Forum Replies Created
@wisdmlabs, yes thanks for your support. Who knows, this will be helpful to others in the future!
@duijnunder, dat is inderdaad een sterk toeval! Ook hier in NL is het allemaal prima te zien, alleen het laden duurt wat lang, maar dat kan aan mij liggen. Jij ook succes!
@Dujinunder: thanks, toch één van de eerste custom WC webshops. Jouw link lijkt voor mij niet te werken?
@wisdmlabs: I’ve got it fully working now, so I’m not going to switch to other themes, but what you suggest could be causing the problem. I’m using a custom made WordPress template in which I’ve integrated WooCommerce by using woocommerce_content(). I’ve disabled Woocommerce CSS.
I’m still hoping someone will get back to us with a decent solution, but try adding the code below to your Style.css, seems to fix it for me. The only issue I still encounter:
– When I select a size which is out of stock, it changes the big picture.
My code:
.thumbnails { height:90px; } .bx-wrapper { height:90px; } #slider_main_div li { display:none; } #slider_main_div li.pager { display:block; }
You were partially right, if I define a height in my style.css for the thumbnails class and the bx-wrapper class the thumbnails show. Problems that still persists:
– For a short period of time (1 sec) I can see the thumbnails of the extra images with a wight/height of about 125px, after that the ‘slider’ shows.
– The added images (besides the featured one) are displayed twice in the slider. If you slide to the right en back to the left, they are gone.Very strange problems, isn’t this plugin compatible with the new WC?