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  • normalize.css equalizes the styling of certain HTML elements that show up in varying ways from one browser to another. For instance,

    q {
        quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019";

    will force all major browsers to quote in an identical way (American style). Of course, you may set that to match whatever you prefer. (English style,"\2018" "\2019" "\201C" "\201D") Don’t use a reset stylesheet at all when you use normalize, but do add stylings of your own for your theme enhancements. It’s a simple, short bit of CSS, commented and well-documented.

    modernizr.js looks at browser capabilities. It “detects features” available in every browser hits that page. modernizr plants that information in the <html> tag at the top of each page and shows it as classes for you to style in your CSS stylesheet. For instance, <html class="borderradius boxshadow"> if a browser hitting that page has those 2 capabilities. It is a powerful, read “complex”, program. I have over-simplified here; it checks many features. Read a good 2010 article at A List Apart. Use modernizr.js last thing in the <head> section, placing a link to it just before the closing </head> tag.

    As you are by now probably aware, the __() function and the _e() function translate the string (the first enclosed parameter). The second parameter is the name of the POT file (Portable Object Template) the theme intends to be used. POT files are essentially a lookup file of strings and their foreign-language counterparts.

    The complete process is described in depth at, but a simplified, and very brief, explanation is at

    For years the standard has been: use “get_bloginfo” to fill a variable, like this: $var = get_bloginfo('name'). Then you have a string you can work with before sending it to the screen. That lets us do something like this: echo strtoupper($var).

    Otherwise, if all we need is to get the name on the screen, bloginfo('name') outputs text immediately, right at that point in the template.

    The fact that “bloginfo” is built on top of “get_bloginfo” plus a ‘display’ parameter has never been real important. Providing two different function words helps beginners learn and helps oldsters read and maintain code faster and more accurately.

    Other “get_” functions follow suit. The pattern is the same for get_the_author and the_author. Same also for the_permalink and get_permalink. Consistent, you see, to reduce errors and shorten the learning curve.

    WordPress default themes have always used many WP functions so as to show off a variety of WP capabilities. The TwentyTen theme is also meant to be instructional — it’s meant to impart knowledge, if not wisdom.

    TwentyTen has many more template files and uses more programatic twiddles than any small, simple theme would want. That’s intentional because TwentyTen is, first, a well-designed learning tool. Secondly, it is meant to form a strong foundation for child themes, and the new thing WordPress is pushing now is the concept of child-theme design. Wise and wondrous are the WP developers.

    WordPress has always developed faster than the code documentation could keep up with. The program (all programs, perhaps) attract coders more readily than technical writers. Probably because there is always a dearth of people with a technical bent who can also write well.

    Yes, I have the same issue. AAPP persistently wants to find /wp-admin/ under the DOC_ROOT instead of under the /wordpress/ subdirectory.

    I have corrected the path at every opportunity, but AAPP doesn’t keep what I type in. It goes on looking for the structure to be /public_html/wp-admin/ instead of the true location /public_html/wordpress/wp-admin/

    Webadmin.php is a tool that gives anyone using it unfettered access to the entire filesystem on any *nix server. It will climb to the very root (/) and will gladly allow its user to view, edit, and delete files wherever permissions allow.

    You have been hacked by some other user on your shared hosting machine. Oddly enough, the hacker left a note behind telling you what tool he used.

    Google “webadmin.php” and you will find it readily available for download. At the same time you’ll probably spot a few sites hacked like yours — with the webadmin branding inserted at random points in the body. I found one site that when I clicked on it webadmin opened as the site’s front page, thus giving any surfer passing by access to every user account on that filesystem.

    The same happened to me a few years ago, and I’ll tell you, I learned everything I could about securing my website and my WordPress as quickly as I could. Ultimately, I moved to another host and started fresh. I’m sorry it happens. It’s like coming home to find that burglars have torn up your home. You feel violated. I know about that, too.

    Had this problem with php include() and solved it by uploading a new copy of the included file. Made sure the new upload line endings were UNIX, not Mac, Dos, or UTF. Also made sure the file was UTF-8, not ISO-8829-1 or whatever else my text-editor might have done.

    It’s the ‘title’ attribute on line 763 of the comments-template.php file in WordPress 2.5.1.

    What you want to do is a hack to the program code, which is never ‘best practice’, and removing ‘title’ or ‘alt’ attributes hampers accessibility, also not recommended. I located it with a text editor doing a keyword search on my WordPress folder.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: php.ini variables
    safe_mode = Off
    safe_mode_gid = Off
    safe_mode_include_dir =
    safe_mode_exec_dir =
    safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_
    expose_php = Off
    error_reporting  =  E_ALL
    display_errors = Off
    display_startup_errors = Off
    log_errors = On
    log_errors_max_len = 1024
    ignore_repeated_errors = Off
    ignore_repeated_errors = Off
    ignore_repeated_source = Off
    report_memleaks = On
    register_globals = Off
    register_long_arrays = Off
    register_argc_argv = Off
    auto_globals_jit = On
    magic_quotes_gpc = Off
    magic_quotes_runtime = Off
    magic_quotes_sybase = Off
    auto_prepend_file =
    auto_append_file =
    default_mimetype = "text/html"
    allow_url_fopen = On
    allow_url_include = Off
    sql.safe_mode = Off

    These are settings I look at and consider carefully. Most reflect the php.ini-recommended settings. Most are defaults. PHP isn’t inherently insecure. Good coding practices are more important. (Wherein WordPress is excellent.) Running PHP programs under Apache suExec or FastCGI lets you set Unix-style permissions tighter, limiting program access to owner, without group and other loopholes. I always lock my wp-admin folder as per instructions found at

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: php.ini variables

    Yes? What did you find? Just in case someone ever needs to resolve this issue again.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Magazine Theme

    We sought to put out a quartely e-zine and settled on WordPress — absolutely perfect because it is so elastic. We found a theme we liked and did a few modifications, though I wouldn’t say we “heavily modified” the theme. We put up a working sandbox at and went to some effort to explain our choices in the “About’ page.

