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  • It seems I figured out the what happened,

    I specified the -q option in the sphinx.conf file but now i get following error

    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ./searchd
    Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)
    Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Andrew Aksyonoff

    using config file ‘/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf’…
    listening on all interfaces, port=9312
    WARNING: index ‘wp_main’: preload: failed to open /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_main.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING
    WARNING: index ‘wp_delta’: preload: failed to open /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_delta.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING
    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]#

    I generrated new config file through the configuration wizard and skip the installation step,finish the configuration wizard but still same result. My sphinx.conf is as follows:

    ini_set(‘short_open_tag’, 0);
    # WARNING: it is not original sphinx.conf – this file adopted to sphinx
    # which installed by wordpress Sphinx Search plugin.
    # Don’t use this file as example of sphinx configuration,
    # better visit the official doc page at

    source wp_main_posts
    type = mysql
    sql_host = <?php echo DB_HOST.”\n”?>
    sql_user = <?php echo DB_USER.”\n”?>
    sql_pass = <?php echo DB_PASSWORD.”\n”?>
    sql_db = <?php echo DB_NAME.”\n”?>

    sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
    sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
    sql_query_pre = REPLACE INTO <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter SELECT 1, MAX(id) FROM wp_posts
    sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(id),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=1 ) FROM wp_posts
    sql_range_step = 1000

    sql_query = select \
    p.ID*2+1 as ID, \
    0 as comment_ID,\
    p.ID as post_ID,\
    p.post_title as title, \
    p.post_content as body, \ as category, \
    IF(p.post_type = ‘post’, 1, 0) as isPost, \
    0 as isComment, \
    IF(p.post_type = ‘page’, 1, 0) as isPage, \
    IF(p.post_type = ‘post’, 0, IF(p.post_type = ‘page’, 1, 2)) as post_type, \
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS date_added \
    from \
    wp_posts as p \
    left join \
    wp_term_relationships tr on (p.ID = tr.object_id) \
    left join \
    wp_term_taxonomy tt on (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id and tt.taxonomy = ‘category’) \
    left join \
    wp_terms t on (tt.term_id = t.term_id) \
    where \>=$start AND<=$end and \
    p.post_status = ‘publish’ \
    group by p.ID

    sql_attr_uint = comment_ID
    sql_attr_uint = post_ID
    sql_attr_uint = isPost
    sql_attr_uint = isPage
    sql_attr_uint = isComment
    sql_attr_uint = post_type
    sql_attr_timestamp = date_added

    source wp_main_comments
    type = mysql
    sql_host = <?php echo DB_HOST.”\n”?>
    sql_user = <?php echo DB_USER.”\n”?>
    sql_pass = <?php echo DB_PASSWORD.”\n”?>
    sql_db = <?php echo DB_NAME.”\n”?>

    sql_port = 3306 # optional, default is 3306
    sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
    sql_query_pre = REPLACE INTO <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter SELECT 2, MAX(comment_id) FROM wp_comments
    sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(comment_id),( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter WHERE counter_id=2 ) FROM wp_comments
    sql_range_step = 1000

    sql_query = select \
    c.comment_ID*2 as ID, \
    c.comment_ID as comment_ID,\
    c.comment_post_ID as post_ID,\
    ” as title, \
    c.comment_content as body, \
    ” as category, \
    0 as isPost, \
    1 as isComment, \
    0 as isPage, \
    2 as post_type, \
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) AS date_added \
    from \
    wp_comments as c \
    where \
    c.comment_id>=$start AND c.comment_id<=$end and \
    c.comment_approved = ‘1’;

    sql_attr_uint = comment_ID
    sql_attr_uint = post_ID
    sql_attr_uint = isPost
    sql_attr_uint = isPage
    sql_attr_uint = isComment
    sql_attr_uint = post_type
    sql_attr_timestamp = date_added

    source wp_delta_posts : wp_main_posts
    sql_query_range = SELECT ( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter where counter_id = 1 ), MAX(id) FROM wp_posts
    sql_range_step = 1000
    sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8

    sql_query = select \
    p.ID*2+1 as ID, \
    0 as comment_ID,\
    p.ID as post_ID,\
    p.post_title as title, \
    p.post_content as body, \ as category, \
    IF(p.post_type = ‘post’, 1, 0) as isPost, \
    0 as isComment, \
    IF(p.post_type = ‘page’, 1, 0) as isPage, \
    IF(p.post_type = ‘post’, 0, IF(p.post_type = ‘page’, 1, 2)) as post_type, \
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS date_added \
    from \
    wp_posts as p \
    left join \
    wp_term_relationships tr on (p.ID = tr.object_id) \
    left join \
    wp_term_taxonomy tt on (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id and tt.taxonomy = ‘category’) \
    left join \
    wp_terms t on (tt.term_id = t.term_id) \
    where \>$start AND<=$end and \
    p.post_status = ‘publish’ \
    group by p.ID ;

