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We currently don’t have a way to do this in house. If someone comes up with a method, we’d be happy to hear it.
One thought is that you could pull the ics feed first.
Mark, sorry…
Hi Mike,
It appears that your event.min.js file is missing.
What version of the plugin are you running? If it’s not 1.8.3 the easiest fix should be to upgrade to the latest.
Hi, the plugin has a conflict with the facebook plugin. We are working on a fix right now, and it should be out soon.
Hi, sorry for the overly optimistic estimate earlier – we are still planning on implementing this function, but we haven’t been able to squeeze it in yet.
That’s probably the google map integration. It should work without this. If it’s not google maps, can you please post the error message?
Hi, I don’t see the upcoming events widget on there, did you take it off?
Hi Shawn,
I can’t replicate the google maps issue locally – I will add your blog to the ones that are having issues – thanks again for reporting
Thanks Shawn – I can replicate the Publish button issue and we’ve received other complaints about the map.
Hi, We uploaded a fix yesterday – if you delete your current installation (remove the folders indicated above) and reinstall 1.8, it should work.
Try the following:
1. delete wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar
2. delete wp-contetn/themes-ai1ecdownload the Premium version here
Install through upload.
This should solve all these issues.
Hi Rajman, it looks to be working now – did you fix it?
A couple of things to follow up on in this thread.
The issue that caused the permissions has been fixed in both the wordpress version and never existed in the premium version. Please upgrade and your site should work again.
The folder that has the theme files from 1.6 forward is wp-content/themes-ai1ec
For the dropdown menu, Javascript is crashing on load. The problem file seems to be loaded from It is preventing the rest of the javascript on the page from loading.
For the widget, there’s a conflict with your theme in this case. For some reason the column that contains your widget is cutting the hover off. I will ask one of my colleagues about this.
Hi, Can you please share a link?