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And of course your answers were of help, now that I think of it, because if I hadn’t been looking around in those databases to check the wp_post tables, I wouldn’t have started to wonder if I was in the right one! So, yes, you were of help — I shouldn’t have acted like i figured it out all by myself!
I’m sorry! I restored to the wrong database. And when I kept checking it, I was looking again and again at the wrong database, seeing the posts, but not seeing them in the site. Dumb.
I wish I knew how to easily tell which database went with which of my ten or so domains, when I’m viewing them in myphpadmin. Since you’ve been nice enough to follow up, may I trouble you with this question: is there some easy place to do this? Obviously the way I did it was *not* the right way.
Thank you so much for your responsiveness! –Sandy
I figured it out. I’m hesitant to post publicly the silly mistake I made at 3 a.m.
Thank you so much for your help!
Yes, when I open one up, all my words are there in the “long text” field. Thanks for the reassurance! I’m imagining copy/pasting every post back in — oh, wow, it isn’t the posts, it’s the pages that will be the big pain.
Hey, is there not supposed to be a wp_pages in that DB like there’s a wp_posts? There’s not one!
Nope. Posts table is called wp_posts, and in config file, the table prefix is just wp. Any other ideas?
Thank you! I will look right now! Operating on very little sleep here, so I hope I can manage it.
Yes, I had to reinstall WP — well, maybe I didn’t have to, maybe I did that too soon, but that’s what I did. Could not log in at all until after I did the reinstall of WP. Now I can.
Yes, same version, 2.9.1, in same directory. I used Simple Scripts for that, from my host cpanel.
Nope, no categories.
It’s just such a mystery to me, to see that SQL database table all populated with my stuff, in the right place, and yet not have any of it show up in the site itself, either back end or front end.
Any ideas? Thank you for trying! –Sandy
No drafts, even, to answer specifically. Gosh, I wish I’d seen this when you posted two hours ago. For some reason it didn’t alert me until now, and it’s way past bedtime for a middle-aged broad like me! I’ll check back tomorrow — hope to hear something. Thanks! –Sandy
No moving, no hull breach. Option 4, which you were kind enough not to mention: operator error. (me)
I was trying out a bunch of themes rapidly behind the scenes with the Maintenance Mode plugin activated, and suddenly I was getting a blank page for the main domain and the wp-login and wp-admin urls.
I tried a few things and inadvertantly f***ed up enough that I did a reinstall of WP, thinking I could use my backup.
Posts are nowhere to be found in the admin of WP at all — only can see that they are in the SQL DB. Is there hope?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My site for established direct-mail newsletters looks amateurish to meSteve, thank you so much! I can see that those small changes would add up to really professionalize the look of the site. I had been trying to keep the site looking like our print newsletters (two colors, black and green, on white paper), but really, I think that the site can have its own look and actually it’s probably time to update the print publications anyway. And that color scheme generator is really great! Thanks again SO much. –Sandy
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My site for established direct-mail newsletters looks amateurish to meThank you both so much. Actually it is only two fonts (one serif, one sans), but I guess it looks like more because of different colors, bold, italics, etc. and I can address that as well as the overly large font comment.
Anybody else? It’s such a funny thing — I do know a professional-looking site when I see one, but I just can’t figure out what to do to make mine one of the good kind!