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  • @rocksandreiki what @cubecolour said is totally true, you should not have directly updated plugin on live site (specially when its an ecommerce site, you loose business ?? ), test site would have told you about error you faced, if it works there (with same amount of plugins installed with same theme and same configuration in short everything same), then it should have worked on live site.

    Also like you said it works for first order then stopped working, it means it was not a woocommerce itself it could be either The Hack, or it happened because of cleaning process which broke your cart functionality.

    And you should consider security plugins (there are some v. useful plugins in, so you are safe from majority of known attacks.

    Sucuri, Vaultpress and paid solutions but worth your money and time.

    And one suggestion, never ever upgrade / update anything (theme, plugin or even wordpress itself) before carefully knowing what’s changed in new update, what could break, what changes will be required in code (if any), and I recommend hire a professional (no every coder who thinks he can do everything but a real proficient programmer), so he is responsible for you updates and maintenance of site, rather the you saving few bucks and in long run costs you hundreds ?? .

    @macrunner never ever do hurry in anything, first test every case, and understand whether you have the required skills to understand the problem correctly, and have it tested it on several platforms (test sites etc). And after thorough testing you should comment, so you don’t get embarrassed when you find out that it was you (you lack of knowledge).

    Woocommerce is a free and open source project, and if you think its lacking something tolerate it, and report it on its repository (on and explain whats wrong and if you have a fix, then fork the project and send a pull request with patch so it gets fixed and you get what you want and others benefit from your contribution.

    Hope you understand that and be respectful and careful what you say on public forums.

    Thread Starter saas


    Sorry for late response, I have been busy.

    Well I have used all free plugins available at (for backups and migration etc), and also using some commercial solutions as well.

    To name few which I thought should have helped me are

    1) My Repono (using its paid service)
    2) BackupBuddy (purchased it and its first deployment was successful I thought I found my ultimate solution, but in the v. next project it failed because of server limitations this no longer remained the preferable choice :()
    3) BackWPUp (I am using it on my local server and works fine, but can’t rely on it for live sites)

    and used many many more like clonners, duplicators and what not.

    But ultimately my final results are, do it manually (though for that most of the time I have cpanel access which makes it easy to zip and unzip files,) so I can quickly transfer files and myslq database and this is the most trusted way I found as I can’t rely on plugin to be accurately change urls etc.

    But I would like a plugin which could simplify file transfer which would understand that I am not going to automate the installation process but would like the plugin to aid me in file transfer, database transfer.

    If somebody asks me are these plugins really bad, my answer will be no, its just they are not for me :(.

    Thread Starter saas


    Nah its not the kind of solution I am looking for. Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter saas


    Hi Mika,
    Thanks for clarifying it for me.
    Yes I am using 3.5 and found sites folder to be the one I needed to look for uploads etc.

    I find it convenient to move whole database to new server and then remove other sites tables leaving only the required site tables plus users and usersmeta from main site. And then just update few things (uploads paths in content etc and some site url updates.) necessary. It works fine for the most part (specially when I have time to check things on new server or domain).

    Ane as far as worpdress import / export is concerned it give me hard time as I mostly transfer site from my local develoment server to live site and its not possible to import attachments ?? as its not accessible via internet.

    The main issues I almost always have
    1) have to update content urls and files paths (I dont know the bullet proof method for search and replace). And paths sometime have special characters (occassionally) and I can’t search and replace them.
    2) Importing users role properly ( from multisite) and other profile related custom data.
    3) I lose my themes settings (options, mods etc) which so far I had hard time figuring how should I do this (I am planning to build an import and export feature for that but didnt and havent got enough time yet to do it ?? )
    4) how should I import plugins ( I know I can just download and upload to new server buts its tike consuming) I started just plugin central plugin for this which is quite useful but I cannot use it for my own plugins (none based).
    5) If I have coded some custom tables and which depends upon users table and if I use wordpress importer do I get same user Id?

    In short I dont have a good practice on hand to use on all wordpress sites transfers I do.

    I would like to know if you have to do it. How u do it? Which steps u take which are solid and works every ttime no matter which server u tansfer to. And so on.

    Note: I have tried lots of plugins for tranfers and all of them failed one way or an other. (Commercial one including). I AM NOT GIVING A NAME BECAUSE I RESPECT THEIR HARDWORK AND DONT WANT TO DISRESPECT DEVELOPERS.

    [Signature removed by moderator per forum rules.]

    Thread Starter saas



    Yes I understand that, and its valid implementation, but its not an ideal one, as not everyone would like to use .less files in live environment unless they have a strong reason to use it, most ideal situation usage is in development environment where developer don’t want to recompile files himself (want auto mode), and less files have more reasonable usage in development then live site. Anyway.

