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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Switching] How to do it automatically?Thanks for trying, but your code doesn’t do anything at all (I just reversed 1 and 2). Oh well…
Okay, I’m embarrassed. The port wasn’t open for TCP OUT in the firewall, while it was open for TCP IN. I discovered it while working on another site.
Quick Cache now works but Widget Cache doesn’t, but I’m not worried about Widget Cache. Neither are supported anymore and it might be time to switch to total cache anyway.
Thanks. I’ll do some more testing when I have more time.
I just read your reply on the other thread. I’m not just a user, I’m also the server administrator… I did everything from the ground up after installing Ubuntu Server. The only issues I ever seem to have are server/plugin incompatibilities and it’s usually something simple to fix. Unfortunately, my eyes start to glaze over when I’m poring over a lot of code.
There are some other things I can check, but I’ll have to wait until I have a few hours to dedicate to the task and more than just a couple of hours of sleep. Again, thanks.
By the way, the development version of the plugin works perfectly (for me).
I found the problem and it isn’t your plugin. The default fastcgi_params file for NginX doesn’t include:
fastcgi_param HTTPS on;
It took me a lot of searching through bug reports to find it. Once I added that, all of the URLs suddenly worked as expected. Perhaps you may want to add that to the FAQ somehow.
Okay, I tested it and it still doesn’t work. By the way, I was confused by the lack of a port number box until I added the port number to end of the SSL domain.
It’s really odd because my rewrite rule says to rewrite anything with /wp-admin/ in it. Could it be because WordPress uses force_ssl_admin (or lack thereof) to write those URLs?
In the meantime, perhaps I need to limit my rewrite rule for logging in only.
I don’t know when I’ll have the time, but I’ll check.
Yes. I couldn’t use an alternate port otherwise.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NGINX Manager] [Plugin: NGINX Manager] Future posts scriptIt’s not a url, it’s the response when the cron job runs. I tried disabling plugins one at a time, but the response was always a fail with whatever plugin trying to use more memory than available.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Override Comment BlacklistI recently wrote a custom script to drop the IP addresses and ranges via an include to wp-config.php. I would much rather have a real blacklist for comments vs. one that marks them as spam. I’ve search through WordPress support posts going back as far as 2005 and this is really something that people want.
I just wish I knew how – I tried to make a plugin, but it failed to work as intended.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Override Comment BlacklistBad behavior behaves badly. How’s that for a twist? It blocks people it shouldn’t. I know, because I tested it for a day.
I hate dissecting plugins. I usually find the answer isn’t there.
A person who uses an ad blocker isn’t a person who’s going to support your ads anyway and nothing you can do, even anti-adblocking, is going to change that.
People who use adblockers of any kind are a tiny fraction of the Internet population. It’s better to concentrate on those who don’t use them so that they’ll actually click on ads instead of just looking at them. I don’t know for sure, but I think the norm is 1-3% CTR. There’s already a slew of people just ignoring them ads. Consider the adblocker person as one who would otherwise ignore them.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Turn off the autosave already!!!As long as it’s above the part that loads wp-settings. Your code will change the autosave interval to 5 minutes. The code at https://www.untwistedvortex.com/2008/06/27/adjust-wordpress-autosave-or-disable-it-completely/ is a plugin that disables it.
With post revisions, you can add define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false ) right under or where you would put the autosave interval.
I disable both on all my blogs, but I have one that doesn’t want to behave (it’s a mulit-author blog) no matter what I do, but the autosave interval is set to 300 (5 minutes) so it isn’t too bad.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Turn off the autosave already!!!That’s what confuses people. The autosave revisions are completely different than the post revisions and are controlled by separate pieces of code.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New Plugin: CommentLuv – luv your commenters!The style tag is missing type=”text/css” so it doesn’t validate with W3C. I also spotted something odd with a spam comment that came in. Half of the plugin code was attached to it. I deleted it so I can’t show it to you. If I get another one, I will. I’m using 1.3.