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Thanks for the answer Slickremix !
So I’ll stay with the default app token for now, that seems to work pretty fine for now, and I’ll use my own app token when the option to filter out will be added, thanks again !
Hi Nikchem,
I had the same problem, solved it by modifying “content-page.php” (use a child theme so as to not lose these modifications in case of theme update).
I added the following code :
<div class="entry-meta"> <?php sugarspice_posted_on(); ?> </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
Juste after the following lines :
<header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1> </header><!-- .entry-header -->
And before those lines :
<div class="entry-content"> <?php the_content(); ?>
This will add the “update field” and solve Hatom errors.
Is there a solution for the above issue ?
Now my website using Sugar & Spice theme is online, and the problem is still there, no menu on the homepage with Firefox Mobile, you can check it here :
This is not an issue depending on this particular website, as it is the same problem on your demo site :
I’m not saying this is a really critical issue, as Firefox Mobile users would represent less than 5% of my total visitors, but this would be nice to have it fixed on a future release of your theme.
It’s done !
THANKS A LOT !!! Installing “curl” and “php5-curl” made the trick ! Everything’s working fine now, thanks again and sorry to have bothered you while the issue was easy to solve.
UPDATE : Disabling .htaccess password based authentication doesn’t change anything, “no posts found” error still there.
“debug tools FOR mobile devices” and “it might be WORTH”, sorry for my English ??