I installed the form on a completely different theme and it did not work either! The title line is set on a width of sm-4 with an additional break command. But CF7 (or WP or The7) noewly ignores the break. You can view the outcom on Img 02, attached below. Do you have an explanation for this?
Here is my code for the form below again.
<div class="vc_col-sm-4 spalte-links">
<label> Anrede*
[select* Anrede "Frau" "Herr" "Div"] </label>
</div> <br>
<div class="vc_col-sm-6 spalte-links">
<label> Dein Vorname*
[text* vorname] </label>
<div class="vc_col-sm-6 spalte-rechts">
<label> Dein Nachname*
[text* nachname] </label>
</div> <br>
The theme supporter tells me: In the case that I use a line which is smaller or equal sm-6, left, then the line below would jump on this line because there is the space. But this was not true by the time I set up the form (pls see Img 01 below). So it seems that for any reason the interpretation of the break command doesn`t work anymore.
URL Image 01:?https://pasteboard.co/7NyfuX1Jsk4S.jpg
URL Image 02:?https://pasteboard.co/I9k4BnbkBI8t.jpg