Forum Replies Created
Thanks, I’ve looked into the code used in that customisation and after a bit of tinkering I’ve worked out that the code needs to be:
<?php echo esc_url($cell_data['link']) ? $EM_Event->output("#_LOCATIONURL") : '' ; ?>
Thanks for your help. It all seems to be working now!
Thanks for replying.
I have just deactivated all the other plugins and then re-tested the location attribute form fields. It updated the web page but didn’t save the information in the WordPress backend location page.
I need to change the form field labels so perhaps I will try deleting the current ones from the database and see if the new set of location attributes will save the information in the backend when using them from scratch.
It may be worth mentioning that my website’s server users Varnish. I don’t know if this is a EM plugin issue or whether it could be to do with a Varnish confliction?
I have been looking into conflicts with WordPress cookies and Varnish but don’t know enough about it. Has anyone had this issues with this plugin and Varnish before?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextGEN Public Uploader] Select Multiple ImagesThanks!
Thanks, I tried that line of code in replace of:
echo esc_url($cell_data['link']);
in the calendar-small.php file but it breaks the calendar. Apologies I’m not a php expert. Where would be the correct place to insert the code?
Hi angelo
I’ve tried your suggestion but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to affect the calendar widget or the shortcode [events_calendar full=”0″ long_events=”1″].
It does work for the full sized calendar shortcode [events_calendar full=”1″ long_events=”1″].Is there a way I can get it to work for the small calendar?
Thanks, that makes a bit more sense! I’m a filter and hooks newbie so I will seek help and look up a few tutorials.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextGEN Public Uploader] Select Multiple ImagesI would also find this helpful! Did you find a solution?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SB Uploader] Front End Image UploadIt probably is worth mentioning that the images need to post onto the page when it is published. I am currently using your shortcodes to place the images in the page template, but I would like the front end image upload form to post and display the images where the shortcodes are as well.
OK thanks, I will try to create a solution using the em-content filter.
Would it be correct to add the filter to classes/em-location-post-admin.php as the submission email code for events looks to be in classes/em-event-post-admin.php? Or would it be classes/em-location.php as angelo mentioned? (I will save the amended file to my theme templates folder in order not to overwrite the original.)
Thanks for your patience!
I’m afraid I didn’t do all my changes in a straight forward order so I’m not sure what caused this, but below is an overall summary of the steps I took:
1. I initially created a list of Location Attributes and saved them in General Options.
2. I then went into my Locations page and filled out the Location Attributes fields and Published the page. All displayed OK.
3. I made changes to this page from a Front End User form that I set up for the Locations page. The user an Author with permissions only to Edit pages.
4. I then logged in to the website with Admin again to change the Location page from Pending to Published. The page still displayed OK.
5. Next I made changes to the Location Attributes to add extra instructions to the form labels (or to remove a spaces at the end of the Location Attribute)
6. As Admin I then went into the Location page and noticed the duplicated Location Attribute fields and the error message at the bottom of the page.
7. I tried writing in the new Location Attribute fields and clicked the Update button. Here is where one of old Location Attributes fields had text added instead of the new one I wrote in. The page did not publish the new text.
8. I then tried updating the text from the Front End User Form and the fields did the same thing and did not publish the text on the page.
I have now deleted these duplicates via the database tables but will try making changes to the Location Attributes again today and see if I get new duplicates that cannot be deleted in WordPress.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks angelo. Apologies, I’m not an expert in PHP unfortunately. Would I be able to copy a section of the events mailing code and adjust it to work for locations within the em-location.php file?
Thanks for the reply. That’s a shame it isn’t set as standard, as users can edit content using front end forms for both Events and Locations. Could this be consider as an update to the plugin?
If not, do you (or anyone else) have any tips or advice on how this might be achieved with custom coding?
Hi caimin_nwl, I’m using WordPress 3.9.2 and Events Manager Version
I just tried amending the shortcode and adding in a specific redirect value and that now works ok, e.g. [lwa redirect=”https://…”%5D