Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TrackShip for WooCommerce] Undefined variable $nonceThat seems to have fixed it, thanks @brijesh353
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TrackShip for WooCommerce] Undefined variable $nonceHi @gaurav1092, where do I see the trackship account details on the wordpress dashboard? Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TrackShip for WooCommerce] Undefined variable $nonceI am still seeing this error in my log file.
Hi @eri32s98 the ticket is #7519516
@eri32s98 I tried that exact sequence that you suggested, still tells me that I am not logged in. I am able to access the other account areas just fine.
Hi @eri32s98, I tried the contact form link you sent, it says “You are not logged in. Please login now with your account so we can best support you.” After I click on the link and login, it returns me to the exact same page asking me to login ??
Thanks for investigating! Your solution worked ??
I installed 12.9. Though the thank you formatting has changed, the image is still broken.
Error Details An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 27 of the file /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/Common/Contracts/Container.php. Error message: Uncaught TEC\Common\Exceptions\Not_Bound_Exception: Error while making Tribe\Extensions\EventsControl\Service_Provider: class tad_DI52_ServiceProvider not found. in /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/Common/Contracts/Container.php:27
Stack trace: 0 /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/vendor/vendor-prefixed/lucatume/di52/src/Container.php(453): TEC\Common\Contracts\Container->get() 1 /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/Tribe/Container.php(305): TEC\Common\lucatume\DI52\Container->register() 2 /wp-content/plugins/tribe-ext-events-control/tribe-ext-events-control.php(136): tribe_register_provider() 3 /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/Tribe/Extension.php(206): Tribe\Extensions\EventsControl\Main->init() 4 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): Tribe__Extension->register() 5 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters() 6 /wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action() 7 /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/Tribe/Main.php(687): do_action() 8 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): Tribe__Main->tribe_plugins_loaded() 9 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters() 10 /wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action() 11 /wp-settings.php(486): do_action() 12 /wp-config.php(98): require_once('…') 13 /wp-load.php(50): require_once('…') 14 /wp-login.php(12): require('…') 15 {main} thrownForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple History – Track, Log, and Audit WordPress Changes] Admin Chart stuckI dug a little more into this issue by installing the “Transients Manager” plugin. It looks like the transients set by Simple History were set to persistent, and not getting cleared when I uninstalled the plugin. I uninstalled Simple History, cleared the transients using Transients Manager and reinstalled Simple History. The problem is fixed now – the correct number of events are shown by the sidebar stats and the new Simple History transients have a 1 hour expiry.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Shrik.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple History – Track, Log, and Audit WordPress Changes] Admin Chart stuckNo, no errors in the console. A few warnings which I presume are unrelated {“This page uses the non standard property “zoom”.} and {downloadable font: no supported format found}
I uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled it after a few days, curiously still getting the exact same message on the blank chart {2582 events have been logged the last 28 days.}
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.] Bot trafficThanks, @tsteur . I added the plugin you suggested, and will keep an eye for unusual traffic in future. This bot surge came from a variety of IPs and user agents to a number of different URLs on my site, all of which have page names.
These bots showing up in the traffic does not have any effect on the website performance or business goals for this site. I will try the different actions you have suggested – thank you so much for your support!
Thank you, @eskapism that was quick! I can confirm that the columns are of equal widths in 2.42.0 ??
Thanks, @tsteur . It has been a week since I made the change you suggested, and I have not seen the issue recur. Marking this thread as resolved.
