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Yes, my configuration is correct… and I am using the WP_SMS UI when testing…
When I updated WP-SMS to v5.5, the call to the gateway ExpertTexting failed with an authentication error. I reached out to ExperTexting support and with their assistance, resolved the issue by discovering that WP-SMS v5.5 parameter list had to be modified to what was reflected in v5.4 – applying these changes in v5.5 resolved the issue.
The call to the ExpertTexting gateway will work in v5.5.1 once you make the code changes to reflect what was originally in v5.4.
Going forward, may I suggest you reach out to ExpertTexting support.
Just installed your “fix” 5.5.1 this morning, and sadly, it is not working… as the parameters your passing to ExpertTextings API remain in conflict with what their API is expecting…
The solution (provided above), if you wish to employ it, taken from version 5.4, is shown below…
`foreach ($this->to as $to) {
/*5_4*/ $response = wp_remote_get( $this->wsdl_link . “json/Message/Send?username=” . $this->username . “&password=” . $this->password . “&api_key=” . $this->has_key . “&from=” . $this->from . “&to=” . $to . “&text=” . $text . “&type=” . $type, array( ‘timeout’ => 30 ) );