I had a similar problem. I wanted to hide the “comments are closed” mention in the theme notsofresh in French. I made the following changes wich should work in most of the other themes :
– To hide the mention “comment are closed” on a single post :
1 : Find the file “comments php”
2 : Find the line <p><?php _e('Les commentaires sont clos'); ?></p>
3 : Comment it out by adding <!– and –>
4 : Result <!--<p><?php _e('Les commentaires sont clos'); ?></p>-->
– To hide the mention “no comments” on the homepage, just under the post title ;
1 : Find de the file “index.php
2 : In the postmetas, find the line <span class="post-comment"><?php comments_popup_link(__('Aucun Commentaire'), __('1 Commentaire'), __('% Commentaires'), 'commentslink', __('Commentaires clos')); ?></span>
3 : Comment it out by adding <!– and –>
4 : result : <!--<span class="post-comment"><?php comments_popup_link(__('Aucun Commentaire'), __('1 Commentaire'), __('% Commentaires'), 'commentslink', __('Commentaires clos')); ?></span>-->
Et voilà ! [^_^]
If you want the mentions to appear again, just delete the <!– and –>
Hope this was helpful