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  • Thread Starter rxunique



    yes, it is loaded in CSS as background images.

    Does LS has any plans to support CSS replacing or is there any workaround?

    Thread Starter rxunique



    Its the home page full file name graphic-sign-hire-element-002-600×400-1.jpg

    Thread Starter rxunique



    Just realised that some of the webp files are missing, I’ve since did a re-run of image optimization to pull them. Can confirm that all the webp are there via file manager.

    But still “element-002-600×400-1.jpg” not replaced.

    Also sorted the Admin IP, didn’t realise my IP has changed.

    Thread Starter rxunique



    I’ve done the following steps

    1. update LS to, divi to 4.4.5
    2. turned off cloud-flare and purge
    3. cleared DIVI builder cache
    4. LS log view clear log
    5. set debug log to ON (setting admin IP only does not generate log)
    6. purge all and reload

    here’s the log

    Thread Starter rxunique


    Some interesting further information

    Just updated, no improvement
    Tried DIVI options to disable generate static CSS, and enable generate but output style inline in footer, no improvement

    actived optimole and disabled LS image optimisation, clear purge LS cache. This is the interesting part, optimole can only replace the same 3 images LS can replace, not the other 9.

    Then I tried to clear DIVI builder cache, hard refresh chrome, then optimole can replace all 12 images

    I suspect it’s how DIVI builder handles cache and css that litespeed can not detect

    Thread Starter rxunique



    Thanks, I did that before I posted here, but tried again more rigorously. Here are my steps.

    1. have the site open per normal and F12 for devtools
    2. clear DIVI builder cache and Sucuri cache
    3. turned off wordfence, sucuri, yoastseo, querymornitor and auditlog, bascially background non visual plugins
    3. put cloudflare in maintenance mode and purge everything
    4. LS purge all cache
    5. chrome empty cache and hard reload

    as mentioned, result is the same.

    most of my background image seems to be “invisible” from LS, no single trace in log.

    I do see that my logo is not replaced due to my exclude rule

    I also see the avatar not replace due to no webp existing.

    I do see business-01.jpg.webp replace successful

    But I just cant find any trace of “element-002-600×400-1.jpg”. It’s not skipped, or failed, or error, it simply just doesn’t exist in the log. And this is 1 of 9 images not replaced.

    Total 12 images not counting logos and icons, current 3 gets replaced by webp, the other 9 all invisible in log

    What’s the next step I can take?

    Optimole does seem to work, but I’not much a fan of duplicate functions. LS cache is really power and does pretty much everything already, if I can fix this….

    Thread Starter rxunique



    Thanks for the reply. I thought of the views, but I don’t think it will work because the fields will be scattered across the page in different sections rather being grouped in a “view”.

    Display a field entry
    I’ve dug around your documentation and found this [frm-field-value field_id=x entry=pass_entry].

    Am I understanding correctly that this short code will display a specific field value of specific entry defined by “” ?

    Use entry as configuration value
    Then the next challenge, is it possible to make a specific field value of a specific entry working as a setting value for other plugins. The field value will be used as conditional show/hide sections, or texts.

    So far I can get all the plugins I need to pull values from ACF, so if formidable can inject value into ACF then this is solved.

    Because the field value will be used to show/hide sections, I’d much prefer not use query links and certainly not css, both are easy to be manipulated with.


    Thread Starter rxunique


    Further digging I found following which explain why it didn’t work, seems pretty obvious now.

    But this does help with directions of getting “order-pay” end point to work, fixing the url redirect is not difficult, but I got no ideas how to get “order-pay” to work.


    public function global_checkout_template_redirect() {
    		if ( ! is_checkout() ) {
    		if ( _is_wcf_checkout_type() || _is_wcf_thankyou_type() ) {
    		// Return if the key OR Order paramater is found in the URL for certain Payment gateways.
    		if ( isset( $_GET['key'] ) || isset( $_GET['order'] ) ) {
    		// redirect only for cartflows checkout pages.
         	$order_pay_endpoint      = get_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_pay_endpoint', 'order-pay' );
    		$order_received_endpoint = get_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_order_received_endpoint', 'order-received' );
    		$common = Cartflows_Helper::get_common_settings();
    		$global_checkout = $common['global_checkout'];
    		if (
    			isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) &&
    			// ignore on order-pay.
    			false === wcf_mb_strpos( esc_url_raw( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ), '/' . $order_pay_endpoint . '/' ) &&
    			// ignore on TY page.
    			false === wcf_mb_strpos( esc_url_raw( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ), '/' . $order_received_endpoint . '/' ) &&
    			// ignore if order-pay in query param.
    			false === wcf_mb_strpos( esc_url_raw( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ), $order_pay_endpoint . '=' )
    		) {
    			if ( '' !== $global_checkout ) {
    				$link = apply_filters( 'cartflows_global_checkout_url', get_permalink( $global_checkout ) );
    				if ( ! empty( $link ) ) {
    					wp_safe_redirect( $link );
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