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    Hi again,

    As Mailpoet field integration and subscribe process seems to be broken atm, here’s the code I use to keep this functionnality working on CF7 forms.

    First, insert this shortcode on the CF7 form :

    [checkbox your-subscription default:1 "Subscribe to our newsletter"]

    Then add the following code on “functions.php” (replace “your-email”, “your-firstname”, “your-lastname” and “your-subscription” with the field names used on the form) :

    function get_mailing_lists() {
    	$model = WYSIJA::get('list','model');
    	$lists = $model->get(array('name','list_id'), array('is_enabled'=>1));
    	$datas = array();
    	foreach($lists as $list) { $datas[] = $list['list_id']; }
    	return $datas;
    function add_subscriber_from_contact_form() {
    	$cf7 = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance()
    	if($cf7) { $form_data = $cf7->get_posted_data(); }
    	$user_data = array(
    		'email'     => $form_data['your-email'],
    		'firstname' => $form_data['your-firstname'],
    		'lastname'  => $form_data['your-lastname'],
    	$list_data = array(
    		'user'      => $user_data,
    		'user_list' => array('list_ids' => get_mailing_lists()),
    	if(!empty($form_data['your-subscription'])) {
    		$user_helper = &WYSIJA::get('user','helper');
    	add_action('wpcf7_mail_sent', 'add_subscriber_from_contact_form');

    Hope it helps!

    Hi qwertis,

    To add custom image sizes, you need to insert a bit of code to “functions.php” file in your template directory:

    add_image_size('name_of_your_size', 600, 400, false);

    In this case, “600” is for the width in pixels (set it to 9999 to resize based on height), “400” for the height. The last parameter (true/false) is used whether to crop image to specified size (true) or proportionally resize it (false).

    More info:

    Hope it helps!

    Hi jwarren,

    The crop link still available in 4.0 media panel but is only visible in list mode (on the left side of media filters).

    BTW, it seems that everyting’s working with this version of Manual Image Crop + WP 4.0


    In my case, everything’s ok now.
    Thank you very much Tomasz!


    I having the same issue on the settings page when I use custom labels for thumbnail sizes. Otherwise, submiting changes with default values for labels works as excepted.

    I found that the 151th line error was caused due to a serialized value ($sizesSettings) used as an array but whithout being correctly unserialized (in my case a double nested serial value was given).

    I fix this adding temporaly a second “unserialize()” call after line 133 of “manual-image-crop/lib/ManualImageCropSettingsPage.php” to be able to restore and save my settings:

    $sizesSettings = unserialize($this->options['sizes_settings']);
       $sizesSettings = unserialize($sizesSettings);

    By the way, thanks a lot Tomasz for this great addon!

    Another workaround to turn off WordPress thumbnail generation :

    Clear the Height and Width fields for “Thumbnail size” and “Medium size” from “Settings ? Media” subpanel.

    WordPress will no longer generate thumbs and alt pictures when uploading ??

    Hi there and thanks Carlla for pointing the solution of this issue I also encountered.

    Another way to solve this ( without editing core files, an option to avoid as the plague ?? would be to dynamically add session_start() via the plugin main file by using add_action(…).

    Something like :

    // Function to start session
    function cyc_session_start() {
    	if(!session_id) session_start();
    // Try to start a session when the register page is requested
    if ($pagenow == 'wp-login.php' && $_GET['action'] == 'register' && $cyc_options['captcha']) {

    Hope it helps.

    It seems that _transient_feed_* entries in DBs related to feeds cache :

    • _transient_feed_* for feed’s content
    • _transient_feed_mod_* for feed’s last modification time
    • _transient_timeout_feed_* for feed’s cache duration

    Maybe a little bit more informations could be found on this topic dealing with the same subject or by looking closer onto this hook to save few of the bandwidth charge needed to cache feeds.

    As I’m not really on familiar ground there, more informations about this would be appreciate too ??

    [ and sorry for language hurts ]

    Hi Jellelle

    You can also try “My Category Order” plugin (WP 2.8 compatible) to do what you need.

    Usage after manual category switches on admin panel :

    Great addon to override wordpress default way of listing categories ??


    @ rskrodzki > If there’s no function.php file at the root of your theme directory, just create it and paste Otto42’s code inside (where XXX is your max width images value) :

    $GLOBALS['content_width'] = XXX;

    @ furiousphotographers > A trick could be to give an extra-large value in your theme function file, 9000 for example, then all images smaller than 9000 pixels will be inserted with their real max values when “full-size” option selected.

    Hey Valentino,

    I’ve got the same issue with multiple slideshows, widget ones, running in Opera ; before hackin a little bit NextGEN by myself – I guess with random or timestamp generated IDs – can you explain me your trick ?

    Thanx in advance too,

    Hi Oblax,
    To hide Preview & HTML tabs, I use CSS to target those ones by their ID and hide them like this :

    #edButtonHTML { visibility:hidden; }
    #edButtonPreview { visibility:hidden; }

    In my case, I use the Fluency Admin 1.1 theme (2.5+ version required) – great one by the way! – and add those lines above at the bottom of (…)/wp-admin-fluency/resources/fluency.css file.

    Hi Indiaberry,
    I recommend you to use those two plugins (2.0.X to 2.5.X compatible) :
    Role Manager which allows to manage roles and capabilities for different users and IWG Hide Dashboard (Author page), an extension for “Role Manager” to hide the dashboard for some users and redirect them to their profile page.

    This other one, Dashboard Editor, could by the way be helpfull too (2.0.0 up to 2.5 WP version), allowing you to remove some features on the dashboard.

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