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  • rs71


    I was not aware of the impact of the changes in version 11.3.4. It works now as expected.
    Thank you very much for your reply.



    Is there a solution for this issue? It would be nice if it could be shared.

    I am asking, because I think I have the same issue and can not solve it.
    Multiday events are displayed. Two day events are missing on the second day.

    My requirement: I want to use a list to show all events which are valid at the current date /point in time.
    My observations are: All events that start on the current day will be displayed. The events which starts the day before, let’s say at 10:00 p.m. and end at the current day at 6:00 p.m. are not displayed.

    I tried extendmultiday=”true” but there was not effect on the List. Finally i dumped the events from the event array loop with var_dump($event); to find out what I did wrong. But the events from the previous day are not part of the array, even if they are still valid today.

    I am stuck right now and any help or guidance would be appreciated.
    Sorry If I am writing into the wrong thread.

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter rs71


    Albeit I am not very deep into PHP coding, I will try it.

    Thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by rs71.
    Thread Starter rs71


    Thank you for your answer. It would be great if you can make it happen.

    I made a quick and dirty modification of your calendar-list.php on my testwebsite. It works, but I don’t want to use it in production environment, because it would be overwritten by your frequent releases. ??
    And, of course, it has no parameter to switch it on or off. ??

    See my amateurish modifications below. Feel free to use it, if it helps.


    Btw: Amazing responsetime!

