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  • I give you my solution, but I don’t find the following code reliable (too much echo), if :

    i have changed :
    <fb:eventlink eid="<?php echo $event["eid"]; ?>"></fb:eventlink>


    <div class="event">
    <?php echo date('l dS F Y',$event['start_time']); ?>
    <img src="<?php echo $event['pic_small']; ?>" />
    <?php echo $event['name']; ?>
    <?php echo $event['tagline']; ?>
    Type: <?php echo $event['event_type']?> - <?php echo $event['event_subtype']?><br/>
    Where: <?php echo $event['location']?><br/>
    When: <?php echo date("dS F Y h:i",$event['start_time'])?> - <?php echo date("dS F Y h:i",$event['end_time'])?><br/>

    Hi bmbingham,

    I have the same problem, I can only see upcoming events end dates.

    When you watch $event array, you have access to some of the event information but following things have to be done :
    – show start and end time for 3 cases (only start time, start time = end time, start time != end time)
    – translate time (works with date_i18n() function)

    I’m not really used to facebook FBML but there’s a page about fb:eventlink in the facebook documentation : I don’t get it works …

    If some have a solution !


    I’m actually trying to get the Facebook upcoming events for SFC work

    sfc_upcoming_event_output($event) show the event date.

    but <fb:eventlink eid=”<?php echo $event[“eid”]; ?>”></fb:eventlink> don’t seems to work …

    It can works in HTML but it’s not very reliable

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