Forum Replies Created
Hi @wpmu DEV
Can you please check now yesterday i was testing something so that i was removed the theme my login short code no i have set the theme my login register form in pop up and i am very soory for yesterdays inconvenience
please check now i was testing with contact form now pop is displaying with register form
@wpmu DEV
thanks for your reply in hope you will help to resolve this cuurently i am using theme-my-login plugin Version 1.0.1 and wordpress popup plugin Version website link :- my website link
this pop will come automatically if you are not logged in the web site if you close the pop some time you need clear the browser cache to load the popup repeat.
after click on register button form is not processing for register user
you can check the normal registration on site i want this functionality through the popup
normal registration:- normal registration
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] register short code not working in pop upsoory i am using wordpress popup plugin insted of light box plugin
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MDTF - Meta Data and Taxonomies Filter] Plugin not workingok thanks for your replay one more question do you have any idea about how to filter product by posted date.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MDTF - Meta Data and Taxonomies Filter] Blank screen when filteringHi i configured this plugin as per your video but when search the result its shows 2 fount but in drop down list it every category show product.
i have tried with short code method in header still not working