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  • Thread Starter Ron B


    Okay. Thanks. I think your paradigm is sound, I just can’t get the “single-timeline-express-content.php” file in my child theme timeline-express to be invoked.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    My single post pages

    full width image

    There is no
    Announcement Date: %s

    echo wp_kses_post( timeline_express_get_announcement_image( get_the_ID(), 'full' ) ); to medium has no affect.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    I do want to modify/move stuff on the single post pages (and add CSS classes).

    I’ve copied “single-timeline-express.php” to my child theme timeline-express subfolder. Modified it – that works. Copied “single-timeline-express-content.php” to same directory. However, it does not seem to get invoked at all (either modified or unmodified).

    Is the
    <strong>get_timeline_express_template( 'single-announcement' );</strong>
    line in “single-timeline-express.php” supposed to invoke “single-timeline-express-content.php”. If so, it does not appear to.

    I think that’s where I’m confused.


    Thread Starter Ron B



    So, let me get clear. There are two options for modifying single post content. (Both models I’m familiar with, as the theme I’m using does this, too.)

    1) Copy my theme’s single.php to my child theme timeline-expess folder, rename it, replace the_content() or get_template_part... with timeline_express_content(), etc.


    2) Copy the “single-timeline-express-content.php” to my child theme timeline-express folder and modify that.

    For what I need, the former (1) is not really needed (overkill), but #2 does not seem to be working (changed the image size to “thumbnail” had no effect and the the date is not displaying).

    It acts like “single-timeline-express.php” is not invoking “single-timeline-express-content.php” (anywhere – either from your plugin template directory or from my child timeline-express folder).

    I can make mods to “single-timeline-express.php” in my folder, but nothing seems to affect “single-timeline-express-content.php”.

    Hope this clarifies the issue I’m seeing.

    Sorry, not trying to be a pain, I like your plugin and want to help.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    I was looking at

    Kind of why it’s getting confusing.

    When do I use that versus what you have above?


    Thread Starter Ron B


    I’d also consider moving <header> tag, the_title and <div class="entry-content> (all the stuff inside the loop), so that it can be all modified in one place (and “single-timeline-express.php” is not unnecessarily exposed to erroneous changes).


    Thread Starter Ron B


    Hi Evan,

    I updated to 1.2.6 and that fixes all of the problems on the timeline (shortcoded) page that I reported. I added my filters back (above) and that all works too.

    The posts do now come up from the Read More links.

    However, in the TE single posts, the date does not display and the image is full width.

    Looking at the CSS it appears TE is just invoking the standard single.php template.

    I see you have a new “single-timeline-express-content.php” TE template. I copied that to my child theme timeline-express folder, but that does not appear to be getting invoked.

    Thoughts? Am I missing a step? (Also putting “single-timeline-express.php” in my child theme timeline-express folder makes no difference.)

    Does the
    get_timeline_express_template( 'single-announcement' );
    line in “single-timeline-express.php” affect this somehow?

    Thanks again,

    P.S. (1) the documentation on single post customizing is getting a little confusing (different pages saying different things).
    (2) also Documentation Button link on the TE Settings Page is broken – it prepends my admin URL to your doc page URL:

    Thread Starter Ron B


    Hi Evan,

    So this may not be what you expected, but it fixes the FIRST timeline post problems that I described. The error message on the first post went away and the “Read More” now set the correct post URL (instead of pointing back to the page containing the shortcode).

    Strangely, it does NOT, HOWEVER, fix the problem of single posts not displaying (as linked from all timeline page posts including first) given the use of the the_content filter.

    Possible problem in the timeline_express_single_page_content callback function? Perhaps something here might help…

    Hope this helps.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    Also, I tried adding the “single.timeline-express.php” file to my child theme timeline-express folder. I also tried removing the template files and the timeline-express folder altogether from my child theme.

    Neither affected the problem in 1.2.5.


    Note: JumpStart does something unique which is that it uses the standard WP template mechanism, but the WP templates (ie., single.php) serve as a wrapper for the WP loop that then calls customizable framework specific files (ie., content-single.php) that just contains div blocks and WP post/content code. (Saves mucking up the WP templates incorrectly.)

    But this didn’t seem to be a problem in 1.2.4.


    (I have to go to a meeting, so I may not be able to respond for a couple of hours)

    Thread Starter Ron B


    It was fine for me in TE 1.2.4 (I can rollback to that and everything works).

    It does not appear to be an re-update post problem. I can update the same post and see the same problem. Also, I can trash the post, and the problem appears again with the new first post. (Sort order “Ascending”). The error I sent displays only appears in whatever is the first post. It does not appear to be a new vs. old post issue.

    I am using JumpStart 2.1 from ThemeBlvd ( It’s a well-coded theme/framework.


    Thread Starter Ron B


    Yes, that seems to work. However, I now see a couple of new problems in v1.2.5. I will read through the most recent posts to see if anyone else is reporting them before starting a new thread. Thanks.

    Thread Starter Ron B


    Typo corrected:
    add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'set_custom_excerpt_length', 999 );

    Thread Starter Ron B


    I found your email address on the Settings page and sent you a more extensive description and the screenshot.

    I do like your design idea a lot!


    Thread Starter Ron B


    Hi Narinder,

    It looks like that most recent version fixed the font CSS issues.

    There still seems to be a problem with CSS being affected in other pages though. The Bootstrap column widths on other pages are now getting clobbered in bootstrap.min.css (.col-sm-XX, .col-md-XX, etc.). I imagine that other bootstrap CSS is also affected, but this is what I see immediately.

    Plugin CSS often loads after Theme CSS in WordPress. If you are applying style changes to Bootstrap classes in your plugin CSS, you should wrap the HTML of your plugin with a class specific to your plugin (i.e., <div class="cool-timeline"> ) and then apply CSS selectors to in your CSS selective for bootstrap overrides (i.e., .cool-timeline .col-sm-3 {...} ).

    Regarding the original 2nd problem: I have a screen shot for you, but I don’t see your email address or a way to post images on your support page. I will you send my email address from your demo page. Please reply to that so I can email you a jpeg.


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