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  • Ryan


    I had that issue when I was running php version 5.2. I updated my database to 5.3 and it solved it.

    If you click the settings button under sliders you can view your php version. What is it?



    @lajori – this sounds like the same problem I had on one of my sites this morning. My solution was to change a single line of code in my theme’s template.

    On my home page, where the title was displayed, I had in the homepage template theme file a php function to make the slider appear. The new version of the plugin requires a slight change in code. The new code should look like below, but replace 1 with whatever your slider number is.

    <?php if ( function_exists( “easingslider” ) ) { easingslider( 1 ); } ?>

    Hopefully that helps!



    Before changing or deleting anything, I recommend you backup your database.

    This is what I did:
    Select your wordpress db.
    Click wp_posts on the left column.
    Click the search tab.
    Under post_type, make sure it says “like” then put “easingslider” in the blank field to the right of it.
    Click options.
    Change number of rows per page to 500 (for some reason my server only allows for 500 at a time, yours might allow more or less).
    Click go in the bottom right hand corner.

    It should tell you how many total posts you have. If only a few appear, than this isn’t your issue. If several thousand appear, you can delete them 500 at a time by scrolling to the bottom, clicking check all, then clicking the x. This MAY delete the slider(s) you were using though if you do not uncheck that specific box.



    Thought I might add this, in case it helps aly22. I actually had to go into phpmyadmin to delete all the easingslider posts (5000+) that were created during the initial update before I could install the latest version without having a similar issue.



    Hi Matthew,

    A quick update. I updated the php versions of my sites to all 5.3+ and then updated the plugin to the latest release.

    All sites are now working well.

    To anyone who is just now updating. Make sure that if you have sliders linked in your theme that you update the php script in the templates that link to the slider. I forgot to do this on one of the sites I manage and I am sad to admit that it took me a while to realize why only the header was loading on it’s homepage.

    Once again. Thanks for the awesome plugin and for the great support!



    So here is my latest update.

    On the sites that were originally getting the Parsing error above:
    The new version installs correctly, but when you go to add a new slider the page layout looks like elements are stacking on top of each other. Then you are unable to add any slides. I tried removing the addon with the “delete all data” box checked and re-installing, it did not fix. This site runs PHP 5.2.17.

    On the site that had the issue with pages being created:
    The update fixes all problems and the plugin seems to work correctly. My only issue is that the 5000+ sliders are still there. I attempted to remove the plugin with the “delete all data” box checked, but the plugin doesn’t actually uninstall or delete. It starts to, like normal, then goes to a white screen after a minute or two. I let it sit for 10 minutes then went back to the plugin page but it was still installed and none of the sliders were removed. This site runs PHP 5.3.29.

    Where are these sliders saved? Perhaps I can remove them from the database manually?

    I am off for the day, but will be back tomorrow morning to try some other things.



    I installed it on the website that was getting the same error as @logichub. It appears to work perfectly (no longer posting a new page every few seconds).

    No new issues I can find on this website.

    I am going to try to install an older version on my other websites and do the “Check this box if you would like Easing Slider to completely remove all of it’s data when the plugin is deleted.” and see if that solves the issue. I’ll update soon.



    I attempted to install the latest version just now on one of my websites and it gives a white screen upon activation. If I attempt to access the website directly, the website is just a blank white screen as well. No source code visible. Haven’t seen this happen before.

    I left it there for several minutes to see if it would “finish activating,” but it just left the website down.

    I deleted the plugin via FTP and the website came back up.

    Tried re-installing and re-activating only to get the same issue again.

    Also tried de-activating all other plugins and had the same issue.

    For clarity, this website is one that had the error below when originally attempting to activate.

    “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STATIC in /home/content/64/8899764/html/wp-content/plugins/easing-slider/easing-slider.php on line 138″

    I am more than happy to continue trying different things and helping to debug. ??



    I took a look at my log in Securi Security plugin.. looks like I am having a similar problem to logichub. Every 3-5 seconds Easing Slider appears to be posting a new slider automatically.

    “Post state changed from private to published. Id: 13465, Name: Easing Slider "Lite"” is repeated every 3-5 seconds with a new Id # on my changelog.

    Already up to Id: 13465. First Id from this morning I saw was 7700. So if it posting in sequence then the plugin has published 5765 pages so far and counting.

    I will re-install an older version and then update to the newer version once you update it (probably tomorrow morning) and let you know if the problem persists.



    Hi Matthew. Thanks for a great plugin and for great support. I’ve gotten the plugin up and running on one site, but the second site I attempted to update on gave me the same error as severemma.

    I’ve tried deactivating all other plugins and removing the plugin and reinstalling.

    Also thought I might mention that on the site that it works on, I am getting an odd behavior. The plugin made several default sliders named Easing Slider “Lite.” Since there is no pagination feature, I cannot tell how many of these it created.

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