    Yes I noticed you let it pass, as your logic is users will be using it to output in uploads dir, but and that make sense for the output path as in uploads path appended with extra path which points out less file makes sense but when user manually configure the desired output path / uri then its not picking the requirements properly. Anyway here is the culprit code,

    public function computeTargetPath();

    $this->stylesheet->src (this is the culprit) as it picks the input less file path and replaced the initial path with which matches get_theme_root_uri() and leaves


    via code

    $target_path = preg_replace('#^'.get_theme_root_uri().'#U', '', $this->stylesheet->src);
        $target_path = preg_replace('/.less$/U', '', $target_path);

    and which being appended to output path as bellow

    protected function configurePath();
    $this->target_path = self::$upload_dir.$target_file;
    $this->target_uri = self::$upload_uri.$target_file;

    actually its appending the partial path of input less file (the starts after /my-theme/less/theme-main-%s.css ) instead it should be just doing something like this

    inside function computeTargetPath();

    $target_path = preg_replace(‘#^’.get_theme_root_uri().’#U’, ”, basename($this->stylesheet->src));

    getting the file name instead of its full uri, and ofcourse do it for cases when user manually set the output path, so you will have to put somekind of flag variable to check against whether user manually configures output path or not???

    make sense????? let me know if not.

    Thread Starter saas


    @oncletom according to my research on this issue, it doesn’t seem to be related to “customized blog URI”, the plugin always append the the path to less file in front of desired path, like

    in @mikemuller case
    Desired / Required uri: get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/compiled-css’;
    Input uri: get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/library/less/style.less’;
    Output uri: get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/compiled-css/Polynesian/library/less/style-3dda9dfecc.css’;

    and actual output uri should be:
    get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/compiled-css/style-3dda9dfecc.css’

    if if you noticed, plugin is appending the “less file” uri after the set output uri.

    Did I made myself clear??? If not ask for more clarification.

    I will be happy to contribute myself (I am able to build a simple plugin for my needs, and I call it on frontend via ajax call, and in that call I invoke filter hook, and in my parent and child theme I pass my less files (there uri and path) to this filter, and then run a loop on each file and compile it), but I am not sure if I will be able to merge it into your plugin, as I tried to extend your classes and I end up spending at least 3 hours but no being able to make it work, anyway, I can share my plugin wit you if you like and you can see the idea and guide me how I can merge it into your plugin as a backend option (or frontend for development purposes only), and I lack github pullrequests knowledge, I have tried it on several occasions and failed :(, still trying to learn how I can send my own pull requests to original repo of project (not my fork) :(.

    Let me know what you think and if interested in reviewing my plugin and if you like the idea then I would be happy to contribute to your project.

    Thread Starter saas


    I am not using it on live site, I needed it for my development environment only, that’s why I didn’t want to enqueue it (as I have several skins compiled at same time, so in case of enqueue, they all will get loaded :(), so I wanted to play with register and then compile only registered files (filtered, only less files), and I was able to do it by forking your code and making it work for my development purposes only and its working fine so far (not ideal, but working ;))

    So my suggestion is, you should allow some helper functions etc, so if user want to register some less files himself (via filter hooks or similar), and then your plugin should accept those less files and compile as per user requirement (just an idea, not necessarily everybody will be needing it).

    Keep up the good work.

    I agree with @banesto, it would be good if we can have backend where we can pass / configure *.less files path (input,output), file names (input,output)?

    Thread Starter saas


    @mikemuller for that you should use above function which I am using myself to achieve similar result

    add_filter('wp-less_stylesheet_compute_target_path', 'wp_less_stylesheet_compute_target_path');
    function wp_less_stylesheet_compute_target_path($target_path) {
    $theme = wp_get_theme();
    if (strstr($target_path, "/{$theme->stylesheet}/library/less/") !== FALSE) {
    $target_path = str_replace("/{$theme->stylesheet}/library/less/", "/", $target_path);
    return $target_path;
    Thread Starter saas


    Hi bestwebsoft,
    Thanks, I will test soon and will give feedback.

    Kind Regards.

    Thread Starter saas


    Thanks for having a look and thinking about it. It will be a huge time savor if you could achieve this by allowing editing from single place (if needed).

    Thanks for such a useful plugin.

    Thread Starter saas


    I was able to manage it my using

    add_filter('wp-less_stylesheet_compute_target_path', 'wp_less_stylesheet_compute_target_path');

    and the function is

    function wp_less_stylesheet_compute_target_path($target_path) {

    $theme = wp_get_theme();
    if (strstr($target_path, “/{$theme->template}/less/”) !== FALSE) {
    $target_path = str_replace(“/{$theme->template}/less/”, “/”, $target_path);
    if (strstr($target_path, “/{$theme->stylesheet}/less/”) !== FALSE) {
    $target_path = str_replace(“/{$theme->stylesheet}/less/”, “/”, $target_path);
    return $target_path;

    thanks for having a look. But I have another issue on my hand right now.

    I want to use “w3totalcache” with CDN, and for that I need my paths for images inside stylesheets to be relative but currently plugin is converting them to*.jpg,*.png which I don’t want, also I am using parent / child theme combo, so it will be awesome if I could save the compiled *.css files into their respective themes like

    *.less files from parent theme should go to parent theme path (specified by me) and same for child theme???

    Can I achieve it with your plugin????

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for such an awesome plugin, since recent updates I started liking and loving this more.

    I have current issue on hand, regarding above question.

    I am also using Parent / Child Theme relationship, and I would like it to work like “Alexander” suggested, I also had a look at other question posts,

    like Other similar post

    and found no solution yet?????

    I would be happy to know about it.


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