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  • Thread Starter Samgreen


    Don’t worry about it. I’m going to ignore the problem. I don’t need my blood pressure going up over the snotty posts in this forum.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    there are adverts all over the theme sites linked to by wordpress. There is an advert for a browser inside wordpress. I never expected to see adverts inside wordpress.

    Yes, I need the money. I am on food stamps. I am indeed hurting for money.

    But I really and truly wanted feedback.

    Snooty posts by those claiming to be helpful is uncalled for.

    I have indeed been in tech support for 20 years. I have never verbally, or otherwise, abused those who asked for help. Never.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    No, I did not post here for traffic for the ads.

    I did want useful feedback.

    Put down snotty posts are not helpful.

    And no, I’m not joking about not knowing anything about xhtml. Making web sites isn’t a be all end all of my life. I do it asa a hobby.

    If any of you have xhtml memorized, congratulations. I don’t have the time for it.

    JohnPope, you completely misunderstood my take on browsers.

    I don’t see the need to make sure everyuthing I do on the web accomidates every browser. I try to make my sites readable for every standards compliant browser. I don’t see IE as standards compliant.


    I changed the theme. I added category icons. I think it looks better now.

    So I did listen to those with good commentary. I ignored those who didn’t.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    while there is no ‘resolved’ in this part of the forum, I consider this to be resolved.

    I simply don’t have the hours of free time to make any web site of mine take the excentricities of one browser into account.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    A note on the Pressthor theme.

    Putting things in the footer php file results in it showing in the right column.

    I had to put the adverts in the bottom of index php in order for them to show in the footer of the posts.

    Most categories have icons now.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    I changed themes, and the small icons are working now.

    I’ll add more category icons today.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    I found an interesting plugin.

    it gives icons to categories:


    Oh, I am still learning html 3.0. When and if I have time, I’ll look at xhtml 1.0 which is transitional anyway.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    I got it about the d004, etc. having a die icon next to it. I had to spend part of today at work, not on web sites.

    I had actually seen this at Kevin’s site, he of the 24,000 dice and the listing at Guinness world record book.

    Ah, he changed that. He no longer uses the dice icons on his site.

    It isn’t a blog, but in case anyone is trying to figure out what I am talking about:

    He adds dice monthly, I add dice to my site around 2-3 times a year.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    The dice photo on the upper left is 246×147 pixels. I have seen sites with banner size pictures. So mine is kinda small. My computer screen is set to 1280×1024 so I don’t see the pic as dominating the page. Of course, if you are using a laptop/notebook it is likely to look large.

    I have seen chatty/talky blogs. I figured some of it likely belongs on Live Journal, but it is up to the person doing the typing. None of my concern.


    I took the text only posts and put them on a ‘what is new page’.

    I had the calendar there, just to have a calendar. Moved down the sidebar.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    Well, I cannot make anyone use the same browser I use. So I don’t care what browser they use. You slightly misunderstood my point.

    As for a sidebar looking different in different browsers, this is something everyone should already know about. I shouldn’t have to mention it. I’m certainly not defending how browser companies do their work.

    I know that some out there choose to force their browser to display web sites using fonts they like, one I heard of uses Clown Font in their browser. Nothing a site creator can do about that. Maybe the person who has their browser set to only use Clown Font, or maybe it was Circus Font, prefers that font style over anything else.

    I am refering to the font style used in old Circus posters.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    Dgold, Thank you for the constructive criticism. You make some good points.

    I separated out my various hobbies into separate sites because it makes more sense to me to do it that way. There are dice collectors out there, I was kinda shocked when I found that out, and I doubt they would be interested in my other hobbies.

    I do have a ‘what is new’ page on my other sites. I could put the changes on there.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    Okay, the style there is a thin vertical line and a bluish tint around the search box. Seems to be similar otherwise.

    What did I miss ?

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    when did br without the / change to br with ?

    I learned html at which has some nice free tutorials.

    br doesn’t have a slash in it, but wp puts one in when I do a save. When did that change ?

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    I looked at the sidebar php file.

    I added the advert, and nothing else.

    So it is either the theme which is verison 0.1 or it is word press causing the validation errors.

    I have been a computer tech for 20 years now, and I really don’t see a sidebar looking different in different browsers as anything but normal.

    I wont spend days making someone else’s markup/php give the exact same look and feel in all browsers. If anything should be fixed,it is browsers that are non-compliant with standards every one else uses.

    I also realize most folks think dice collecting is boaring. I do it for the fun of it, but I know some folks out there take dice collecting very very seriously.

    when I type in


    Something in wp changes it to:

    <, /br>

    I don’t added the blank and forward slash, something in wp does that during the save process. I don’t like it, but evidently it is done that way now. The same thing happens for the hr line markup.

    Thread Starter Samgreen


    Since I didn’t alter core files, just added a menu system and adverts, I don’t see how anything I did could create the errors.

    As for being boring, well, I prefer to provide content over flash movies, sound, etc.

    Did you mean something else ?

    I am willing to make some adjustments to the look, but some things like flash, etc. don’t interest me.

    I looked over the errors, I see nothing there I added causing the problem.

    While I know many on the internet swear by w3c validator, I know it does see things that aren’t there.

    One error is mentions is the blank in the paragraph p markup. I didn’t put that blank in there, wp did.

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