Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search EngineIt seems I figured out the what happened,
I specified the -q option in the sphinx.conf file but now i get following error
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ./searchd
Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)
Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Andrew Aksyonoffusing config file ‘/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf’…
listening on all interfaces, port=9312
WARNING: index ‘wp_main’: preload: failed to open /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_main.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING
WARNING: index ‘wp_delta’: preload: failed to open /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_delta.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]#Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search EngineI generrated new config file through the configuration wizard and skip the installation step,finish the configuration wizard but still same result. My sphinx.conf is as follows:
ini_set(‘short_open_tag’, 0);
# WARNING: it is not original sphinx.conf – this file adopted to sphinx
# which installed by wordpress Sphinx Search plugin.
# Don’t use this file as example of sphinx configuration,
# better visit the official doc page at
##########################source wp_main_posts
type = mysql
sql_host = <?php echo DB_HOST.”\n”?>
sql_user = <?php echo DB_USER.”\n”?>
sql_pass = <?php echo DB_PASSWORD.”\n”?>
sql_db = <?php echo DB_NAME.”\n”?>sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
sql_query_pre = REPLACE INTO <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter SELECT 1, MAX(id) FROM wp_posts
sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(id),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=1 ) FROM wp_posts
sql_range_step = 1000sql_query = select \
p.ID*2+1 as ID, \
0 as comment_ID,\
p.ID as post_ID,\
p.post_title as title, \
p.post_content as body, \ as category, \
IF(p.post_type = ‘post’, 1, 0) as isPost, \
0 as isComment, \
IF(p.post_type = ‘page’, 1, 0) as isPage, \
IF(p.post_type = ‘post’, 0, IF(p.post_type = ‘page’, 1, 2)) as post_type, \
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS date_added \
from \
wp_posts as p \
left join \
wp_term_relationships tr on (p.ID = tr.object_id) \
left join \
wp_term_taxonomy tt on (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id and tt.taxonomy = ‘category’) \
left join \
wp_terms t on (tt.term_id = t.term_id) \
where \>=$start AND<=$end and \
p.post_status = ‘publish’ \
group by p.IDsql_attr_uint = comment_ID
sql_attr_uint = post_ID
sql_attr_uint = isPost
sql_attr_uint = isPage
sql_attr_uint = isComment
sql_attr_uint = post_type
sql_attr_timestamp = date_added
}source wp_main_comments
type = mysql
sql_host = <?php echo DB_HOST.”\n”?>
sql_user = <?php echo DB_USER.”\n”?>
sql_pass = <?php echo DB_PASSWORD.”\n”?>
sql_db = <?php echo DB_NAME.”\n”?>sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
sql_query_pre = REPLACE INTO <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter SELECT 2, MAX(comment_id) FROM wp_comments
sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(comment_id),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=2 ) FROM wp_comments
sql_range_step = 1000sql_query = select \
c.comment_ID*2 as ID, \
c.comment_ID as comment_ID,\
c.comment_post_ID as post_ID,\
” as title, \
c.comment_content as body, \
” as category, \
0 as isPost, \
1 as isComment, \
0 as isPage, \
2 as post_type, \
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) AS date_added \
from \
wp_comments as c \
where \
c.comment_id>=$start AND c.comment_id<=$end and \
c.comment_approved = ‘1’;sql_attr_uint = comment_ID
sql_attr_uint = post_ID
sql_attr_uint = isPost
sql_attr_uint = isPage
sql_attr_uint = isComment
sql_attr_uint = post_type
sql_attr_timestamp = date_added
}source wp_delta_posts : wp_main_posts
sql_query_range = SELECT ( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter where counter_id = 1 ), MAX(id) FROM wp_posts
sql_range_step = 1000
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8sql_query = select \
p.ID*2+1 as ID, \
0 as comment_ID,\
p.ID as post_ID,\
p.post_title as title, \
p.post_content as body, \ as category, \
IF(p.post_type = ‘post’, 1, 0) as isPost, \
0 as isComment, \
IF(p.post_type = ‘page’, 1, 0) as isPage, \
