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  • Thread Starter Ron B


    Sorry to say, v 2.8.8, now 2.9.0, do not fix this problem.

    As, I mentioned above, the problem only seems to happen on sites that previously and originally had an older version of Admin Custom Login plugin installed.

    When I create a new empty site and install the latest/current version of the plugin, the plugin correctly displays the changed username and password labels on the WP login page.

    I also added all plugins that I am using on the affected sites to the clean test site and this does not cause the labels to display incorrectly.

    I can only assume that there is something strange about how the login label data was saved in the older version of the plugin and/or retrieved in the newer version.

    Still running versions (on affected sites):
    Admin Custom Login Plugin 2.9.0
    WP 5.1.1
    PHP 7.3.4
    MySQL 5.6.40
    using a child theme

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter Ron B


    Sorry to say, but it is still not working. After installing 2.8.6, the login page is still displaying the field label above the login name input as “Username or Email Address” even though the ‘Username or Email Field Label Text‘ field in the plugin Login Form Settings is still set to “User Name“. Same problem with the Password field label above the password input field.

    This is only happening on sites where Admin Custom Login had been previously installed and used.

    This is not happening on new sites when Admin Custom Login 2.8.6 is installed clean.

    This leads me to think that perhaps something changed in the serialization of the plugin option values which only allows the older username and password labels to be retrieved.

    I’m not seeing a problem with the placeholder text on the input fields for username and password, just the label fields above them.


    Thread Starter Ron B



    Thanks. So I can report back that it is partially fixed (both username and password labels).

    When I start with a clean local machine empty WordPress test site, Twenty Nineteen theme, and no plugins except Admin Custom Login, the username and password name labels can be changed for the WP login panel with the latest 2.8.5 version. So, that was fixed.

    Using this test site, when I add/activate the theme (using child theme) where I see the problem, the username and password name labels can be still be changed for the WP login panel. plugin still works!

    I added the code:
    remove_filter( ‘authenticate’, ‘wp_authenticate_email_password’, 20 );
    to local test site child theme functions.php to disable email logins. The username and password name labels can be still be changed for the WP login panel. plugin still works!

    I add/activate (one at a time) all of the plugins I am using on the original site to the local test site , the username and password name labels can be still be changed for the WP login panel. still works!


    BUT, when I update the Admin Custom Login plugin to 2.8.5 on the original site where I found the problem, it still does


    work. The username and password name labels are NOT affected in the WP login panel. Frustrating.

    I am testing with this website on both my local machine and on the live website, both are still broken for the login/password labels with 2.8.5. I’ve cleared the server cache and browser cache (multiple times).

    I’ve also searched the entire wp-content folder tree for any other instances of the label_username label_password variables to see if any part of the theme or any other plugin was touching the login form variables. Nothing. Only in the Admin Custom Login files.

    It does look like you may be using $label_username in some instances where without the $ would be correct. check line 444 of init.php

    Also, I see you do not appear to be using the login_form_defaults WP filter, so perhaps that is causing conflicts in ways that aren’t obvious…perhaps in the calling order of the wp_login_form function.


    It’s very frustrating. I’ve been recommending your plugin and prefer not to have to code what I need for my clients in this case, so I’d like to help get this figured out.

    Thanks in advance,
    Ron B

    Thread Starter Ron B



    I deleted ALL plugins except Admin Custom Login – no effect. The login page is still displaying the field label above the login name input as “Username or Email Address” even though the ‘Username or Email Field Label Text‘ field in the plugin Login Form Settings is still set to “User Name“.

    I changed the theme to ‘Twenty Nineteen‘ theme (latest version 1.3) and I see the problem can be reproduced there as well.

    I also tried changing the Password label, and it also does not change. (I don’t really need to change this, but I was curious if this was a problem too).

    These two labels appear to be the only settings that I am seeing not working. The text in the input fields can be changed, just the labels above don’t work.

    WordPress is version 5.1.1
    PHP version 7.3, but also tried with 7.0
    Admin Custom Login v2.8.4


    One other request, please move the Dashboard menu item into the Settings as a sub-menu where it is more appropriate (instead of between Media and Pages). Or, at least move it below the Settings menu item:

    init.php line 77, add_menu_page position value > 80


    Ron B

    Thread Starter Ron B


    Hi Evan

    It loads fine on hosted sites.

