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Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Using Font Icons: Plugin Or Code In ManuallyHave Illustrator and Inkscape. Not expert with it but can stumble through. Dual boot Fedora 25 (very nice distro, Thank you Fedora and Red Hat people. Using ruby gems and stock distros everything works out of the box after updating. Never had that happen before: windows 3.11 – win 10, Ubuntu 8x – 14, Centos 4-6, FreeBSD, or Fedora before) and Win7. Was thinking mostly for fonts. However, I rechecked the html special characters. Think they will cover a lot of navigation and such. Put the arrows on a 30% alpha background with a gray tone and will mimic fair navigation. Some simple javaScript and for what I need at the moment I can skip jQuery and work the KISS side.
Thanks for the flow strategy. Hooked up a SiteGround goGeek plan. Pretty nice, but sure why not worry about it if/as/and when? If you plan ahead it will only be a link change. I hope it becomes an issue. lol
Thanks for advise. Time to get to crashing code. Have a really great day!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Using Font Icons: Plugin Or Code In ManuallyThanks again bcworkz,
So use the WP jQuery, and inline SVG.
Was going to use Google CDN for the icons and jQuery. Isn’t the Google CDN supposed to be fast and a way to take some load off of your hosted server? I’m not doubting you, just surprised. What has been your experience with that?
Do you have a preferred SVG package you like?
PS, have a day job, keeps cutting into my development day. Hope to loose it sooner rather than later.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Enqueue jQuery issue “JQuery is not defined”bcworkz,
Did learn a ton. Learned the enqueue coding so well, I knew that couldn’t be the problem, which lead me to recheck basics.
Just in case anyone else has this issue if you don’t see WordPress generating html links — <script src=”a/b/c/my.js”></script> — in the output/page source from your browser, for your JavaScript or style sheets in the header section of your index.php page, or if set up, for the footer, you really don’t have to sweat out a JavaScript test: It isn’t working.
Thanks again ??
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Enqueue jQuery issue “JQuery is not defined”All is well. Turns out somehow my wp_head() tag was missing in my header.php file. The up side is that if you have any questions about wp_enqueue_script() or wp_enqueue_style(), I’m pretty sure I can help at this point.
Thanks again.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by samlv.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Enqueue jQuery issue “JQuery is not defined”Thank you for all the help. You aren’t going to believe what the issue was. Started with a single index.php to work on the responsive css. After that I broke up the pieces into the php templates. Some how I garfed one file and left out like 18 important characters which did not manage to bite me at the time.
<?php wp_head(); ?>
in the header.php template.Was up at 2am finding out it works a whole lot better with that in there. The up side is that I’m feeling real good about my understanding or enqueue-ing and registering scripts and style sheets. All is working well now.
Weird how only one place bothered to mention that little material item though and then only as in with respect to the true or false on the fifth optional parameter determining which function was going to do the work for the enqueue and result in creating the links in the output, the source code of the resulting web page. To be honest I did not have a clue what it was that was supposed to happen and did not know what to look for. Those two bits of information got me over the top. When I started to get the links in the head section of the web page, it was easy to tweak from there.
Thanks for pointing me to the right place where it was clear it had to get done right. A hack would and did work, but it is just so second best as to be prohibitive.
Thanks again ??
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Enqueue jQuery issue “JQuery is not defined”Okay, after further digging around I see that with all the scripts that are included in WordPress, I can’t just do a hack-a-thon on it even if it is just for my use. I really need to get this properly working.
I do have the jQuery test working using a link to the google CDN for jquery. So we know the script works etc.
Again do not have any plugins loaded or activated.
Using a LAMP stack on Fedora 25.
Selinux status = disabled
all permissions on WordPress install directories set to “hack me”: 0777Don’t mind removing all other themes to clear out any clutter. Not planning on using them.
Nothing but bare bones on any files. Text only except for wp_header(), wp_footer() and one maybe two more for title and the like template tags in all theme root level *.php files by design to keep it simple.
Only CSS responsive layout done so far.
Only one javascript in myTheme.js file: the test script. only the enqueue scripts in the functions.php file.My first hack to set up a link to the includes/js/jquery/jquery.js file did not work. Is there a check to see if jquery is globally deactivated? Or ???
How to proceed?
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Enqueue jQuery issue “JQuery is not defined”Yeah, well, it didn’t work. Not sure whats up. My theme to date has only CSS in it except for the functions.php and myTheme.js along with the usual php files: header.php, footer.php, etc., which are total bare bones. Only plugins Akismet Anti-Spam and Hello Dolly which are not activated.
Just finishing up my layouts and was moving to do an off screen menu button. Was just going to do it by hand but since jQuery is already installed figured why not use it.
Tried maybe 20 or 30 enqueue scripts/combinations. Be nice if I could get it to work as advertised. But…
Found JQuery in wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js, which I’m sure you know. It is version 1.12.4. What’s the big deal if I just link to it there? <?php home_url().’wp-includes/js/jquery’;?>. How would that be a problem as if/as and when Wordpess updates jQuery, all would be updated right along with it or am I missing something.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Enqueue jQuery issue “JQuery is not defined”Steve, BcWokz,
Thank you both so much. Had car issues so was extra busy over the week end or would have gotten back sooner.
Will give putting wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’) first in the load_my_theme_js function. Just getting to it now.
It’s going to work, so thanks again in advance. ;D
Hi esmi,
Thank you for your reply.
This is just a test site and I only have like 6 posts so I’m sure that the select option that I want to remove is not used.
Maybe to be more accuate, I still have the page-mycustompage.php file but I have re-coded it and changed the comments to reflect a new desired select option for the custom template which is working fine. Again, the old name from the old comments section is still in the drop down list but does not exist in any coded page. I just can’t figure out how to get rid of it.