Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Need help Installing WordPress on Windows Server 2008 R2Hello,
First, you need to change the MySQL root password. Before installing the WordPress, you need create the MySQL database and user. You can refer the following article in order to install the WordPress. I hope it will help you to install the WordPress. Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Widgets disappearedHello,
It should be due to theme issue. Kindly change the current theme to the default and have a check with widgets. It should be fixed your issue.
Sandeep Gandhi
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to share login informationHello,
TO share this you can share you database or table wp_users with one which do you want shared and grant access of that database.
Sandeep Gandhi.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to display a list of all categories on a pageHello,
In order to display all the used/non used categories in sidebar of a wordpress blog one need to modify below mentioned code:
1) First download category-template.php file at local system.
2) Open it to edit the file and change the following code:
3) Save the file and upload it on the web server.
One can get this file from below mentioned path:
Sandeep Gandhi
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Couple of questionsHello,
1) I want to know how to remove the “Meta” part. I don’t want my guests/visitors to see it.
Answer: You can remove Meta Tags from the header file of the wordpress theme.2) How do I add my Google AdSense ads on it?
Answer: You need to signup at google adsense and they will validate your account and provide you code which needs to be added into your wordpress pages where you want to display them.3) How do I add my Google Custom Search on it instead of the default search box that is already on it?
Ans: You need to modify the page code and insert the google custom search code. You can remove the default search box from widget options.4) How do I remove the Pages on the right navigation? I prefer to only have the pages be displayed on the top horizontal navigation bar.
ANs: For that you need to remove pages widget fro your wordpress admin section.5) Is there any way to move around the page elements, like in blogger?
Answer: Not sure but let me exact what do you want so that I may help you.6) I want my archive to be at the bottom of the blog. How do I put it there?
Ans: You just need to drag and drop archive widget from wordpress admin section.Thanks,
Sandeep Gandhi
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to set the visitor count?Hello,
You just need to same visitor count code into your wordpress footer file. Make necessary settings from the visitor counter provider window which should be fixed the issue.
Sandeep Gandhi
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Code for Login/Registration at wordpressSamboll,
Thanks for your details..I will check it out.
Best regards,
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Password Reset ProblemHi,
You can get the wordpress database under that there will be a table wp_user. You need to edit the user details from that table and reset the password.
You can get database details from MySQL database console like…PHPMyAdmin.
Sandeep Gandhi.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how do i add links into my footer?Hi,
You need to edit footer.php file to add your link in footer. You can get this file from your current selected theme path. It should be:
Regarding randomize link in footer you need to generate PHP code and need to use it.
Sandeep Gandhi