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Hi Dimitirs,
I didn’t try that but then, will font-awesome.css get optimized in that case? If we turn off both of optimizations, will HB still optimize font-awesome.css somehow?
The errors came back last night so I reactivated Autoptimize and turned off the Compress for font-awesome.css in Asset Optimization. It seems now all those errors are gone.
It was HB after all! Anyway, I’m glad no more errors.
I think HB was conflicting with Autoptimize. I deactivated Autoptimize and the 404 error is gone on one page so far, will monitor for the errors.
Also, it’s good to reduce the number of plugins.
Thanks for you help.
Just quick question,
I found this post, thought about Autoptimize plugin that I installed. Should I turn off its CSS code optimization(combine & inline CSS)? Is it compatible with Hummingbird? Does HB take care of all those options that Autoptimize does?
Thank you for your advice, will look into it.
Hi Anton,
They are not present. There’s no fonts folder in 2018 folder. I have no idea what plugins use them.
Thank you, Dimitris.
I tried different combinations in the Asset Optimization but didn’t get better result so changed Autoptimize setting back to what they were.
ok, I followed your steps and think it’s working now. It disappeared from GPSI.
I see this code,
var wpcf7 = {“apiSettings”:{“root”:”http:\/\/\/wp-json\/contact-form-7\/v1″,”namespace”:”contact-form-7\/v1″},”recaptcha”:{“messages”:{“empty”:”\u3042\u306a\u305f\u304c\u30ed\u30dc\u30c3\u30c8\u3067\u306f\u306a\u3044\u3053\u3068\u3092\u8a3c\u660e\u3057\u3066\u304f\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002″}},”cached”:”1″};Does “cached”:”1″ mean scripts.js has been cached?
Sorry, one more to ask.
I have one more to optimize, I turn all of these options on in order to optimize? just logged back in and noticed they look like your image except jquery-migrate.
ATM, I still have the same result. I didn’t do the navigation step that you mentioned.
Yes, I clicked on the PUBLISH CHANGES button every time. Here’s an image of my current setting,
All of those four Exclude file toggles should be gray?
Hi Calum,
I tried both on and off, cleared cache and still get the same result, don’t know which is on and off, blue or gray? Cuz the tool tip says “Compress” both of them when I mouse hover. Its “Exclude file” should be blue or gray?
I found out that I need to optimize a couple of more js files. If I can upload an image of the setting please let me know how.
Thank you guys for your reply.
It looks like Autoptimize plugin is causing the issue, specifically Autoptimize’s Java script code optimization. I just only unchecked that option and my site is working.
However, I need to optimize wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/scripts.js from PageSpeed Insights. Can Hummingbird optimize that?
BTW, I have 410 for WordPress plugin installed. Does it conflict with Hummingbird?
@optimizing Matters, I’m not that technical, need to look into the AO FAQ.
I think I just figured it out. This was the solution,
Make sure the following line is in wp-config.php and it is ABOVE the “require_once(ABSPATH.’wp-settings.php’);” line:
define( ‘WP_CACHE’, true );
I inserted the piece of code at the very end of the file at first but moved it before “require_once(ABSPATH.’wp-settings.php’);” line:, then the error message disappeared.
Can you please confirm that? If that’s not right way to do please let me know.
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