    source wp_delta_comments : wp_main_comments
    sql_query_range = SELECT ( SELECT max_doc_id FROM <?php echo $table_prefix?>sph_counter where counter_id = 2 ), MAX(comment_id) FROM wp_comments
    sql_range_step = 1000
    sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8

    sql_query = select \
    c.comment_ID*2 as ID, \
    c.comment_ID as comment_ID,\
    c.comment_post_ID as post_ID,\
    ” as title, \
    c.comment_content as body, \
    ” as category, \
    0 as isPost, \
    1 as isComment, \
    0 as isPage, \
    2 as post_type, \
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) AS date_added \
    from \
    wp_comments as c \
    where \
    c.comment_id>$start AND c.comment_id<=$end and \
    c.comment_approved = ‘1’;

    index wp_main
    source = wp_main_posts
    source = wp_main_comments
    path = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_main
    docinfo = extern
    morphology = stem_enru
    html_strip = 1
    charset_type = utf-8
    charset_table = 0..9,U+41..U+5a->U+61..U+7a, U+61..U+7a, U+aa, U+b5, U+ba, U+c0..U+d6->U+e0..U+f6, U+d8..U+de->U+f8..U+fe, U+df..U+f6, U+f8..U+ff, U+100..U+12f/2, U+130->U+69, U+131, U+132..U+137/2, U+138, U+139..U+148/2, U+149, U+14a..U+177/2, U+178->U+ff, U+179..U+17e/2, U+17f..U+180, U+181->U+253, U+182..U+185/2, U+186->U+254, U+187..U+188/2, U+189..U+18a->U+256..U+257, U+18b..U+18c/2, U+18d, U+18e->U+1dd, U+18f->U+259, U+190->U+25b, U+191..U+192/2, U+193->U+260, U+194->U+263, U+195, U+196->U+269, U+197->U+268, U+198..U+199/2, U+19a..U+19b, U+19c->U+26f, U+19d->U+272, U+19e, U+19f->U+275, U+1a0..U+1a5/2, U+1a6->U+280, U+1a7..U+1a8/2, U+1a9->U+283, U+1aa..U+1ab, U+1ac..U+1ad/2, U+1ae->U+288, U+1af..U+1b0/2, U+1b1..U+1b2->U+28a..U+28b, U+1b3..U+1b6/2, U+1b7->U+292, U+1b8..U+1b9/2, U+1ba..U+1bb, U+1bc..U+1bd/2, U+1be..U+1c3, U+1c4->U+1c6, U+1c5..U+1c6/2, U+1c7->U+1c9, U+1c8..U+1c9/2, U+1ca->U+1cc, U+1cb..U+1dc/2, U+1dd, U+1de..U+1ef/2, U+1f0, U+1f1->U+1f3, U+1f2..U+1f5/2, U+1f6->U+195, U+1f7->U+1bf, U+1f8..U+21f/2, U+220->U+19e, U+221, U+222..U+233/2, U+234..U+23a, U+23b..U+23c/2, U+23d->U+19a, U+23e..U+240, U+241->U+294, U+250..U+2c1, U+2c6..U+2d1, U+2e0..U+2e4, U+2ee, U+37a, U+386..U+389->U+3ac..U+3af, U+38c..U+38e->U+3cc..U+3ce, U+390, U+391..U+3a1->U+3b1..U+3c1, U+3a3..U+3ab->U+3c3..U+3cb, U+3ac..U+3ce, U+3d0..U+3d7, U+3d8..U+3ef/2, U+3f0..U+3f3, U+3f4->U+3b8, U+3f5, U+3f7..U+3f8/2, U+3f9->U+3f2, U+3fa..U+3fb/2, U+3fc..U+3ff, U+400..U+40f->U+450..U+45f, U+410..U+42f->U+430..U+44f, U+430..U+45f, U+460..U+481/2, U+48a..U+4bf/2, U+4c0, U+4c1..U+4ce/2, U+4d0..U+4f9/2, U+500..U+50f/2, U+531..U+556->U+561..U+586, U+559, U+561..U+587, U+5d0..U+5ea, U+5f0..U+5f2, U+621..U+63a, U+640..U+64a, U+66e..U+66f, U+671..U+6d3, U+6d5, U+6e5..U+6e6, U+6ee..U+6ef, U+6fa..U+6fc, U+6ff, U+e01..U+e30, U+e32..U+e33, U+e40..U+e46, U+e81..U+e82, U+e84, U+e87..U+e88, U+e8a, U+e8d, U+e94..U+e97, U+e99..U+e9f, U+ea1..U+ea3, U+ea5, U+ea7, U+eaa..U+eab, U+ead..U+eb0, U+eb2..U+eb3, U+ebd, U+ec0..U+ec4, U+ec6, U+edc..U+edd, U+1000..U+1021, U+1023..U+1027, U+1029..U+102a, U+1050..U+1055, U+10a0..U+10c5->U+2d00..U+2d25, U+10d0..U+10fa, U+10fc, U+2d00..U+2d25, U+1d00..U+1dbf, U+1e00..U+1e95/2, U+1e96..U+1e9b, U+1ea0..U+1ef9/2, U+3005..U+3006, U+3031..U+3035, U+303b..U+303c, U+3041..U+3096, U+309d..U+309f, U+30a1..U+30fa, U+30fc..U+30ff, U+31f0..U+31ff