    // Require object
    if (empty($ics_data)) { return false; }
    global $R34ICS;
    global $wp_locale;
    $start_of_week = get_option('start_of_week', 0);
    $date_format = r34ics_date_format($args['format']);
    $ics_calendar_classes = apply_filters('r34ics_calendar_classes', null, $args, true);
    // Feed colors custom CSS
    if (!empty($ics_data['colors'])) {
        r34ics_feed_colors_css($ics_data, true);
    // Prepare event details toggle lightbox
    if ($args['toggle'] === 'lightbox') {
    <section class="<?php echo esc_attr($ics_calendar_classes); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr($ics_data['guid']); ?>">
        // Title and description
        if (!empty($ics_data['title'])) {
            <h2 class="ics-calendar-title"><?php echo wp_kses_post($ics_data['title']); ?></h2>
        if (!empty($ics_data['description'])) {
            <p class="ics-calendar-description"><?php echo wp_kses_post($ics_data['description']); ?></p>
        // Empty calendar message
        if (empty($ics_data['events']) || r34ics_is_empty_array($ics_data['events'])) {
            $current_event_found = false;
        // Display calendar
        else {
            // Actions before rendering calendar wrapper (can include additional template output)
            do_action('r34ics_display_calendar_before_wrapper', $view, $args, $ics_data);
            // Color code key
            if (empty($args['legendposition']) || $args['legendposition'] == 'above') {
                echo $R34ICS->color_key_html($args, $ics_data);
            // Build monthly calendars
            $i = 0;
            $skip_i = 0;
            $multiday_events_used = array();
            $years = $ics_data['events'];
            // Reverse?
            if ($args['reverse']) { krsort($years); }
            foreach ((array)$years as $year => $months) {
                // Reverse?
                if ($args['reverse']) { krsort($months); }
                foreach ((array)$months as $month => $days) {
                    $ym = $year . $month;
                    // Is this month in range? If not, skip to the next
                    if (!r34ics_month_in_range($ym, $ics_data)) { continue; }
                    $m = intval($month);
                    $month_label = ucwords(r34ics_date($args['formatmonthyear'], $m.'/1/'.$year));
                    $month_label_shown = false;
                    $month_uid = $ics_data['guid'] . '-' . $ym;
                    // Build month's calendar
                    if (isset($days)) {
                        // Reverse?
                        if ($args['reverse']) { krsort($days); }
                        <article class="ics-calendar-list-wrapper" data-year-month="<?php echo esc_attr($ym); ?>">
                            foreach ((array)$days as $day => $day_events) {
                                // Pull out multi-day events and display them separately first
                                foreach ((array)$day_events as $time => $events) {
                                    foreach ((array)$events as $event_key => $event) {
                                        // We're ONLY looking for multiday events right now
                                        if (empty($event['multiday'])) { continue; }
                                        // Give this instance its own unique ID, since multiple instances of a recurring event will have the same UID
                                        $multiday_instance_uid = $event['uid'] . '-' . $event['multiday']['start_date'];
                                        // Skip event if under the skip limit (but be sure to count it in $multiday_events_used!) 
                                        if (!empty($args['skip']) && $skip_i < $args['skip']) {
                                            if (!in_array($multiday_instance_uid, $multiday_events_used)) {
                                                $multiday_events_used[] = $multiday_instance_uid;
                                        // Have we used this event yet?
                                        if (!in_array($multiday_instance_uid, $multiday_events_used)) {
                                            // Format date/time for header
                                            Version revises the change from version
                                            Restructured into MM/DD/YYYY format because, for an unknown reason,
                                            both wp_date() and r34ics_date() are shifting these back by 1 day if
                                            in YYYYMMDD format.
                                            $md_start = !empty($event['multiday']['start_date'])
                                                ? r34ics_date($date_format,
                                                substr($event['multiday']['start_date'],4,2) . '/' .
                                                substr($event['multiday']['start_date'],6,2) . '/' .
                                                : '';
                                            $md_end = !empty($event['multiday']['end_date'])
                                                ? r34ics_date($date_format,
                                                substr($event['multiday']['end_date'],4,2) . '/' .
                                                substr($event['multiday']['end_date'],6,2) . '/' .
                                                : '';
                                            if ($time != 'all-day') {
                                                $md_start .= ' <small class="time-inline">' . r34ics_time_format($event['multiday']['start_time']) . '</small>';
                                                $md_end .= ' <small class="time-inline">' . r34ics_time_format($event['multiday']['end_time']) . '</small>';
                                            // Display month label if needed
                                            if (empty($args['nomonthheaders']) && empty($month_label_shown)) {
                                                <h3 class="ics-calendar-label" id="<?php echo esc_attr($month_uid); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($month_label); ?></h3>
                                                $month_label_shown = true;
                                            $day_label = $md_start . ' – ' . $md_end;
                                            $day_uid = $ics_data['guid'] . '-' . r34ics_uid();
                                            $has_desc = r34ics_has_desc($args, $event);
                                            // datetime now
                                            $tz = 'Europe/Berlin';
                                            $timestamp = time();
                                            $dt = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone($tz)); 
                                            $dt_now = $dt->format('YmdHis');
                                            // Event Start End 
                                            $start_ts = $event['multiday']['start_date'] . $event['multiday']['start_time'];
                                            $end_ts = $event['multiday']['end_date'] . $event['multiday']['end_time'];
                                            if( $dt_now >= $start_ts && $dt_now < $end_ts ) { 
                                                <div class="ics-calendar-date-wrapper" data-date="<?php echo esc_attr($day_label); ?>">
                                                <h4 class="ics-calendar-date" id="<?php echo esc_attr($day_uid); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($day_label); ?></h4>
                                                    <dl class="events" aria-labelledby="<?php echo esc_attr($day_uid); ?>">
                                                        <dd class="<?php echo r34ics_event_css_classes($event, $time, $args); ?>" data-feed-key="<?php echo intval($event['feed_key']); ?>"                                     
                                                        if (!empty($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base'])) { echo ' data-feed-color="' . esc_attr($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base']) . '"'; }
                                                        if (!empty($event['categories'])) { echo ' data-categories="' . esc_attr($event['categories']) . '"'; }
                                                            // Event label (title)
                                                            echo $R34ICS->event_label_html($args, $event, (!empty($has_desc) ? array('has_desc') : null));
                                                            // Sub-label
                                                            echo $R34ICS->event_sublabel_html($args, $event, null);
                                                            // Description/Location/Organizer
                                                            echo $R34ICS->event_description_html($args, $event, null, $has_desc);
