Forum Replies Created
It was in WooCommerce Settings……. email sender option. sorted
And you certainly have done that, very quick support thanks.
FYI, the Chrome fix worked but i had to add all the address info of the customer in manually
The OPERA on the other hand worked 100% adding all customer infoergo … OPERA WINS …….
Thanks again and have a great day **************************
Understood, how long will the next version be until it is released and does this type of thing happen often ?
I have disabled the CORS for content scripts in Chrome and that is now working. Great …. Which would you suggest is the best method for me to use, Chrome CORS Disabled or Opera ?
Tried Opera, but i couldnt find the WooCommerce Aliexpress Dropshipping extension for Opera, so the order didnt transfer to the ALiexpress cart, it just opened AliExpress homepage.
Tobias, you ARE an expert. Thats fixed it. The crazy thing is, i dont know why i activated that plugin in the first place, it just sounded good !
Lesson learnt
Hi Tobias, i dont really have a massive plugin list, im not sure which ones i would be allowed to disable. They are:
Google analytics for worpress by monsterinsights
obit fox companion
SG optimzer
Tablepress … of course
UpdraftPlus – backup/restore
Wordpress importer
Wordpress Starter
WP Forms lite
Yoast SEO