IF(p.post_type = ‘post’, 0, IF(p.post_type = ‘page’, 1, 2)) as post_type, \
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS date_added \
from \
wp_posts as p \
left join \
wp_term_relationships tr on (p.ID = tr.object_id) \
left join \
wp_term_taxonomy tt on (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id and tt.taxonomy = ‘category’) \
left join \
wp_terms t on (tt.term_id = t.term_id) \
where \>$start AND<=$end and \
p.post_status = ‘publish’ \
group by p.ID ;
}source wp_delta_comments : wp_main_comments
sql_query_range = SELECT ( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter where counter_id = 2 ), MAX(comment_id) FROM wp_comments
sql_range_step = 1000
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8sql_query = select \
c.comment_ID*2 as ID, \
c.comment_ID as comment_ID,\
c.comment_post_ID as post_ID,\
” as title, \
c.comment_content as body, \
” as category, \
0 as isPost, \
1 as isComment, \
0 as isPage, \
2 as post_type, \
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) AS date_added \
from \
wp_comments as c \
where \
c.comment_id>$start AND c.comment_id<=$end and \
c.comment_approved = ‘1’;
}index wp_main
source = wp_main_posts
source = wp_main_comments
path = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_main
docinfo = extern
morphology = stem_enru
html_strip = 1
charset_type = utf-8
charset_table = 0..9,U+41..U+5a->U+61..U+7a, U+61..U+7a, U+aa, U+b5, U+ba, U+c0..U+d6->U+e0..U+f6, U+d8..U+de->U+f8..U+fe, U+df..U+f6, U+f8..U+ff, U+100..U+12f/2, U+130->U+69, U+131, U+132..U+137/2, U+138, U+139..U+148/2, U+149, U+14a..U+177/2, U+178->U+ff, U+179..U+17e/2, U+17f..U+180, U+181->U+253, U+182..U+185/2, U+186->U+254, U+187..U+188/2, U+189..U+18a->U+256..U+257, U+18b..U+18c/2, U+18d, U+18e->U+1dd, U+18f->U+259, U+190->U+25b, U+191..U+192/2, U+193->U+260, U+194->U+263, U+195, U+196->U+269, U+197->U+268, U+198..U+199/2, U+19a..U+19b, U+19c->U+26f, U+19d->U+272, U+19e, U+19f->U+275, U+1a0..U+1a5/2, U+1a6->U+280, U+1a7..U+1a8/2, U+1a9->U+283, U+1aa..U+1ab, U+1ac..U+1ad/2, U+1ae->U+288, U+1af..U+1b0/2, U+1b1..U+1b2->U+28a..U+28b, U+1b3..U+1b6/2, U+1b7->U+292, U+1b8..U+1b9/2, U+1ba..U+1bb, U+1bc..U+1bd/2, U+1be..U+1c3, U+1c4->U+1c6, U+1c5..U+1c6/2, U+1c7->U+1c9, U+1c8..U+1c9/2, U+1ca->U+1cc, U+1cb..U+1dc/2, U+1dd, U+1de..U+1ef/2, U+1f0, U+1f1->U+1f3, U+1f2..U+1f5/2, U+1f6->U+195, U+1f7->U+1bf, U+1f8..U+21f/2, U+220->U+19e, U+221, U+222..U+233/2, U+234..U+23a, U+23b..U+23c/2, U+23d->U+19a, U+23e..U+240, U+241->U+294, U+250..U+2c1, U+2c6..U+2d1, U+2e0..U+2e4, U+2ee, U+37a, U+386..U+389->U+3ac..U+3af, U+38c..U+38e->U+3cc..U+3ce, U+390, U+391..U+3a1->U+3b1..U+3c1, U+3a3..U+3ab->U+3c3..U+3cb, U+3ac..U+3ce, U+3d0..U+3d7, U+3d8..U+3ef/2, U+3f0..U+3f3, U+3f4->U+3b8, U+3f5, U+3f7..U+3f8/2, U+3f9->U+3f2, U+3fa..U+3fb/2, U+3fc..U+3ff, U+400..U+40f->U+450..U+45f, U+410..U+42f->U+430..U+44f, U+430..U+45f, U+460..U+481/2, U+48a..U+4bf/2, U+4c0, U+4c1..U+4ce/2, U+4d0..U+4f9/2, U+500..U+50f/2, U+531..U+556->U+561..U+586, U+559, U+561..U+587, U+5d0..U+5ea, U+5f0..U+5f2, U+621..U+63a, U+640..U+64a, U+66e..U+66f, U+671..U+6d3, U+6d5, U+6e5..U+6e6, U+6ee..U+6ef, U+6fa..U+6fc, U+6ff, U+e01..U+e30, U+e32..U+e33, U+e40..U+e46, U+e81..U+e82, U+e84, U+e87..U+e88, U+e8a, U+e8d, U+e94..U+e97, U+e99..U+e9f, U+ea1..U+ea3, U+ea5, U+ea7, U+eaa..U+eab, U+ead..U+eb0, U+eb2..U+eb3, U+ebd, U+ec0..U+ec4, U+ec6, U+edc..U+edd, U+1000..U+1021, U+1023..U+1027, U+1029..U+102a, U+1050..U+1055, U+10a0..U+10c5->U+2d00..U+2d25, U+10d0..U+10fa, U+10fc, U+2d00..U+2d25, U+1d00..U+1dbf, U+1e00..U+1e95/2, U+1e96..U+1e9b, U+1ea0..U+1ef9/2, U+3005..U+3006, U+3031..U+3035, U+303b..U+303c, U+3041..U+3096, U+309d..U+309f, U+30a1..U+30fa, U+30fc..U+30ff, U+31f0..U+31ff}
index wp_delta : wp_main
source = wp_delta_posts
source = wp_delta_comments
path = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_delta
}index wp_
type = distributed
local = wp_main
local = wp_delta
mem_limit = 32M
port = 9312
read_timeout = 5
max_children = 30
pid_file = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/
max_matches = 1000
log = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/searchd.log
query_log = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/query.log
}# –eof–
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search EngineNo use sir still getting the error:
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ./searchd -c ../sphinx.conf
Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)
Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Andrew Aksyonoffusing config file ‘../sphinx.conf’…
ERROR: invalid section type ‘X-Powered-By’ in ../sphinx.conf line 1 col 13.
ERROR: invalid section type ‘X-Powered-By’ in ../sphinx.conf line 1 col 1.
FATAL: failed to parse config file ‘../sphinx.conf’
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]#Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search Engineroot@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ./searchd -c sphinx.conf
Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)
Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Andrew Aksyonoffusing config file ‘sphinx.conf’…
FATAL: failed to parse config file ‘sphinx.conf’
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]#Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search Engineroot@dawnarchive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ./s earchd
Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)
Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Andrew Aksyonoffusing config file ‘/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/etc/sphi nx.conf’…
ERROR: invalid section type ‘X-Powered-By’ in /home/archives/public_html/wp-cont ent/uploads/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf line 1 col 13.
ERROR: invalid section type ‘X-Powered-By’ in /home/archives/public_html/wp-cont ent/uploads/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf line 1 col 1.
FATAL: failed to parse config file ‘/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/upload s/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf’
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]#Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search Engineplease see the result:
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ls -la
total 22480
drwxr-xr-x 2 archives archives 4096 Feb 3 03:15 ./
drwxr-xr-x 7 archives archives 4096 Feb 3 05:58 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4549671 Feb 3 03:15 indexer*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4367213 Feb 3 03:15 indextool*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4419044 Feb 3 03:15 search*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 5280142 Feb 3 03:15 searchd*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4322645 Feb 3 03:15 spelldump*
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# searchd
-bash: searchd: command not found
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# search
Usage: grep [OPTION]… PATTERN [FILE]…
Try `grep –help’ for more information.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search EngineYes sure why not please have a look at following result:
root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ls -la
total 22480
drwxr-xr-x 2 archives archives 4096 Feb 3 03:15 ./
drwxr-xr-x 7 archives archives 4096 Feb 3 05:58 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4549671 Feb 3 03:15 indexer*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4367213 Feb 3 03:15 indextool*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4419044 Feb 3 03:15 search*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 5280142 Feb 3 03:15 searchd*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4322645 Feb 3 03:15 spelldump*Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search EngineDoes /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/searchd
exist?Yes it exists when i ran other files of this folder like “search” it executes normally but searchd didn’t.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search EngineWhat is the plugin version?
The Plugin version is 2.1
Try to run this command with superuser privileges:
I ran the command with root , having superuser privileges
Did you try to run ‘Configuration Wizard’ to install Sphinx?
Yes i try it through Configuration Wizard
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sphinx Search EngineI tried to use sphinx search for my website but i am unable to run sphinx search server through wordpress it gives me following error:
“Can not start searchd, try to start it manually.
Command: /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/searchd –config /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf”and when i tried to run it manually on my Centos machine it said command not found.