    index wp_delta : wp_main
    source = wp_delta_posts
    source = wp_delta_comments
    path = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/data/wp_delta

    index wp_
    type = distributed
    local = wp_main
    local = wp_delta

    mem_limit = 32M

    port = 9312
    read_timeout = 5
    max_children = 30
    pid_file = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/
    max_matches = 1000
    log = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/searchd.log
    query_log = /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/var/log/query.log

    # –eof–

    No use sir still getting the error:

    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ./searchd -c ../sphinx.conf
    Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)
    Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Andrew Aksyonoff

    using config file ‘../sphinx.conf’…
    ERROR: invalid section type ‘X-Powered-By’ in ../sphinx.conf line 1 col 13.
    ERROR: invalid section type ‘X-Powered-By’ in ../sphinx.conf line 1 col 1.
    FATAL: failed to parse config file ‘../sphinx.conf’
    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]#

    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ./searchd -c sphinx.conf
    Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)
    Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Andrew Aksyonoff

    using config file ‘sphinx.conf’…
    FATAL: failed to parse config file ‘sphinx.conf’
    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]#

    root@dawnarchive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ./s earchd
    Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)
    Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Andrew Aksyonoff

    using config file ‘/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/etc/sphi nx.conf’…
    ERROR: invalid section type ‘X-Powered-By’ in /home/archives/public_html/wp-cont ent/uploads/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf line 1 col 13.
    ERROR: invalid section type ‘X-Powered-By’ in /home/archives/public_html/wp-cont ent/uploads/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf line 1 col 1.
    FATAL: failed to parse config file ‘/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/upload s/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf’
    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]#

    please see the result:

    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ls -la
    total 22480
    drwxr-xr-x 2 archives archives 4096 Feb 3 03:15 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 7 archives archives 4096 Feb 3 05:58 ../
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4549671 Feb 3 03:15 indexer*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4367213 Feb 3 03:15 indextool*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4419044 Feb 3 03:15 search*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 5280142 Feb 3 03:15 searchd*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4322645 Feb 3 03:15 spelldump*
    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# searchd
    -bash: searchd: command not found
    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# search
    Usage: grep [OPTION]… PATTERN [FILE]…
    Try `grep –help’ for more information.

    Yes sure why not please have a look at following result:

    root@archive [/home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin]# ls -la
    total 22480
    drwxr-xr-x 2 archives archives 4096 Feb 3 03:15 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 7 archives archives 4096 Feb 3 05:58 ../
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4549671 Feb 3 03:15 indexer*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4367213 Feb 3 03:15 indextool*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4419044 Feb 3 03:15 search*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 5280142 Feb 3 03:15 searchd*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 archives archives 4322645 Feb 3 03:15 spelldump*

    Does /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/searchd

    Yes it exists when i ran other files of this folder like “search” it executes normally but searchd didn’t.

    What is the plugin version?

    The Plugin version is 2.1

    Try to run this command with superuser privileges:

    I ran the command with root , having superuser privileges

    Did you try to run ‘Configuration Wizard’ to install Sphinx?

    Yes i try it through Configuration Wizard

    I tried to use sphinx search for my website but i am unable to run sphinx search server through wordpress it gives me following error:

    “Can not start searchd, try to start it manually.
    Command: /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/bin/searchd –config /home/archives/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx.conf”

    and when i tried to run it manually on my Centos machine it said command not found.

Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)