    I’m on a Windows 10 platform (up-to-date)

    For localhost, I am running Desktop Server (v2.8.2 current ) which uses

    XAMPP lite (xampp_cli.exe) – this may be customized by ServerPress
    Apache/2 4.12
    PHP version 5.5.24
    MySQL version 5.6.24

    WP 4.6.1

    ServerPress Desktop Server is a pretty common WordPress development environment (there is a free version) and I haven’t seen a problem like this before.


    P.S. I had a long thread with you 5+ months ago: on other issues.

    Thread Starter Ron B


    Version 4.6.1 of WordPress

    Sorry forgot to tell you that this is being installed on my localhost while website is under development, not on a hosted site (yet)

    Tried uninstalling / re-installing – same result

    Thread Starter Ron B


    One last thought.

    While the images should be sized to width:auto, really with what you are trying to do, you should consider using the srcset attribute and just make it automatic. Better for responsive websites.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    So, I determined that the “single-timeline-express-content.php” file is loading. It seemed like it was/should be, but I couldn’t see any effects of mods from the “single-timeline-express-content.php” file. (Lot of old-school inserting of echo’s to find that out).

    Okay, so I figured it out. I should have figured it out sooner, but didn’t realize how wound up some things got.

    1) There was a collision between template loads for single TE posts that I had created as a workaround for when TE version 1.1.x didn’t support a single post template. I was loading another template, that now didn’t load with your new one, but it looked like single.php was loading (which I don’t actually use anywhere). I unwound that change, and the “single-timeline-express-content.php” file loaded without an issue, but I still could not see that because…

    2) Regardless of image size you retrieve with
    timeline_express_get_announcement_image( get_the_ID(), 'full' ), the size of the image is now set to display width:100% by the announcement-banner-image class in 1.2.x TE CSS. I did not see that because I was overriding the image size a different way during the older version of TE. The image size looked like the default single.php and had the same lack of CSS or wrapper classes.

    It would probably be good to remove the width:100% as this sort of defeats having a flexible image size load. Perhaps max-width:100% width:auto )


    3) the <strong class="timeline-express-single-page-announcement-date"> class tag in line 26 of “single-timeline-express-content.php” sets display:block. This was being re-styled in my older version to handle changes my client wanted, but this caused a display position problem in this new version…and weirdly it wasn’t showing in the CSS inspection.


    The short of it is that it now all works, once I figured out to unwind ALL of my previous TE 1.1.x kluges.

    I probably would have seen this sooner, but I’m multi-tasking under the gun to get this project wrapped. Never fun when new updates to stuff happens just before a release.

    The way you have the plugin now really is way better.

    So, sorry, for having this chasing our tails. Arrrggg.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    It is the “single-timeline-express.php” file I copied from the template directory of the plugin. The code is:

    get_header(); ?>
    <div id="primary" class="content-area timeline-express-content-area">
    	<main id="main" class="site-main timeline-express-main" role="main">
    		// Start the loop.
    		while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    			<header class="entry-header">
    				<?php the_title( '<h2 class="entry-title">Film: ', '</h2>' ); ?>
    			</header><!-- .entry-header -->
    			<div class="entry-content">
    				// Include the single post content template.
    				get_timeline_express_template( 'single-announcement' );
    		// End of the loop.
    	</main><!-- .site-main -->
    </div><!-- .content-area -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I changed h1 to h2 and added “Film: “.
    That part works.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    Could the “default” location in the switch statement be causing problems? I usually don’t put them at the beginning.

    Thread Starter Ron B


    I tried changing the arg to ‘single-timeline-express-content’ and very strangely it pulled the template “timeline-express-container.php”.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    didn’t mean ‘second’

    Thread Starter Ron B


    What is the second argument in the call to

    get_timeline_express_template( 'single-announcement' );

    in “single-timeline-express.php”?

    Can it be set to another template name?


    Thread Starter Ron B


    The “single-timeline-express.php” works in the child theme timeline-express subfolder.

    The “single-timeline-express-content.php” does not, and it appears to default to the standard single.php.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    How about in the timeline-express folder of a child theme?

    I’m just copying the files from your template directory as is, to my child theme timeline-express subfolder.


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