Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JM Twitter Cards] Twitter does not pickup the Featured ImageOk, I got the card to work now.. It seems that All in one SEO enabled Twitter:Card way down in the code. Had Hardcoded to “Summary” That is why the card change from the plugin JM Twitter Cards showed no effect.
SO much for that issue.
Now: lets try to find a way to tweet an image. But I now understand this had nothing to do with the twitter:cards.
If any questions: twitter me @sanderbaks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JM Twitter Cards] Twitter does not pickup the Featured ImageWhy is this set to resolved? It is not ??
I have found a problem with All in one SEO. Their Twitter:Card declaration is interfering with the card statement of this plugin..
Now I have to find a way to resolve this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JM Twitter Cards] Twitter does not pickup the Featured ImageWell, the twitterbot line in the Robots.txt is in.
Images are below 1MB..Summary is validated, I changed your plugin to summary.
Still no go..
One thing seems odd.. Even when I change your card option from summary to Large, the validator does not change.No caching plugins are active.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JM Twitter Cards] Twitter does not pickup the Featured ImageLet me add something:
I also use a plugin called NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster.
This also posts to twitter, that plugin DOES include the image.So the back-end, images and rights should all be ok I guess?
Thanks for your time, its apreciated! Merci ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [JM Twitter Cards] Twitter does not pickup the Featured ImageThanks for your reply.
I did check that possible issue. I thought I had that tackled, but could be wrong.
– I enabled it in your plugin.
– I have the following robots.txt:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /clients/
Disallow: /eigenhaard/UserAgent: TwitterBot
Still no go..
I resolved the issue after adding the code to wp-config.
The error I saw in wordpress is: “SKIPJS[0]…..” in my URL bar.
Furthermore my display directly showed a 403 permission error.This error was tough to solve.
The error does not occur with a normal twentyeleven theme. Therefore I thought I eliminated an error in the NGG plugin. I suspected there was a fault in my theme. I was proven wrong.
I can reproduce the error very easy, so if you need help, let me know on: [ redacted, support is offered via the forum and not email ]
Using version 1.9.12
Theme: Premium theme called Artemis from Themeforest.Operating System : WINNT (32 Bit)
Server : Microsoft-IIS/7.5
Memory usage : 14.77 MByte
MYSQL Version : 5.5.20
SQL Mode : Not set
PHP Version : 5.4.8
PHP Safe Mode : Off
PHP Allow URL fopen : On
PHP Memory Limit : 128
PHP Max Upload Size : 20M
PHP Max Post Size : 8M
PCRE Backtracking Limit : 500000
PHP Max Script Execute Time : 300s
PHP Exif support : Yes ( V1.4 )
PHP IPTC support : Yes
PHP XML support : YesGraphic Library
GD Version : bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support : Yes
FreeType Linkage : with freetype
T1Lib Support : No
GIF Read Support : Yes
GIF Create Support : Yes
JPEG Support : Yes
PNG Support : Yes
WBMP Support : Yes
XPM Support : No
XBM Support : Yes
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : NoForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't edit any pages or posts after 3.5 everything is blank?Add one line to the WP_Config.php.. Worked for me:
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
Add that line right before:
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
Not my solution, I just found it somewhere..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 3.5 Update will not allow page edit & wordcount is 0Hero .. this works ??
Hi Heritz,
It worked, thanks !! Im happy again!
Hey Nick,
This worked for me:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Comment Auto Responder] WP Auto Responderhey Bbokac,
Thanks for the great solution!
The Netherlands.Hey Nick,
I am having the exact same issue!
any luck for you yet?
Hi MicroBerto,
I have the same issue. Juggernaut is removing captions and Alignments on images for me.
What can be done here?
Ik have the same issue. Any Solutions yet?