                                                            $current_event_found = true;
                                                    // We've now used this event
                                                    $multiday_events_used[] = $multiday_instance_uid;
                                                    if (!empty($args['count']) && $i >= intval($args['count'])) {
                                                        echo '</dl></div></article>';
                                        // Remove event from array (to skip day if it only has multi-day events)
                                    // Remove time from array if all of its events have been removed
                                    if (empty($day_events[$time])) { unset($day_events[$time]); }
                                // Skip day if all of its events were multi-day
                                if (empty($day_events)) { continue; }
                                // Loop through day events
                                $all_day_indicator_shown = !empty($args['hidealldayindicator']);
                                $day_label_shown = false;
                                foreach ((array)$day_events as $time => $events) {
                                    foreach ((array)$events as $event) {
                                        // We're NOT looking for multiday events right now (these should all be removed above already)
                                        if (!empty($event['multiday'])) { continue; }
                                        // Skip event if under the skip limit
                                        if (!empty($args['skip']) && $skip_i < $args['skip']) {
                                            $skip_i++; continue;
                                        // Display month label if needed
                                        if (empty($args['nomonthheaders']) && empty($month_label_shown)) {
                                            <h3 class="ics-calendar-label" id="<?php echo esc_attr($month_uid); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($month_label); ?></h3>
                                            $month_label_shown = true;
                                        // Show day label if not yet displayed
                                        if (empty($day_label_shown)) {
                                            $day_label = r34ics_date($date_format, $month.'/'.$day.'/'.$year);
                                            $day_uid = $ics_data['guid'] . '-' . $year . $month . $day;
                                            <div class="ics-calendar-date-wrapper" data-date="<?php echo esc_attr($day_label); ?>">
                                                <h4 class="ics-calendar-date" id="<?php echo esc_attr($day_uid); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post($day_label); ?></h4>
                                                <dl class="events" aria-labelledby="<?php echo esc_attr($day_uid); ?>">
                                            $day_label_shown = true;
                                        $has_desc = r34ics_has_desc($args, $event);
                                        if ($time == 'all-day') {
                                            if (empty($args['hidetimes']) && !$all_day_indicator_shown) {
                                                ?><dt class="all-day-indicator" data-feed-key="<?php echo intval($event['feed_key']); ?>"<?php
                                                    if (!empty($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base'])) { echo ' data-feed-color="' . esc_attr($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base']) . '"'; }
                                                    if (!empty($event['categories'])) { echo ' data-categories="' . esc_attr($event['categories']) . '"'; }
                                                ?>><?php _e('All Day', 'r34ics'); ?></dt><?php
                                                $all_day_indicator_shown = true;
                                            ?><dd class="<?php echo r34ics_event_css_classes($event, $time, $args); ?>" data-feed-key="<?php echo intval($event['feed_key']); ?>"<?php
                                                if (!empty($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base'])) { echo ' data-feed-color="' . esc_attr($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base']) . '"'; }
                                                if (!empty($event['categories'])) { echo ' data-categories="' . esc_attr($event['categories']) . '"'; }
                                                // Event label (title)
                                                echo $R34ICS->event_label_html($args, $event, (!empty($has_desc) ? array('has_desc') : null));
                                                // Sub-label
                                                echo $R34ICS->event_sublabel_html($args, $event, null);
                                                // Description/Location/Organizer
                                                echo $R34ICS->event_description_html($args, $event, null, $has_desc);
                                                $current_event_found = true;                                            
                                        else {
                                            $dt_now = (int)$dt->format('Hi');
                                            $start = (int)str_replace(":","",$event['start']);
                                            $end = (int)str_replace(":","",$event['end']);
                                            if( $dt_now >= $start && $dt_now < $end ) { 
                                                if (empty($args['hidetimes']) && !empty($event['start'])) {
                                                    ?><dt class="time" data-feed-key="<?php echo intval($event['feed_key']); ?>"<?php
                                                        if (!empty($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base'])) { echo ' data-feed-color="' . esc_attr($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base']) . '"'; }
                                                        if (!empty($event['categories'])) { echo ' data-categories="' . esc_attr($event['categories']) . '"'; }
                                                    echo wp_kses_post($event['start']);
                                                    if (!empty($event['end']) && $event['end'] != $event['start']) {
                                                        if (empty($args['showendtimes'])) {
                                                            <span class="end_time show_on_hover">– <?php echo wp_kses_post($event['end']); ?></span>
                                                        else {
                                                            <span class="end_time">– <?php echo wp_kses_post($event['end']); ?></span>
                                                    ?><dd class="<?php echo r34ics_event_css_classes($event, $time, $args); ?>" data-feed-key="<?php echo intval($event['feed_key']); ?>"<?php
                                                    if (!empty($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base'])) { echo ' data-feed-color="' . esc_attr($ics_data['colors'][$event['feed_key']]['base']) . '"'; }
                                                    if (!empty($event['categories'])) { echo ' data-categories="' . esc_attr($event['categories']) . '"'; }
                                                    // Event label (title)
                                                    echo $R34ICS->event_label_html($args, $event, (!empty($has_desc) ? array('has_desc') : null));
                                                    // Sub-label
                                                    echo $R34ICS->event_sublabel_html($args, $event, null);
                                                    // Description/Location/Organizer
                                                    echo $R34ICS->event_description_html($args, $event, null, $has_desc);
                                                    $current_event_found = true;
                                        if (!empty($args['count']) && $i >= intval($args['count'])) {
                                            if (!empty($day_label_shown)) { echo '</dl></div></article>'; }
                                if (!empty($day_label_shown)) {
            // Color code key
            if (!empty($args['legendposition']) && $args['legendposition'] == 'below') {
                echo $R34ICS->color_key_html($args, $ics_data);
            // Actions after rendering calendar wrapper (can include additional template output)
            do_action('r34ics_display_calendar_after_wrapper', $view, $args, $ics_data);
        if (!$current_event_found) { 
            <p style="background-color:#fef4c0;">Bitte rufen Sie uns auf unserem Bereitschaftstelefon unter der Nummer <strong>112</strong> an.</p>
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