Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to put pages in the order I want themYou can also use Simple Page Ordering to drag-and-drop pages into the desired position.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Suggestions for a Spanish/English siteSince WordPress is not multilingual by default, you’ll need to use plugins to switch between different languages. Check out Multilingual WordPress for pros and cons of various implementations.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to convert WP site into stand-alone html sitehave you looked at WP Static HTML Output plugin
“This plugin produces a static HTML version of your WordPress install … the plugin will output a ZIP file of your entire site”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Plugin adds – or | after my site titleHave you set the title in admin SEO | Titles & Metas title template to just %%title%%
The doc indicates there are other variables that can be used in the titles. Check to see if %%sep%% is causing the pipe to show up.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: referencing my site path in jqueryYou can also use wp_localize_script to do this.
First enqueue your js from functions.php (or a plugin) with wp_enqueue_script
wp_enqueue_script('myscript', 'location to your script');
Next call wp_localize_script and reference the script you just enqueued. Also pass an array of values for your script to access. For example, you can get the template uri of the current theme with get_template_directory_uri().
wp_localize_script('myscript', 'mylocalizedscript', array('myurl' => get_template_directory_uri()));
the localize function will output the following before your script
/* <![CDATA[ */ var mylocalizedscript = {"myurl":"http:\/\/\/staging\/wp-content\/themes\/pitchandco"}; /* ]]> */
and inside your script you can access mylocalizedscript.myurl to get at the value you set in php e.g.
var templateUrl = (mylocalizedscript.myurl); /* verify you are getting the correct values */ alert(templateUrl); alert(mylocalizedscript.myurl);
As php changes the value from staging to live, the value in your script will also change.
Otto has a nice tutorial on passing parameters from PHP to Javascript
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A dash "-" adds after my titleYour site is running WordPress SEO by Yoast. This can modify the site title. Update to the latest version, then take a look at Controlling titles with the WordPress SEO plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posts to new installation?You can create an xml file with your content (or limited content e.g. just posts and comments) from Admin Tools | Export.
To get the content into another database, install WordPress Importer and import the export file at Admin Tools | Import.
Instructions at Importing Content.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: setup a static pageYou can wrap a customized page template around the page you designate in WordPress as your static home page.
Basically, you create a page template which includes whatever you want on the page: text, images, content etc.
Use the ‘Page Attributes’ metabox in WordPress admin page screen to assign the page to the template you created.
If you don’t see the metabox, check the screen options tab to make sure it isn’t hidden.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: A question about self-hosting! :)Theme files need to be in the content themes directory. The default is wp-content/themes but you can change the content directory if you want to use something different.
If your zipped theme is currently in public_html, WordPress will not see it. Use Bluehost’s File Manager to move the file to wp-content/themes and then extract it to a folder inside of that directory. Or delete the zipped file in public_html, navigate to your themes directory and upload/extract the theme again.
You should end up with wp-content/themes/<yournewtheme> and the theme should be visible in your admin to preview and activate.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Javascript in footerIf a plugin or theme is using wp_enqueue_script() to output js, the last parameter $in_footer can be set to true and the js will be output in the footer (default is false).
Keep in mind that some plugins may require javascript be loaded before the footer in order to work properly.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installing Word PressTake a look at Installing WordPress
Best to create a child theme. That way your changes will be safe should you upgrade your existing theme.
This will walk you through the steps of a basic example.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best way to switch over wordpress site to new domainHave you taken a look at Moving WordPress?
For a quick export and import of a database, phpMyAdmin works well. Instructions here on WordPress Backups.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: hackersLink above should point to wp-includes/load.php not wp-load.php.
Also, best to compare/clean everything.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: hackersAs others have mentioned, if your site is hacked, start working through the following resources: Resources: compare files on your site, you could download a clean copy of WordPress and use a file compare program like WinMerge to find differences.
Or you could check out the source files online. The branch for 3.4 is here, or go directly to wp-load.php. Again, just compare the files.
WordPress also will let you reinstall from the dashboard.