Hello, I have a similar issue as the comment posted in this thread, I have 2 sites hosted with go daddy, my 2 wp sites are given by the hosting (there are other options but I have learned to use wp much better than CMS).
At these sites, if I go directly using the normal link of the site: https://www.lilithsrealm.biz <—one of the mentioned sites, if I try login or trying to edit, use dashboard,etc, the links simply don’t work, so if I need updating the sites or add new articles,ifo,etc, I firstly need login with the hosting link and from there going to the dashboard, if I don’t use the hosting link, it does not move, instead of that, all my added articles, files,etc run, they don’t fail.
I wouldn’t mind if these sites were just personal blogs but, I want these sites to allow people to join them and share ideas, I don’t consider proper to go and add manually each member, much less to give that member my hosting’s link, due to this issue and considering it could be a good option I even added the ‘profile builder plugging’, which unfortunately did not work either.
Please, what can I do?
My 2 sites are: https://www.english-spanish-services.biz and https://www.lilithsrealm.biz
I thank in advance any help on the issue!