thank you for a quick response, and sorry for my typos
i will look into it and try your code, but i think i will need more help to finish the project
my php knowlege is very basic
i don’t like dropdown list very much, i was thinking about a horizontal menu list
would that be something like this?
<div id="attachment-tag">
<ul name="tag_value">
<li value="">-- All Tag Values --</li>
<li value="california">california</li>
<li value="boden-canyon">Boden Canyon</li>
<li value="another">another</li>
[mla_gallery attachment_tag="{+request:tag_value+}" mla_caption="{+title+}" mla_link_href="{+site_url+}?page_id=893¤t_id={+attachment_ID+}&attachment_tag={+query:attachment_tag+}"]