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our buttons are set to show at the bottom of the post@_mjk_
I am using the “Red Modern” theme, which is freely available via the WordPress built in theme search.However, i don’t believe it matters which theme you use. I have even tried the built in themes you get with WordPress as default. If you change the way it displays blog posts (i.e. change “<?php the_content(); ?>” to “<?php the_excerpt(); ?>” in the code), the AddThis buttons disapear.
I have even followed a online tutorial to create my own very basic theme and when displaying excerpts no AddThis buttons show.
Hi Matt
Our setup is not quite how you mention above.We have 1 lot of FTP space / webspace. Within this webspace is our website and blog, in the following configuration: – main website run using Joomla – blog site run using WordPressThe homepage to our blog, is a list of blog posts using excerpts. We do not have a static page as our homepage on the blog – we have our Joomla based website for that. Each part of our website has its own database.
I have checked in my test environment and i have both the “hompage” and “excerpts” tickboxes enabled on the Advanced tab within the AddThis settings. If i disable the “homepage” option it makes no difference, the AddThis icons still don’t appear.
SST gives you the ability to add three types of Facebook sharing buttons and also allows you to pick what social buttons you want to show. Therefore you can have as few, or as many as you like. Also it gives you the ability to re-order the buttons, so you can show them it a chosen order.
I have not removed AddThis, just disabled it. If the AddThis plugin begins to work correctly on Excerpts in WordPress 3.4.1 at a later date i may re-enable it, as we use AddThis plugin on our Joomla website.Hi Matt
MY test platform is not public unfortunatly, it is local to a machine.
However, i have disabled the AddThis plugin and am now using “Social Sharing Toolkit”, which is ultimatly more configurable and works fully with Wordress 3.4.1.
I have since upgraded my live blog to WordPress 3.4.1 and all is good.
Thanks anyway…Matt thanks for your reply.
We have the “Show AddThis on excerpts” set to true on the Advanced Tab. The issue is the AddThis icons do not show up on excerpts.
This appears to be regardless of which template is used.I have to-date only attempted to upgrade WordPress to 3.4.1 on our test platform, as i need to know all is working correctly before i upgrade the live blog site.
Thanks Russ.
We also have an issue with this plugin running WordPress 3.4.1.
Our live wordpress site is running 3.3.2 and it works fine. We have a test platform setup offline, so that we can test upgrades and changes before going live.
On testing the upgrade to WordPress 3.4.1, the AddThis icons no longer show.Our blog homepage only shows the blog post excerpts, rather than the full post. The AddThis icons do NOT show on our homepage anymore, but do show if you go to the full blog post.
I have discovered, that the issue is with excerpts only, regardless of the template used.
In the code for “index.php”, we have the code “<?php the_excerpt(); ?>”. If this code is changed to “<?php the_content(); ?>”, which shows the full blog post on the homepage, the AddThis icons show up!
I have posted directly on the AddThis support forums, but have not a response yet that helps solve the problem.
Any help will be appreciated, as we want to keep on the latest version of Workpress where possible.