Hullo @tsteur ! I went and clicked “Archive reports” as you requested, after clicking there was error showed by the dashboard nor any addition to the PHP log file. System report pasted below
# Matomo
* Matomo Plugin Version: 4.2.0
* Config exists and is writable.: Yes (“$ABSPATH/wp-content/uploads/matomo/config/config.ini.php” )
* JS Tracker exists and is writable.: Yes (“$ABSPATH/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js” )
* Plugin directories: Yes ([{“pluginsPathAbsolute”:”$ABSPATH\/wp-content\/plugins\/matomo\/plugins”,”webrootDirRelativeToMatomo”:”..\/”}])
* Tmp directory writable: Yes ($ABSPATH/wp-content/cache/matomo)
* Matomo Version: 4.2.1
* Matomo Blog idSite: 1
* Matomo Install Version: No
* Upgrades outstanding: No
* Upgrade in progress: No## Endpoints
* Matomo JavaScript Tracker URL: ($site_url/wp-content/uploads/matomo/matomo.js)
* Matomo JavaScript Tracker – WP Rest API: ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)
* Matomo HTTP Tracking API: ($site_url/wp-content/plugins/matomo/app/matomo.php)
* Matomo HTTP Tracking API – WP Rest API: ($site_url/wp-json/matomo/v1/hit/)## Crons
* Server time: 2021-03-30 03:44:07
* Blog time: 2021-03-30 09:14:07 (Below dates are shown in blog timezone)
* Sync users & sites: Next run: 2021-03-30 18:14:35 (9 hours 0 min) ( Last started: 2021-03-29 18:16:50 (-14 hours 57 min). Last ended: 2021-03-29 18:16:50 (-14 hours 57 min). Interval: daily)
* Archive: Next run: 2021-03-30 09:14:35 (28s) ( Last started: 2021-03-30 08:14:39 (-59 min 28s). Last ended: 2021-03-30 08:14:43 (-59 min 24s). Interval: hourly)
* Update GeoIP DB: Next run: 2021-04-02 18:14:35 (3 days 9 hours) ( Last started: 2021-03-03 18:16:38 (-26 days 14 hours). Last ended: 2021-03-03 18:16:40 (-26 days 14 hours). Interval: matomo_monthly)## Mandatory checks
* PHP version >= : ok
* PDO extension: ok
* PDO\MYSQL extension: ok
* MYSQLI extension: ok
* Other required extensions: ok
* Required functions: ok
* Required PHP configuration (php.ini): ok
* Directories with write access: ok
* Directories with write access for Tag Manager: ok## Optional checks
* Tracker status: ok
* Memory limit: ok
* Time zone: ok
* Open URL: ok
* PageSpeed disabled: ok
* GD > 2.x + Freetype (graphics): ok
* Other extensions: ok
* Other functions: ok
* Filesystem: ok
* Last Successful Archiving Completion: ok
* Database abilities: ok
* Warning Max Packet Size: warning (It is recommended to configure a ‘max_allowed_packet’ size in your MySQL database of at least 64MB. Configured is currently 16MB. )
* Geolocation: ok
* Update over HTTPS: ok
* Writable JavaScript Tracker (“/matomo.js”): ok
* Supports Async Archiving: Yes
* Location provider ID: geoip2php
* Location provider available: Yes
* Location provider working: Yes
* Warning Proxy header: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (A proxy header is set which means you maybe need to configure a proxy header in the Advanced settings to make location reporting work. If the location in your reports is detected correctly, you can ignore this warning. Learn more:$DB_NAME/how-do-i-fix-the-proxy-header-warning-in-the-matomo-for-$DB_NAME-system-report/)
* Warning Proxy header: HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP (A proxy header is set which means you maybe need to configure a proxy header in the Advanced settings to make location reporting work. If the location in your reports is detected correctly, you can ignore this warning. Learn more:$DB_NAME/how-do-i-fix-the-proxy-header-warning-in-the-matomo-for-$DB_NAME-system-report/)
* Had visit in last 5 days: Yes## Matomo Settings
* Track mode: default
* Track codeposition: footer
* Track api endpoint: default
* Track js endpoint: default
* Last settings update: 1607417644
* Last tracking settings update: 1607417644
* Track noscript: Yes
* Track across alias: Yes
* Track heartbeat: 15
* Show get started page: 0
* Core version: 4.2.1
* Version history: 4.2.0, 4.1.3, 4.1.2, 4.1.1, 4.1.0## Logs
* Warning archive_main: 2021-03-28 15:14:58 (2 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors. => CronArchive.php:605; CronArchive.php:598; CronArchive.php:264; Access.php:673; CronArchive.php:268; ScheduledTasks.php:288; class-wp-hook.php:290; class-wp-hook.php:316; plugin.php:551; wp-cron.php:138;)
* Warning archive_errors: 2021-03-28 15:14:58 (‘Got invalid response from API request: ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=month&date=2021-03-01&format=json&trigger=archivephp. The response was empty. This usually means a server error. A solution to this error is generally to increase the value of \’memory_limit\’ in your php.ini file. For more information and the error message please check in your PHP CLI error log file. As this core:archive command triggers PHP processes over the CLI, you can find where PHP CLI logs are stored by running this command: php -i | grep error_log’ ‘Error unserializing the following response from ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=month&date=2021-03-01&format=json&trigger=archivephp: \’\” ‘2 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors.’ => ScheduledTasks.php:301; class-wp-hook.php:290; class-wp-hook.php:316; plugin.php:551; wp-cron.php:138;)
* Warning archive_main: 2021-03-28 22:15:16 (2 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors. => CronArchive.php:605; CronArchive.php:598; CronArchive.php:264; Access.php:673; CronArchive.php:268; ScheduledTasks.php:288; class-wp-hook.php:290; class-wp-hook.php:316; plugin.php:551; wp-cron.php:138;)
