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  • Thread Starter saadkkhan


    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter saadkkhan


    Hi @abwaita
    Thanks it is good now but I want it to how in a select instead of the radio buttons Beacause they are a long enough. Do you have solution to it?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by saadkkhan.
    Thread Starter saadkkhan


    Hi @abwaita
    I have disabled the plugin now it works good but it is working when plugin is activated. Thanks for your help. Looking forward to get this resolved.

    Thread Starter saadkkhan


    Yes I am using the plugin to make it select instead of radio buttons. Here is the plugin “Shipping Method Display Style for WooCommerce”.

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    Click to Chat: by HoliThemes – 3.9.6
    Simple Custom CSS and JS: by – 3.40
    Elementor Pro: by – 3.7.1
    Elementor: by – 3.6.6
    Essential Addons for Elementor: by WPDeveloper – 5.1.4
    F4 Shipping Phone and E-Mail for WooCommerce: by FAKTOR VIER – 1.0.15
    Flexible Shipping: by WP Desk – 4.11.9
    Float To Top Button: by Rolf van Gelder – 2.3.6
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    DavidAnderson – 1.22.12
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    Woo Discount Rules: by Flycart – 2.4.1
    WooCommerce Blocks: by Automattic – 7.8.1
    Shipping Method Display Style for WooCommerce: by theDotstore – 3.7.5
    Variation Swatches for WooCommerce: by Emran Ahmed – 2.0.0
    ?????  - ????? ??????? ????????: by ????? ???? – 4.2.3
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    WP Google Fonts: by Noah Kagan – 3.1.5
    WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: by David Anderson
    Ruhani Rabin
    Team Updraft – 3.2.5
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    Name: ShaniFlowers
    Version: 2.5.8
    Author URL:
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    Newest: 2022-06-14 21:34:16 +0300
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    Newest: 2022-06-21 09:15:00 +0300
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    Newest: 2022-06-21 11:10:38 +0300
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2022-06-21 09:51:37 +03:00
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by saadkkhan.
    Thread Starter saadkkhan


    I have checked in incognito browser window but it doesn’t work. can you check here please
    I am stuck with it.

    I am facing an issue when click on the submit button the ajax circle starts moving and nothing happen not the email being sent nor the pdf.

    Thread Starter saadkkhan


    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter saadkkhan


    This is my clients website there is pro version used but I don’t know the email that is used. please reply here. If you want through email send the email there [email protected]. Please help me do this client is pushing me @wpdrawattention

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by saadkkhan.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by saadkkhan.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by saadkkhan.
Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)