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  • Thread Starter rvoelker



    Just when I thought things were awesome: Your “On-Sale Page” works perfect, and even better after the tweak to consider the value of stock quantity ( _stock), but…

    I use a side-bar that has navigation for Category, Brand, etc. And although your On-Sale Page shows only the applicable brands, categories, etc based on the found set of on-sale items(it even counts the correct number of records for each on-sale brand, category, etc) as soon as you click on a brand, or category, or etc you immediately lose the ‘On-Sale’-ness…you end up on a page with the entire product set of whatever brand, category or etc you clicked on.

    This shouldn’t be this hard.

    Thread Starter rvoelker



    I tweaked the fields being compared as follows

    add_filter('woocommerce_product_query_meta_query' , 'hide_outofstock_from_sale_page',10,2);
    function hide_outofstock_from_sale_page($meta_query,$q){
     global $wp_query;
     if(isset($wp_query->is_sale_page) && $wp_query->is_sale_page === true ){
     $meta_query['stock']  = array(
       'key'   => '_stock',
       'value'  => '0',
       'compare'  => '>');
     return $meta_query;

    And now it only display products with a Stock quantity greater than 0.


    Thread Starter rvoelker


    Hmm… Almost – I think.

    As described, it didn’t work – products that were listed as “Out of Stock” still appeared in the On-Sale page.

    This may become suddenly more complicated;
    A product that appears on the On Sale page, but also showing the “Out of Stock” badge shows the following in it’s Product Details;
    Regular price: <some value>
    Sale price: <some lower value>
    Manage Stock: <enabled>
    Stock quantity: 0
    Stock status: ‘In Stock’ *See note

    In your sample code it looks like you may be looking at the field ‘stock_status’..which in this case is not a good field to look at. I tried changing things around a little to to work with the ‘Stock quantity’ without success..but that’s mostly because I don’t know what I am doing.

    Your help thus far is much appreciated.

    NOTE: The fact that the Stock Status and the Stock Quantity fields don’t reflect themselves is do to the nightly import I mentioned. Apparently my import script is jamming a Stock quantity value but not also updating the Stock Status. Odd, though, because the product used in my example can’t be purchased because WC really does believe it to be out of stock.

    Thread Starter rvoelker


    I may be asking for too much…

    Yes, I want to show products that are out of stock in the rest of the store to allow customers to add them to a Waitlist – so the “Show Out of Stock” items is enabled.

    For items that are on-sale I don’t want to show those that are out of stock because they may not be on-sale when inventory returns – don’t want customers to Waitlist something that’s on-sale but out of stock.

    …the reason for doing it within the plug-in is because inventory availability and on-sale status is set nightly during a scheduled import. With over 7,000 items it’s not possible/feasible to go back and do manual corrections to the product catalog (slow and labor intense) – having the On Sale list filtered would make it automatic.

    …still love the plug in, just gotta figure out a way around this kink.

    Thread Starter rvoelker


    Awesome, thank you!

    You ALMOST have it..
    √?the search box now looks like FireFox and Chrome – Bravo!
    √?the product detail slide-out sits on top of the main page content as it should – Bravo!
    X the overlap/crowding within the search results pop-down still exists.
    …product summary text does not fit within the row hight. It looks like the row height is fixed in Safari, and very short. In Firefox the row height appears to be dynamic, expanding to fit the summary content.

    Thread Starter rvoelker


    Thanks for the response. Yes, the problem still exists in Safari.

    Here are a few screen shots of the differences of of the code is displayed in different browsers.

    Search Examples

    I’m not very good at CSS but can get around with a little guidance.

    Thanks –

    Thread Starter rvoelker


    I actually forgot the most important part – the content of the search results list is overlapped on itself.

    Thread Starter rvoelker


    My apologies..I think I may have missed the request for additional information.

    We are now working with:
    WCCM: 4.08
    WC: 2.6.1
    WP: 4.5.3

    – Checkout screen
    Clicking upload button produces file picker
    After selecting a PDF file in the picker the upload changes to three buttons: Zoom, Edit and Delete. The name of the selected file is listed above the buttons. NO file appears to have been uploaded.

    – My Account > View Order screen
    A trash can and Upload Files button are visible. Clicking the Upload Files button produces a file picker, lets me choose one and after clicking “OK”, the upload button goes dim and stays dim. No file appears to have been uploaded.

    – WordPress Administration > Edit Order screen
    In the Order Uploaded Files section there are two buttons: Add Order Files and Save Changes. Clicking Add Order Files produces a file picker and after selecting one the text next to the buttons changes to “Files Uploaded Successfully”. No file appears to have been uploaded.

    As a side note, clicking “Save Changes” changes the text message to “Deleted Successfully”.

    Any hope? (*I think this plugin may be precisely what I need if you can get it working)

    Thanks again…

    For what it’s worth, I also had an issue with a warning about the Address 2 field being required on a fresh install of WCCM v 4.0.7.

    For me, two things solved it:
    On the Billing Tab
    Making sure I had a label for it (*it was initially blank in my install)
    Save Changes
    Making sure the “Required” was deselected
    Save Changes
    On the Shipping Tab
    Repeat same process as the Billing Tab
    deactivate, reactivate, run the updater.

    Are you using the Upload file feature, and if so, is it working?

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