    Dennis, John, & Ian

    P.S. While we are very pleased with the way we assigned categories and the many ways we used Custom Fields, here is a whole other concept by Leon Killat and he put his idea in an easily deployed download.

    As old as this thread is, I imagine these people have all found answers or work-arounds by now. But I’m still going to offer two possible ways to lightly obfuscate email addresses that turn up in text. Antispambot converts random characters from the email address into HTML character codes: &#64;, for example instead of @.

    If you can embed PHP into your posts (you’ll need a plugin to set that up for you), then your anchor link will look like:
    <a href="<?php echo antispambot( 'mailto:[email protected]' ) ; ?>">

    But if you cannot embed PHP (there are good reasons to keep your plugin overhead low), then simply convert the email address to HTML character codes somewhere off site and cut-and-paste the resultant string into href=” ” between the quotes like this href=” &#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;:&#106;&#111;&#104;&#110;&#64;&#101;&#120;&#97;&#109;&#112;&#108;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;” which I got from this encoder.

    An alum at The University of Arizona offers you the encoding and a clever little javascript interpreter, if you want to use javascript. Embed the whole thing, unless you need to do it a lot.

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    // eMail Obfuscator Script 1.31 by Tim Williams - freeware
        {     document.write(String.fromCharCode(60, 97, 32, 104, 114, 101, 102, 61, 34, 109, 97, 105, 108, 116, 111, 58, 106, 111, 104, 110, 64, 101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101, 46, 99, 111, 109, 34, 62, 74, 111, 104, 110, 60, 47, 97, 62))

    Well, when I needed a “cheap techno dude” I found that youngsters are too difficult to understand. First, they hog the keyboard, having no patience with a hunt ‘n ‘pecker, and slap keys so the widows rattle. Meanwhile I’m wondering what they told the box to do. They seem to have an intrisic knowledge, at least they project that confidence, but they can seldom articulate what the underlying strata is.

    Then I found an old, semi-retired micro-maniac who cut his teeth in the 70’s on Zilog 8-bit steam operated byte chuggers. He volunteers time to adult starter uppers. Doesen’t bother him a bit to spend a few days tweaking this and that on a new installation then wipe the whole thing away and install again with some different twist. He never panics — just says “Whatever it is, it can be fixed.” That’s why they call them programmable.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: 404 Issues

    Just my guess but line 1 of the file 404.php may be blank. A blank line or a line with any stray character is passed straight to the browser and is interpretted as though it is HTML. Therefore, a header (an HTML header) has already been sent.

    The PHP header() instruction — <?php header(“HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found”); ?> — must be the absolute first thing on the 404.php page.

    More along the same lines:

    To implement a quartely magazine, I decided to use the categories as seasons and years — thus I can use all the features of WordPress categories. I’m using category titles like Summer 2002, Spring 2003, and so on.

    In home.php I calculate the current quarter and craft that into a category name so I can show posts restricted to the current season. All the other posts are archived by their seasonal names.

    Seasonal quarters do not match calendar quarters. Think of fiscal years, which might begin and end on any month. An offset factor is needed to force non-calendar years into four quarters. The basic formula follows in PHP speak.

    $last_month_of_the_year = 11;
    The end month of your year. Here I’ve used November, the last month of Fall, because I start my new years with Winter — Dec, Jan, and Feb as Q1. You could say your last month is 2 — February — if you wanted to start your new year on March 1st.

    $factor = ( 21 – $last_month_of_the_year );
    The number here is the offset value. This is from a standard formulary and, since I am not at all mathematically inclined, I simply looked up a formula that calculates the fiscal quarter any given date falls in.

    $currentQuarter = ceil((date(‘n’) + $factor) /3) %4 +1 ;
    Current month plus factor are divided by 3, rounded up by CEIL, and the special PHP devisor %4 takes only the remainer of division by 4 and drops the rest of the answer. Add 1 to that remainder and you will have the correct current quarter 1 through 4 for the defined fiscal year.

    Generally, fiscal years start and end whenever the accountant says they do. I defined my year to match the seasons: Q1 is Winter, Q2 is Spring (March, April, May), Q3 is Summer (June, July, August), and Q4 is Fall (September, October, November). That definition took place on the first line when I set $last_month_of_the_year.

    You can write your own SELECT command within The Loop so MySQL groups published posts by quarter. What you then do with the posts and postdata is a personal PHP programming exercise.

    Here’s the PHP query:
    $sql = ‘SELECT *, YEAR(post_date )+(CEILING(MONTH(post_date )/3 )/10 )AS \’Qtr\’ FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date <now() AND post_status =\’publish\’ ORDER BY Qtr ASC’;

    It creates a temporary table called Qtr which only exists for the duration of this query and is not a part of the database per se. The column Qtr holds a number crafted from the year, such as 2002, and a decimal portion .10, .20, .30, or .40 corresponding to calendar quarters.

    Qtr is an ordered list along the lines of 2002.10, 2002.20, 2002.30, 2002.40 folowed by 2003, 2004, 2005 and so on. MySQL has done most of the heavy work for the programmer.

    The primary engine component is CEILING(MONTH(post_date )/3 ). It would take an offset value to change the SELECT rule from calendar quarters to seasons or to match college quarters. I haven’t worked with that yet but it looks like a simple conditional would work and thats easiest in PHP.

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