* Warning archive_errors: 2021-03-28 22:15:16 (‘Got invalid response from API request: ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2021-03-28&format=json&trigger=archivephp. The response was empty. This usually means a server error. A solution to this error is generally to increase the value of \’memory_limit\’ in your php.ini file. For more information and the error message please check in your PHP CLI error log file. As this core:archive command triggers PHP processes over the CLI, you can find where PHP CLI logs are stored by running this command: php -i | grep error_log’ ‘Error unserializing the following response from ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2021-03-28&format=json&trigger=archivephp: \’\” ‘2 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors.’ => ScheduledTasks.php:301; class-wp-hook.php:290; class-wp-hook.php:316; plugin.php:551; wp-cron.php:138;)
* Warning archive_main: 2021-03-29 16:14:56 (2 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors. => CronArchive.php:605; CronArchive.php:598; CronArchive.php:264; Access.php:673; CronArchive.php:268; ScheduledTasks.php:288; class-wp-hook.php:290; class-wp-hook.php:316; plugin.php:551; wp-cron.php:138;)
* Warning archive_errors: 2021-03-29 16:14:56 (‘Got invalid response from API request: ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2021-03-29&format=json&trigger=archivephp. The response was empty. This usually means a server error. A solution to this error is generally to increase the value of \’memory_limit\’ in your php.ini file. For more information and the error message please check in your PHP CLI error log file. As this core:archive command triggers PHP processes over the CLI, you can find where PHP CLI logs are stored by running this command: php -i | grep error_log’ ‘Error unserializing the following response from ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2021-03-29&format=json&trigger=archivephp: \’\” ‘2 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors.’ => ScheduledTasks.php:301; class-wp-hook.php:290; class-wp-hook.php:316; plugin.php:551; wp-cron.php:138;)# WordPress
* Home URL: $site_url
* Site URL: $site_url
* WordPress Version: 5.7
* Number of blogs: 1
* Multisite Enabled: No
* Network Enabled: No
* Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
* Possibly uses symlink: No
* Compatible content directory: Yes# WordPress Plugins
* Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.9
* Disable Cart Fragments: 1.21
* Ecommerce Order Tracking and Shipment Notifications – AfterShip: 1.10.5
* Error Log Monitor: 1.7
* Facebook for WooCommerce: 2.3.3
* Ghost Kit: 2.18.1
* Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer: 1.4.7
* LiteSpeed Cache: 3.6.4
* Matomo Analytics – Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.: 4.2.0
* Post SMTP: 2.0.22
* Razorpay for WooCommerce: 2.6.0
* Simple History: 2.41.2
* Storefront Powerpack: 1.5.0
* The SEO Framework: 4.1.3
* UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore: 1.16.50
* User Switching: 1.5.6 (Network enabled)
* WooCommerce: 5.1.0
* WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway: 2.1.1
* WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips: 2.8.2
* WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: 5.0.0
* WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher:
* Wordfence Security: 7.5.2 (Network enabled)
* WP Offload Media Lite: 2.5.3 (Network enabled)
* Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.1.2
* Active Plugins: 23 (error-log-monitor aftership-woocommerce-tracking akismet amazon-s3-and-cloudfront autodescription disable-cart-fragments facebook-for-woocommerce ghostkit kadence-woocommerce-email-designer litespeed-cache matomo post-smtp simple-history storefront-powerpack updraftplus user-switching woo-razorpay woocommerce-currency-switcher woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout woocommerce-gateway-stripe woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips woocommerce wordfence)
* Theme: storefront (storefront-child-theme-master)# Server
* Server Info: LiteSpeed
* PHP OS: Linux
* PHP Version: 7.4.15
* PHP SAPI: litespeed
* PHP Error Reporting: 0 After bootstrap: 0
* PHP Found Binary: php -q
* Timezone: UTC
* WP timezone: Asia/Kolkata
* Locale: en_US
* User Locale: en_US
* Memory Limit: 256M (At least 128MB recommended. Depending on your traffic 256MB or more may be needed.)
* WP Memory Limit: 40M
* WP Max Memory Limit: 256M
* Timezone version: 2020.4
* Time: 1617075847
* Max Execution Time: 120
* Max Post Size: 40M
* Max Upload Size: 41943040
* Max Input Vars: 1000
* Disabled PHP functions: Yes (pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifcontinued,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_get_handler,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,pcntl_async_signals,pcntl_unshare,)
* zlib.output_compression is off: Yes
* Curl Version: 7.64.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1d
* Suhosin installed: No# Database
* MySQL Version: 5.5.5
* Mysqli Connect: Yes
* Force MySQL over Mysqli: No
* DB Prefix: wp_
* DB CHARSET: utf8
* Uses Socket: No
* Uses IPv6: No
* Matomo tables found: 164
* Matomo users found: 1
* Matomo sites found: 1
* Required permissions: OK# Browser
* Browser: (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:87.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/87.0)
* Language: en-us,en