css', __FILE__ ), array(), '1.0' );
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'grandchild-style' );
    add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'grandchild_add_styles' );
    // Adds our new file with scripts
    function grandchild_add_scripts() {
    	wp_register_script( 'grandchild-script', plugins_url( 'grandchild-scripts.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ), '1.0' );
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'grandchild-script' );
    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'grandchild_add_scripts' );
    // Search for templates in plugin 'templates' dir, and load if exists
    function grandchild_template_include( $template ) {
    	if ( file_exists( untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . '/templates/' . basename( $template ) ) )
    		$template = untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . '/templates/' . basename( $template );
    	return $template;
    add_filter( 'template_include', 'grandchild_template_include', 11 );
    /** allow tiled jetpack gallery to go full width of page **/
    if ( ! isset( $content_width ) )
        $content_width = 955;
    /**Tells Jetpack's Photon module to not run on a given page ID. */
    function no_photon_by_page() {
      if ( is_page( 2853 ) ) {
        add_filter( 'jetpack_photon_skip_image', '__return_true');
    add_action('wp', 'no_photon_by_page');
    Thread Starter roseba


    Thanks Adam for your input. I tried putting it into the functions file first, and then as its own module. It seems to have no effect at all.

    I have used this on several sites and have never seen the thumbnails show.

    Thread Starter roseba


    No one answered me. I uninstalled the plugin as a result.

    I’ve been working on this for days. I didn’t understand what I am supposed to do with this code.

    It took me a while to get the script to show up. I had trouble with the child theme.

    I added this to the functions.php file in the child theme.

    function my_analytics() {
    	wp_register_script('carousel-analytics', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/carousel-analytics.js', true);
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_analytics' );

    And I copied the code from the link verbatim. It seems to load but doesn’t record the individual hits in the carousel slideshow.

    Is there something I’m supposed to add to that Javascript file.

    I have scoured the web to understand what I am supposed to do. The information is thin, at best. So if anyone has made this work, please tell me.

    I haven’t the first clue how this:

    jQuery(document).on( 'jp_carousel.selectSlide', '.jp-carousel-wrap', function( event, slides ) {
    	// This is just to show you what values get passed in.  Delete it before going to production.
    	if ( window.console ) {
    		console.log( this );
    		console.log( event );
    		console.log( slides );
    		console.log( slides[0] );
    	// Do whatever extra stuff you want here.
    } );

    would be implemented.

    Can someone provide code that wrapper for implementing this into child functions.php?

    Thread Starter roseba


    It turned out that the parent theme’s FrontPage was interfering with my custom Splash.php file.

    I did get it to work, but I was not able to get the loop to work for the contents area. (So that the user can change their home page whenever they please.)

    It breaks the css.

    The results however, I can live with.

    Thread Starter roseba


    Sorry. I had the retrieve the images from my recycle bin and reupload them.

    Since the update, I still occassionally see the wrapping where the title and description is 75px wide, forcing it to wrap.

    The issue where it is cut off at the bottom of the iphone4 viewport is still evident. I don’t know what happens on the 5 since I don’t own that hardware, and it’s hard to simulate that behavior on an emulator.

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